
PostgreSQL documentation data types parser

BSD-3-CLAUSE License


📦 pgdoc-datatype-parser

PostgreSQL documentation datatypes table as a dictionary specifying a version. Supports all versions next to 6.3.


pip install pgdoc-datatype-parser

You can retrieve all PostgreSQL datatypes for the latest version using:

>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> from pgdoc_datatype_parser import pgdoc_datatypes
>>> pprint(pgdoc_datatypes())
{'bigint': {'aliases': 'int8', 'description': 'Signed eight-byte integer'},
 'bigserial': {'aliases': 'serial8',
               'description': 'Autoincrementing eight-byte integer'},
 'bit [ (n) ]': {'aliases': None, 'description': 'Fixed-length bit string'},
 'bit varying [ (n) ]': {'aliases': 'varbit [ (n) ]',
                         'description': 'Variable-length bit string'},
 'boolean': {'aliases': 'bool', 'description': 'Logical boolean (true/false)'},
 'box': {'aliases': None, 'description': 'Rectangular box on a plane'},
 'bytea': {'aliases': None, 'description': 'Binary data (byte array)'},
 'character [ (n) ]': {'aliases': 'char [ (n) ]',
                       'description': 'Fixed-length character string'},
 'character varying [ (n) ]': {'aliases': 'varchar [ (n) ]',
                               'description': 'Variable-length character '
 'cidr': {'aliases': None, 'description': 'Ipv4 or ipv6 network address'},
 'circle': {'aliases': None, 'description': 'Circle on a plane'},
 'date': {'aliases': None, 'description': 'Calendar date (year, month, day)'},
 'double precision': {'aliases': 'float8',
                      'description': 'Double precision floating-point number '
                                     '(8 bytes)'},
 'inet': {'aliases': None, 'description': 'Ipv4 or ipv6 host address'},
 'integer': {'aliases': ['int', ' int4'],
             'description': 'Signed four-byte integer'},
 'interval [ fields ] [ (p) ]': {'aliases': None, 'description': 'Time span'},
 'json': {'aliases': None, 'description': 'Textual json data'},
 'jsonb': {'aliases': None, 'description': 'Binary json data, decomposed'},
 'line': {'aliases': None, 'description': 'Infinite line on a plane'},
 'lseg': {'aliases': None, 'description': 'Line segment on a plane'},
 'macaddr': {'aliases': None,
             'description': 'Mac (media access control) address'},
 'macaddr8': {'aliases': None,
              'description': 'Mac (media access control) address (eui-64 '
 'money': {'aliases': None, 'description': 'Currency amount'},
 'numeric [ (p, s) ]': {'aliases': 'decimal [ (p, s) ]',
                        'description': 'Exact numeric of selectable precision'},
 'path': {'aliases': None, 'description': 'Geometric path on a plane'},
 'pg_lsn': {'aliases': None, 'description': 'Postgresql log sequence number'},
 'pg_snapshot': {'aliases': None,
                 'description': 'User-level transaction id snapshot'},
 'point': {'aliases': None, 'description': 'Geometric point on a plane'},
 'polygon': {'aliases': None,
             'description': 'Closed geometric path on a plane'},
 'real': {'aliases': 'float4',
          'description': 'Single precision floating-point number (4 bytes)'},
 'serial': {'aliases': 'serial4',
            'description': 'Autoincrementing four-byte integer'},
 'smallint': {'aliases': 'int2', 'description': 'Signed two-byte integer'},
 'smallserial': {'aliases': 'serial2',
                 'description': 'Autoincrementing two-byte integer'},
 'text': {'aliases': None, 'description': 'Variable-length character string'},
 'time [ (p) ] [ without time zone ]': {'aliases': None,
                                        'description': 'Time of day (no time '
 'time [ (p) ] with time zone': {'aliases': 'timetz',
                                 'description': 'Time of day, including time '
 'timestamp [ (p) ] [ without time zone ]': {'aliases': None,
                                             'description': 'Date and time (no '
                                                            'time zone)'},
 'timestamp [ (p) ] with time zone': {'aliases': 'timestamptz',
                                      'description': 'Date and time, including '
                                                     'time zone'},
 'tsquery': {'aliases': None, 'description': 'Text search query'},
 'tsvector': {'aliases': None, 'description': 'Text search document'},
 'txid_snapshot': {'aliases': None, 'description': 'Pg_snapshot'},
 'uuid': {'aliases': None, 'description': 'Universally unique identifier'},
 'xml': {'aliases': None, 'description': 'Xml data'}}

You can check what is the latest version using latest_version function:

>>> from pgdoc_datatype_parser import latest_version
>>> latest_version()

If you want to retrieve PostgreSQL datatypes for other version, you can specify the optional parameter version of pgdoc_datatypes function.

All versions can be listed using versions function.


# pgdoc_datatypes(version="latest", pg_releases_filepath=None) ⇒ dict

Provides information for all PostgreSQL data types from documentation data types table.

  • version (str) Version from which PostgreSQL datatypes will be retrieved.
  • pg_releases_filepath (str) Path to PostgreSQL releases/commits file. By default, the file included with the package will be used.

# versions(pg_releases_filepath=None) ⇒ list

Returns all PostgreSQL available versions.

  • pg_releases_filepath (str) Path to PostgreSQL releases/commits file. By default, the file included with the package will be used.

# latest_version(pg_releases_filepath=None) ⇒ str

Returns latest PostgreSQL available version.

  • pg_releases_filepath (str) Path to PostgreSQL releases/commits file. By default, the file included with the package will be used.

# pg_release_name_to_version(release_name) ⇒ str

PostgreSQL releases are named in the form REL<MAJOR>_<MINOR>_<RC><PATCH>. You can use this function to convert release names into semantic version form.

  • release_name (str) Name of the PostgreSQL release name to convert into it's correspondent semantic version form.