
Linux network and security sandbox with support for kernel exploit protection as well as VPN and proxy chaining

MIT License



Linux Network and Security Sandbox

This project is still in an early phase of development (pre-alpha). It is not ready for production use and has known issues, which are not (yet) documented exhaustively. Please expect bugs and breaking changes.

Pallium is a Linux network and security sandbox. In contrast to many other sandboxing solutions, pallium can provide reasonable protection against Linux kernel exploits through the use of gVisor. Pallium also supports restricting file system access and implements virtual users, allowing to isolate applications without requiring elevated privileges. At the same time, pallium aims to be an alternative to tools like proxychains-ng, while providing support for more protocols and use cases by enabling bridging (e.g. for traffic of virtual machines) and leveraging network namespaces to prevent leaks more reliably.

Regarding networking, pallium currently supports the following types of network hops natively:

  • OpenVPN
    • Tor
    • SSH
  • HTTP (CONNECT method)
  • WireGuard

Other hops that are not explicitly supported, such as OpenConnect, can be easily scripted (see extra/scripts).

Pallium's goal is to be easily extensible by anything that supports routing through a network interface.

This document only summarizes pallium's capabilities. Please refer to the overview, some examples, or the FAQ for more a more detailed overview and specific use cases for pallium.


Binary Download

On x64 systems, the latest pallium release can be directly downloaded and made executable as follows:

curl -O -L
chmod +x pallium-x86_64-bundle-linux

Pallium supports build provenance attestations since v0.1.0-alpha4. To verify the authenticity of the binary, you can use the GitHub CLI:

gh attestation verify pallium-x86_64-bundle-linux --repo blechschmidt/pallium

This ensures that the binary was built by the GitHub Actions CI/CD pipeline and has not been tampered with.

Automated Installation

Having cloned pallium, it can be installed using the included installation script:

sudo ./

The installation script needs to be run as root and will try to automatically install the dependencies for the most common use cases of pallium (Tor, tun2socks, slirp4netns). It will use your package manager to upgrade your system and install the dependencies. For security reasons, you will be asked to confirm each installation step.

Manual Installation

Alternatively, pallium can be installed by executing the following command in the project folder:

pip install .

This installation method does not require root, but you will need to manually install the dependencies listed below.

The following additional software is required depending on the hop chain and needs to be installed separately.

Feature Binaries
OpenVPN openvpn
SOCKS tun2socks
Tor (SOCKS) tor
HTTP tun2socks
DHCP (bridging) dnsmasq
GUI isolation Xpra
Unprivileged sandboxing slirp4netns
Kernel isolation gVisor

CLI Usage

A pallium profile is a .json file located in ~/.config/pallium/profiles (/etc/pallium/profiles when run as root) containing a JSON object. Its profile name is the file name without file extension. The file contains a description of the hop chain to be built and instructions of what to run in the application namespace once the connection has been established.

For a more detailed documentation on pallium's features and its configuration, please consult the docs.

Pallium can also be used programmatically through its Python interface. Examples can be found in the examples folder.


Hardened browser

The following profile lets you run a hardened persistent browser with a shared Downloads folder, assuming that your username on the host system is you. The use of gVisor provides a reasonable protection against Linux kernel exploits.

  "sandbox": {
    "gvisor": true,
    "gui": true,
    "audio": true,
    "virtuser": "browser",
    "paths": {
      "bind": [
        ["/home/browser/Downloads", "/home/you/Downloads"]
  "run": {
    "command": "chromium"

Network Chaining

An example setup could look like this:

#################     #################     #################     #################     ################
#               #     #               #     #               #     #               # <=> #   Selected   #
# Default netns # <=> #     SOCKS     # <=> #      Tor      # <=> # OpenVPN (TCP) #     # applications #
#               #     #               #     #               #     #               # <=> # within netns #
#################     #################     #################     #################     ################

Each box represents a network namespace. Traffic from an application within the application namespace is first forwarded to the OpenVPN namespace, then to the Tor namespace and finally to the SOCKS namespace, from where it is passed to the default namespace. In each network namespace, the traffic is encapsulated accordingly. Thus, pallium acts as a router chaining tool. (This example just illustrates the principle. In practice, pallium may set up additional helper namespaces.)

