
Orochi is an interactive command line client for 8tracks.com.

GPL-3.0 License


Orochi – 8tracks.com client

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Orochi is a command line client for 8tracks.com <http://8tracks.com/>__ written in Python.

Yamata no Orochi (八岐の大蛇) is a legendary 8-headed and 8-tailed Japanese dragon. The name translates to "8-branched giant snake". I chose the name because it both refers to the number eight (as in 8tracks) and to snakes (as in Python).

.. figure:: http://i.imgur.com/UdiIM8k.png :alt: Illustration of Yamata no Orochi

*Image courtesy of Gustavo Araujo*


Using pip::

$ sudo pip install -U orochi

If you're an ArchLinux user, you can also install orochi <https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/orochi/>__ or orochi-git <https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/orochi-git/>__ from AUR::

$ yaourt -S orochi



  • Python 2.7+ and 3.3+
  • mplayer (at least r27665, released in 1.0rc3)


$ orochi

Available commands (main menu)::

    Syntax: search <searchterm>
    Search for a mix by keyword.
    You can then play a mix with the "play" command.
    Press enter to show next page results.
    Syntax: search <tag1>, <tag2>
    Search for a mix by tag(s), separated by comma.
    You can then play a mix with the "play" command.
    Press Enter to show next page results.
    Syntax: search <username>
    Search for a mix by user.
    You can then play a mix with the "play" command.
    Press Enter to show next page results.
    Syntax: search <username>
    Search for a mix liked by user.
    You can then play a mix with the "play" command.
    Press Enter to show next page results.
    Syntax: set <setting> <param>
    Configure settings.
    Available settings: 
    - autologin yes|no
      Toggle autologin on start (no by default)
      WARNING: password will be saved in plain text.
    - sorting recent|popular|hot (hot by default)
      Configure search results sorting order.
    - results_per_page <n>
      Set number of results per page showed.
    - terminal_title yes|no (yes by default)
      Toggle setting terminal title to song status.
    - log_current_song yes|no (no by default)
      Toggle whether to log current song information
      to file `~/.cache/orochi/current_song.txt`
    To get help for each setting, press Enter with no <param>.
    Syntax: play <mix>
    Play the nth mix from the last search results.
    The <mix> argument can also be a mix ID or an URL.
    Exit the interpreter.
    You can also use the Ctrl-D shortcut.
    Syntax: login <username>
    Log in to your 8tracks account.
    List liked mixes (login required).
    Press Enter to show next page results.

Available commands (play mode menu)::

pause / p:
    Pause or resume the playback.
    Stop the playback and exit play mode.
next_song / n:
    Skip to next song.
    Skip to next mix.
status / s:
    Show the status of the currently playing song.
    Show information about the currently playing mix.
volume / v:
    Syntax: volume <amount>
    Change playback volume. The argument must be a number between 0 and 100.
like_mix / l:
    Like the currently playing mix (login required).
unlike_mix / ul:
    Un-like the currently playing mix (login required).
fav_track / f:
    Favorite the currently playing track (login required).
unfav_track / uf:
    Un-favorite the currently playing track (login required).


The first time Orochi is started, it creates the config.json configfile in the ~/.config/orochi/ directory. The following configurations can be changed::

    Extra arguments that are passed on to the mplayer instance.

Example configuration::

    "mplayer_extra_args": "-ao alsa:device=hw=1.0"


Install requirements.txt (with pip install -r). Then start orochi the following way::

$ python -m orochi.client

For development and testing purposes, you can also pass in the --pdb argument. Then a debug session should be started if orochi crashes.

Coding Guidelines

PEP8 <http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/>__ via flake8 <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/flake8>_ with max-line-width set to 99 and E126-E128 ignored.


Install requirements-dev.txt, then run py.test in the main directory. Violations of the coding guidelines above will be counted as test fails.


Please refer to the Contributors Guidelines <https://github.com/dbrgn/orochi/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md>__. Thanks!


Copyright (C) 2013–2016 Danilo Bargen and contributors

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.

Package Rankings
Top 13.94% on Pypi.org