
A comprehensive solution to optimize tourism packages, prices, resources, and budgets for startup companies. The project includes mathematical modeling, data analysis, optimization algorithms, database design, and AI-driven demand prediction.


Optimization of the Tourism Industry

Welcome to the Optimization of the Tourism Industry project! This repository contains the source code and documentation for a comprehensive solution designed to assist startup companies in the tourism sector. Our project includes the development of a mathematical model, data analysis, optimization algorithms, database design, and AI-driven demand prediction.

Table of Contents


This project aims to optimize various aspects of the tourism industry by creating a robust and efficient system that helps startup companies manage their operations effectively. We have implemented a range of solutions from mathematical modeling to AI-based predictions to address challenges in the industry.

Mathematical Model

We developed a mathematical model from scratch to address the problem of optimizing tourism packages, prices, resources, and budgets. This model is designed to:

  • Maximize the profit of the organization.

Data Collection and Preprocessing

Data was collected from various sources like Egypt Tour Portals Company, and some other resources including historical booking records, market research reports, and social media trends. The preprocessing steps included:

  • Data Cleaning: Removing duplicates, correcting errors, and handling missing values.
  • Data Transformation: Normalizing data and converting categorical variables into numerical formats.
  • Data Integration: Combining data from multiple sources to create a comprehensive dataset.

Data Analysis

Data analysis was performed using an Excel dashboard, which provided:

  • Descriptive Statistics: Summary statistics to understand the basic features of the data.
  • Trend Analysis: Identifying patterns and trends in booking behavior over time.
  • Visualization: Graphs and charts to visually represent data insights and trends.

Optimization Algorithms

Exact Solution

The model was solved using the PuLP library in Python to find the exact solution. This involved:

  • Defining the objective function and constraints based on the mathematical model.
  • Using Mixed Linear Integer programming techniques to find the solution.
  • Ensuring the solution meets all business requirements and constraints.

Meta-Heuristic Algorithms

To compare performance, we implemented meta-heuristic algorithms such as Genetic Algorithm and Ant Colony Optimization. These algorithms provided:

  • Alternative solutions when exact solutions are computationally expensive.
  • Flexible and adaptive approaches to find near-optimal solutions.
  • Comparative analysis to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of different algorithms.

Database Design

We designed an Entity-Relationship (ER) Schema to represent the data structure, which included:

  • ER Diagram (ERD): Visual representation of the data model and relationships.
  • SQL Queries: Converting the ERD into SQL scripts to create and manage the database.
  • Database Implementation: Using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS19) to implement the database.

User Interface

A user-friendly interface was developed using C# Windows Forms, allowing administrators to manage tourism packages, prices, resources, and budgets. Key features include:

  • Role-Based Access Control: Six different admin roles (Super Admin, Manager, Operation Admin, Sales Admin, Finance Admin, Deactivate).
  • Package Management: Create, update, and delete tourism packages.
  • Budget Management: Allocate and track budget across different packages.
  • Resource Management: Manage resources such as guides, vehicles, and accommodations.

AI Prediction Model

We created an AI prediction model to forecast the demand for tour packages from 2025 to 2028. The model considers the corresponding season, minimum and maximum demand of the package, and employs seven different machine learning models:

  • Gradient Boosting Regressor
  • Random Forest
  • Decision Tree
  • Neural Network
  • SVR (Support Vector Regressor)
  • Linear Regression
  • KNN (K-Nearest Neighbors)

A user-friendly GUI was developed using the Tkinter library in Python, enabling users to:

  • Enter information such as season, package details, and historical demand.
  • Obtain demand predictions with clear charts to understand the data.
  • Compare predictions from different models to choose the best fit.


Our project successfully demonstrated the optimization of the tourism industry, providing valuable insights and tools for startup companies. The key results include:

  • Effective resource and budget allocation using the mathematical model.
  • Comprehensive data analysis to understand market trends.
  • Performance comparison of optimization algorithms, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of each approach.
  • Accurate demand prediction using advanced machine learning models, aiding in strategic decision-making.


We welcome contributions from the community! If you are interested in improving this project, please fork the repository and submit a pull request with your changes. Contributions can include:

  • Enhancements to the mathematical model.
  • Improved data preprocessing and analysis techniques.
  • New optimization algorithms or improvements to existing ones.
  • Additional features for the user interface.
  • Refinements to the AI prediction model.