
"Stay Enchanted, Stay Informed: Unleash the COVID-19 Desktop Notifier Spell! 🌐🚨✨"

MIT License


Pandemic Alert 🌐🚨

Project Details: 💻🌐📅✍️

  • Functionality: Provides automatic and subtle real-time notifications of the latest COVID-19 updates on a user's desktop.
  • Tech Stack: Python, requests, beautifulsoup4, plyer
  • Author: @shreyamalogi
  • Year of Project: 2020

Table of Contents

Introduction 🧙‍♂️✨

Greetings, everyone! I'm @shreyamalogi, and I've created the COVID-19 Enchantment Notifier. This project is your magical companion to stay updated on the ever-changing world of COVID-19. Imagine your computer becoming a magical oracle that whispers the latest COVID-19 numbers to keep you informed. It's like casting a spell to bring real-time updates to your desktop. 🌌📜

Casting the Enchantment Spell 🌐✨

Step 1: Gather the Magical Ingredients

  • Feel the magic – clone the repository using:

    git clone
  • Make sure your computer understands the language of Python. If not, seek help from someone more experienced.

  • Acquire the enchanted ingredients named requests, beautifulsoup4, and plyer. Add them with the following command:

    pip install requests beautifulsoup4 plyer

Step 2: Unleash the Spell

  • Find a quiet space on your computer where magic flows freely.

  • Open the terminal, your gateway to the mystical realm.

  • Cast the spell to run the enchantment script:


    Watch as the enchantment unfolds, and your computer whispers COVID-19 updates to you!

Bonus Spellbook (Optional)

If you want to adjust the timing between updates, open the script and find the spell:

time.sleep(30)  # Adjust the interval (in seconds) as needed

Challenges and Solutions ⚔️💡

  • Challenge: Ensuring Real-time Updates.

    • Solution: Implemented periodic data fetching and notification triggers using Python's requests, beautifulsoup4, and plyer libraries.
  • Challenge: Creating Subtle Notifications.

    • Solution: Crafted notifications to be unobtrusive yet informative, enhancing the user experience.
  • Challenge: Adjustable Update Intervals.

    • Solution: Provided users with the flexibility to customize update intervals by adjusting a simple time sleep parameter.

Contribution- Show Your Support (Star This) ⭐🌟📜✨

Feel the magic within you? Contribute to this enchanting spellbook and make it even more magical. Don't forget to star the project! ⭐🌟

License 🕊️

This project is enchanted under the spell of the MIT License. Share the magic responsibly!

MIT License

Copyright (c) 2020 Shreya Malogi

Stay Enchanted! 🌍💙