
Raspberry Pi powered radio with Airplay, Bluetooth and Squeezeplayer support

MIT License




  • Hardware
    • Raspberry Pi 3
    • Radio (needs to be big enough to house everything here)
    • Amplifier + speakers
    • 2x rotary encoders
    • LCD Display
  • Software
    • Bluetooth
    • Shairport-Sync
    • Squeezelite
    • MPC + MPD
    • AdafruitLCD
    • Pigpio

Installing the required Software


I got help for getting bluetooth working on the forum. Rather than recreating the steps here, I'd recommend following the posts in order from here.

We also need dbus support to get metadata info from Bluetooth media.

sudo pip install dbus-python

Airplay support (Shairport-Sync)

This is easy enough, I just followed the instructions on the Readme on the Github page.

Logitech Media Server support (Squeezelite)

The main point here is to make sure you do not use the squeezelite in the Raspbian repository. This seems to hog the CPU.

Instead download the version from the Google code page. I used this one.

Rename the file to squeezelite, put it somewhere in your path (e.g. /usr/local/bin) and make sure it's executable.

Internet radio (MPC + MPD)

sudo apt-get install mpc mpd

Assuming you've installed the blueooth support above you'll need to make sure that mpd is a member of the relevant groups.

sudo usermod -aG pulse,pulse-access mpd


Follow the instructions on the Github page.


I think this is now in the Raspbian repository so, I guess, it's installed with: sudo apt-get install pigpio

I downloaded it from the website and followed the instructions.

I also set up a systemd script to launch pigpiod at boot.

sudo nano /lib/systemd/system/pigpio.service

Description=Pigpio Daemon



Create the symlink: sudo ln -s /lib/systemd/system/pigpio.service /etc/systemd/system/pigpio.service

and enable it: sudo systemctl enable pigpio.service

Install this script

git clone https://github.com/elParaguayo/PiRadio.git

cd PiRadio
chmod +x main.py

I also created a systemd script for this programme. sudo nano /lib/systemd/system/pi-radio.service

Description=Pi Radio Service
After=tmp.mount bluetooth.service pigpio.service sound.target
Requires=pigpio.service sound.target



Create the symlink: sudo ln -s /lib/systemd/system/pi-radio.service /etc/systemd/system/pi-radio.service

and enable it: sudo systemctl enable pi-radio.service

Time to reboot!