
Small python script for monitoring various crypto currencies using a raspberry pi zero with a blinkt!.

MIT License



Small python script for monitoring various crypto currencies using a raspberry pi zero with a blinkt!. [video]

image of pi zero W with BLINKT Image of a pi zero w with a blinkt from Pimoroni - from nothans.com!

Related project: https://github.com/codingchili/unicorn-analytics


First project on the raspberry pi zero w! Trying out python 3.6 and its async module with event loops. The aiohttp module is used for REST requests and it uses the api from cryptowat.ch. Supports retrieving price for more than 20+ supported markets and a load of crypto-currencies.

The following endpoint is used to retrieve the 24 hour percent change: https://min-api.cryptocompare.com/data/generateAvg?fsym={}&tsym={}&markets={}

  • fsym: from symbol, example ETH for Ethereum
  • markets: Coinbase, Poloniex, Kraken, BitRex and more .. !
  • tsym: to symbol, example EUR, USD or BTC..

These values are provided when running the script, or defaults to fsym = ETH, market = Coinbase and tsym = EUR. Note that some combinations are unavailable, and the leds will flash in PINK.

The values used for the BLINKT that is attached to the pi is 'CHANGEPCT24HOUR', one percent matches 1 led. Negative change gives red leds, positive gives green. Rainbows when reloading data and pink stuff on error. The script will continously poll the API for updates.


Warning: this requires python 3.6+ for asyncio.

  • aiohttp and aiodns
pip install aiohttp aiodns blinkt
  • clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/codingchili/pi-zero-ethermeter
  • finally start it!
python main.py

installing python 3.6+

This is easy! Just build python 3.6 from source, install the aiohttp module with pip3.6 and optionally the aiodns for faster DNS lookups.