
Preserve pinned pip VCS requirements in repositories you control

MIT License



Preserve pinned PIP requirements in repositories you control.

It ensure pinned git references in pip requirements files are pushed to a repo you control, and have a tag associated with the commit, so they are preserved from garbage collection.

Table of Contents


pipx install pip-preserve-requirements


Usage: pip-preserve-requirements [OPTIONS] REQUIREMENTS_FILE...

  Ensure pinned VCS references in pip requirements files have a git tag.

  REQUIREMENTS_FILE...  The requirements files to look for requirements tag.

  --tag-prefix TEXT               The prefix to use when creating git tag
                                  names.  [default: ppr-]
  --match-any-tag                 Whether to consider that any tag on the
                                  commit is sufficient. If not, ensure commits
                                  are tagged with the requested prefix.
  -r, --project-root DIRECTORY    The project root directory. Default options
                                  and arguments are read from pyproject.toml
                                  in this directory.  [default: .]
  --install-completion [bash|zsh|fish|powershell|pwsh]
                                  Install completion for the specified shell.
  --show-completion [bash|zsh|fish|powershell|pwsh]
                                  Show completion for the specified shell, to
                                  copy it or customize the installation.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.


pip-preserve-requirements is configured in a dedicated section of pyproject.toml:


tag_prefix = "ppr-"
# ensure a tag with the above prefix is present, if true, consider any tag is valid
match_any_tag = false

# any git provider which accepts URLs of the form https://host/owner/repo
# or ssh://git@host/owner/repo
provider = "github.com"
owner = "acme"
# set to true for private repos
ssh_only = false
# the vault where to push VCS reference
default = true


At the moment, only git+https and git+ssh URLs are supported.

The following improvements would be considered in scope, although there is no current plan to work on them:

  • supporting other VCS (such as hg);
  • supporting non-VCS URLs, by pushing them to a user-controlled server;
  • supporting regular requirements, by pushing them to a user-controlled index.


pip-preserve-requirements is distributed under the terms of the MIT license.