
Scripts to parse and analyze pgp key server data

CC0-1.0 License


Scripts to analyze the PGP key server data



keyr will take concatenated PGP keys like the ones provided by key server dumps as the input and will output mysql queries.


keyr [filename]

The corresponding sql tables are in the file keyr.sql.


Breaks DSA keys when two signatures with a duplicate k / r value are found.


breakdsa [filename]

The script expects a 12-column input file (tab separated) with the following values:

  • col 1: Key ID of affected DSA key (only used for output info)
  • col 2: r value (same for both signatures)
  • col 3: s value of first signature
  • col 4: s value of second signature
  • col 5: hash value of first signature
  • col 6: hash value of second signature
  • col 7: p value of DSA key
  • col 8: q value of DSA key
  • col 9: g value of DSA key
  • col 10: y value of DSA key

All values are expected hex encoded.

The MySQL query to get the data pre-formatted to feed into this script is:

SELECT a.keyid, a.dsa_r, a.dsa_s, b.dsa_s, a.hash, b.hash, c.dsa_p, c.dsa_q, c.dsa_g, c.dsa_y FROM sigs_dsa a JOIN sigs_dsa b JOIN keys_dsa c ON a.dsa_r = b.dsa_r AND a.dsa_s <> b.dsa_s AND a.keyid = c.keyid GROUP BY a.dsa_r INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/dsa-duplicate-r.txt';


Brute forces DSA keys for occurences of small k values.


brutedsa [filename]

The script expects a 12-column input file (tab separated) with the following values:

  • col 1: Key ID of affected DSA key (only used for output info)
  • col 2: r value of signature
  • col 3: s value of signature
  • col 4: hash of signature
  • col 5: p value of key
  • col 6: q value of key
  • col 7: g value of key
  • col 8: y value of key

All values are expected hex encoded.

The MySQL query to get the data pre-formatted to feed into this script is:

SELECT,A.keyid,A.dsa_r,A.dsa_s,hash,dsa_p,dsa_q,dsa_g,dsa_y FROM sigs_dsa A LEFT JOIN keys_dsa B ON A.keyid = B.keyid INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/dsa-sigs-with-keys.txt';