The configuration file of the above example could look like this:

  "sandbox": {
    "virtuser": "janedoe",
    "gui": true,
    "audio": true
    "chain": [
        "type": "socks",
        "address": "",
        "username": "jane.doe",
        "password": "pass1234"
        "type": "tor"
        "type": "openvpn",
        "config": "/path/to/conf.ovpn"
  "run": {
    "command": "firefox"

Behind the scenes, pallium first creates a network namespace for the SOCKS proxy. A tunnel from this namespace to the default namespace is then created through a Virtual Ethernet (veth) device and all traffic inside the namespace is routed through the default namespace. A TUN device for SOCKS is then created by tun2socks. Next, a second namespace (and a third helper namespace for routing reasons, which is not depicted here) is created, whose traffic is routed through the previous namespace. This namespace connects to Tor and the helper namespace provides a tun2socks interface for the traffic of the next namespace to be routed through. Following the pattern, a namespace for OpenVPN is created before creating the application namespace. As a result, when initiating a connection, outgoing traffic first goes to the OpenVPN interface, where it is encrypted and forwarded to the OpenVPN server. The traffic to the VPN server is then routed through the Tor namespace, thus Tor will attempt to establish a connection to the VPN server. This connection is in turn routed through the SOCKS server. This means that the OpenVPN server will only see the Tor exit node IP address but not your origin IP address, while the SOCKS server will only see the Tor entry node IP address, and any endpoint you connect to from the application namespace will only see the IP address of the OpenVPN server.

The virtuser specification inside sandbox indicates that a virtual user named janedoe is to be created and used. For more information on virtual users, please refer to the overview.


Having installed pallium, it supports a range of commands:


Assuming unprivileged mode, pallium run my_profile sets up the namespaces according to the configuration and executes the command defined in the run object in the configuration file at ~/.config/pallium/profiles/my_profile.json inside the application namespace. In case no run property is specified, pallium will run the default shell as defined by the $SHELL environment variable. The namespaces will live as long as the command executed by run is running. We refer to one running set of namespaces as a session.

A new session of a profile that already has a session running can be started by specifying --new-session after run. The first session obtains index 0, the second session obtains index 1, and so on. Subcommands working with sessions, such as shell etc., support the -s parameter to specify the session index. If the session index is not specified, session 0 is assumed.

Additionally, a --quiet argument is supported, which turns off the output regarding connection establishment as produced by the helper tools.


pallium shell my_profile opens a shell (as defined by the $SHELL environment variable) inside the last network namespace. This command supports the --one-shot argument, which causes a new session to be created for the shell. Otherwise, the shell is started in an existing session. Additionally, a --root argument is supported, in which case the shell is started as the root user. Depending on whether pallium is run with superuser privileges or without privileges, this is either real root or fake root, i.e. a user-mapped UID and GID of 0 inside the unprivileged user namespace.

For debugging purposes, you can also specify the network namespace index using --namespace, which supports Python-style indexes. Note that entering namespaces this way may disable sandbox features such as gvisor.


pallium exec my_profile <command> works similar to pallium shell my_profile, except that it executes the command following the profile name instead of opening a shell. The command consists of all arguments following the profile name.


pallium stop my_profile stops a session and terminates all programs inside the session.


pallium cp my_profile:/tmp/file.txt /tmp/file.txt copies a file from within the my_profile sandbox to the host. The command supports recursive copying of directories through the -r flag.


The pallium mv command works analogously to the copy command but moves files and directories instead of copying them.


The above demo illustrates the functionality of the run and shell commands. Inside a normal shell, we use the API of the Tor Project to confirm that the network traffic is currently not routed through Tor. After displaying the configuration file of the pallium profile called demo, we use the run command, which creates a pallium session and launches a shell inside. Inside the session, we use curl again to confirm that the traffic is now routed through Tor. In a second shell spawned by tmux, we demonstrate the use of the shell command, spawning a bash inside the session running on the left side. You can see that upon running curl inside the session in the right tmux panel, the connection establishment is logged on the left side.

GUI Commands and Audio

When using GUI programs with pallium as another user on a standard Linux desktop, problems with X server permissions and access to the pulseaudio daemon may arise. When specifying gui: true and audio: true inside the sandbox object in the configuration file, pallium will attempt to overcome these problems. By default, pallium uses Xpra to create a nested X11 server. This provides more isolation compared to just exposing the X11 socket inside the container. To relay audio, a Unix socket proxy to the pulseaudio daemon of the calling user is established.

These features are currently considered experimental.


First of all, do not set the SUID bit on pallium binaries. Pallium is not meant to be a SUID executable.

You are responsible for keeping secrets inside pallium configuration files safe by ensuring that only authorized users may read the files.

Pallium will not magically anonymize your traffic. Applications and virtual machines routing their traffic through the configured cascade may expose sensitive information, such as installation identifiers or hardware fingerprints. In particular, running a normal web browser through Tor inside the application namespace is not an alternative to the Tor Browser. Furthermore, custom chains are not an alternative to Tor.

Be aware that pallium, by default, only makes use of network namespace isolation. This particularly affects GUI programs that detect running program instances and perform actions in these instances. As an example, consider a web browser running normally as your main user in the default network namespace. When you then instruct the browser to open a URL from a pallium profile that is running as your main user as well, it will likely open that URL inside the instance running in the default network namespace. To overcome this problem, you can make use of the virtual user feature or use real user isolation with root privileges.