
Pandoc filters for scientific writing

GPL-3.0 License


title: Pandoc Filters for Scientific Writing
author: Michael Frber

This package contains several filters for Pandoc to facilitate writing scientific texts.

Supported features are:

  • Definition lists as LaTeX environments, see .
  • Links as intra-document references, see .
  • Tables with the tabular environment, see .
  • Floating code blocks with captions, see .

To use the filters, you need pandoc and python-pandocfilters. Run make to generate PDF and HTML output for this example file.

Definition Environments {#defenv}

The defenv filter interprets definition lists as LaTeX environments. The first word of the definition is the environment type. It can be followed by a label as well as by a name. An example with a name follows:

Definition (Tree) : A tree is a tuple $(N, \rightarrow)$, where $N$ is a set of tree nodes and $\rightarrow \in N \times N$ is a cycle-free relation.

Let us now reference a theorem, namely .

Theorem thm:inftrees : Let $N$ be an infinite set. Then there exists an infinite number of trees for $N$.

Proof : Trivial!

Link References {#linkref}

The linkref filter renders links of the shape [](#ref) as intra-document references. In LaTeX, this is rendered as \autoref{ref}, whereas in HTML, this is rendered as <a href="#ref">ref</a>.


The tabular filter renders LaTeX tables using the tabular package instead of the longtable package used by Pandoc by default. Unfortunately, we still have to use \label to reference tables. For a more complete solution, you may consider using something like pandoc-tablenos.

An example is shown in .

Table: Demonstration of pipe table syntax. \label{tab:example}

Right Left Default Center
12 12 12 12
123 123 123 123
1 1 1 1

Code Blocks {#listing}

The listing filter renders Pandoc code blocks as floating code blocks with a caption. By default, Pandoc creates floating code blocks only when using the --listings option. However, I find the output of the listings package not as aesthetically pleasing as the one from Pandoc. This filter thus allows to obtain the beautiful output from Pandoc within a floating code block. An example is given in .

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    printf("Hello World!\n");
    return 0;

Notice that this filter requires some LaTeX code to create the listing environment. It can be found in header.tex.