
shell scripts and shortcuts developed by myself that I use on a regular or semi-regular basis, or that can come in very handy in specific scenarios.

MIT License



This is going to be a handy little repo where I maintain some of useful scripts that I use on a regular basis. I have a private repo where I have maintained most of these scripts for a long time, but some of them could prove useful to the general public, and half the time I forget what they do and end up re-writing them.

This repo will be a place for me to keep them up-to-date and document what they do.

Some aren't even big enough to be called scripts and are more like bash/zsh functions, but it's easier having the commands at my fingertips by having all my tools installed instead of finding/copy/pasting functions into my ~/.bashrc/~/.zshrc.

The structure includes an individual folder for each script with a documenting what the script does. Additionally, there will be a bin directory where I will symlink all of the actual scripts for easy importing into your $PATH.

This project is also maintained on PyPi for easy installation via pip.

For more information, browse to the subfolders to view the individual README files.

I will continue to add scripts to this repo as I have time and as the need for them arises.


In order to fully-utilize all of the scripts included in phxutils, Linux is a pre-requisite, but many will work on MacOS (some may need to be tweaked a bit).

To view individual requirements, feel free to view each package's README file.

The following additional requirements are necessary:

  • /bin/sh (many scripts)
  • bash (some scripts)
  • python3 (some scripts)

Simple Installation via pip

Installation is extremely simple using pip:

Install from PyPi:

pip3 install --user phxutils

or install latest version from GitHub:

pip3 install --user git+

For what it's worth, most of the phxutils scripts use sh and bash.

The only Python scripts at the time of this writing are Python3, and are executable with hashbangs pointing to /usr/bin/env python3 and only use the standard library.

This means, you won't clutter your native Python intallation by installing a bunch of third party libraries outside of virtual environments.

Upgrading via pip

pip3 install --upgrade --user phxutils


pip3 install --upgrade --user git+


pip3 uninstall phxutils

Advanced Installation

To add these programs to your $PATH without using pip3, I would do something like the following:

Note: replace .bashrc with .zshrc or .bash_profile, etc., as necessary.

mkdir -p "$HOME/bin"
cd "$HOME/bin"
git clone
echo 'PHX_UTILS="$HOME/bin/phxutils/bin"' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'export PATH="$PHX_UTILS:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

The benefits to this method are an easier upgrade.

Easy Upgrade via Advanced Install Method

cd "$HOME/bin/phxutils" && git pull


sed -i '/PHX_UTILS/d' ~/.bashrc && rm -rf "$HOME/bin/phxutils"

Note: replace .bashrc with .zshrc or .bash_profile, etc., as necessary in the above command.