
Add a set of useful filters for pipen templates.


Add a set of useful filters for pipen templates.

These filters can be used for both liquid and jinja2 templating in pipen.

API documentation


pip install -U pipen-filters

Enabling/Disabling the plugin

The plugin is registered via entrypoints. It's by default enabled. To disable it: plugins=[..., "no:filters"], or uninstall this plugin.


from pipen import Proc

class MyProc(Proc):
    input = "infile:file"
    output = "outfile:file:{{in.infile | stem}}.txt"


  • Parse the symbolic links

    • realpath: os.path.realpath
    • readlink: os.readlink
    • abspath: os.path.abspath
  • Find common prefix of given paths

    • commonprefix:

      >>> commonprefix("/a/b/abc.txt", "/a/b/abc.png")
      >>> # "abc."
      >>> commonprefix("/a/b/abc.txt", "/a/b/abc.png", basename_only=False)
      >>> # "/a/b/abc."
  • Get parts of the path

    • dirname: path.dirname
    • basename: path.basename
    • ext, suffix: get the extension (/a/b/c.txt -> .txt)
    • ext0, suffix0: get the extension without dot (/a/b/c.txt -> txt)
    • prefix: get the prefix of a path (/a/b/c.d.txt -> /a/b/c.d)
    • prefix0: get the prefix of a path without dot in basename (/a/b/c.d.txt -> /a/b/c)
    • filename, fn, stem: get the stem of a path (/a/b.c.txt -> b.c)
    • filename0, fn0, stem0: get the stem of a path without dot (/a/b.c.txt -> b)
    • joinpaths, joinpath: join path parts (os.path.join)
    • as_path: convert a string into a pathlib.Path object
  • Path stat

    • isdir: os.path.isdir
    • isfile: os.path.isfile
    • islink: os.path.islink
    • exists: os.path.exists
    • getsize: os.path.getsize, return -1 if the path doesn't exist
    • getmtime: os.path.getmtime, return -1 if the path doesn't exist
    • getctime: os.path.getctime, return -1 if the path doesn't exist
    • getatime: os.path.getatime, return -1 if the path doesn't exist
    • isempty: check if a file is empty
  • Quote data

    • quote: put double quotes around data (1 -> "1")
    • squote: put single quotes around data (1 -> '1')
  • Configurations

    • json, json_dumps: json.dumps
    • json_load: Load json from a file
    • json_loads: json.loads
    • toml: toml.dumps
    • toml_dump: Load toml from a file
    • toml_dumps: Alias of toml
    • toml_loads: toml.loads
    • config: Load configuration from an object, a string or a file
  • Globs

    • glob: Like glob.glob, but allows passing multiple parts of a path
    • glob0: Like glob, but only returns the first matched path
  • Read file contents

    • read: Read file content. You can also pass arguments to open
    • readlines: Read file content as a list of lines. Additional arguments will be passed to open
  • Other

    • regex_replace: Replace a string using regex
    • slugify: Slugify a string