
Python scripts that log into PixAI's website automatically using an account you provide. Then, it uses realtime generation to generate images for you.

GPL-3.0 License


PixAI Realtime Image Generation Wrapper

This is a collection of Python scripts. Together, they can take a prompt input and generates images from PixAI directly. This procedure does NOT cost you credits and you can use an alt too.

Note: The Realtime generation feature is a compromise to not pay tokens but your images are of lesser quality.

1. Installation:

1.1 Copying the Git repository

git clone https://github.com/Recentaly/PixAI-Wrapper.git

1.2 Entering the directory

cd PixAI-Wrapper

1.3 Installing Dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

2. Preparation

2.1 Create a Python file at root.

2.2 Importing required modules

from res.scripts.generate_images    import get_image_batch
from res.scripts.get_jwt            import get_jwt

(Optional but recommended):

from res.SaveConfig                 import SaveConfig

3. Saveconfig (optional)

3.1 Initialize the SaveConfig class in your code. Example:

When a SaveConfig object is passed to the API, the API automatically saves the images. There's an option to Save + Return too. To only return the images from the API, leave SaveConfig as None when calling get_image_batch.

Note: Automatically uses the .png file extension

# create a SaveConfig object
save_config = SaveConfig(
  • The save_dir (str) is a path to whatever directory you want the images to be saved at.
  • save_name (str) is whatever you want the file(s) to be called.
  • force_mkdir (bool) if the save_dir doesn't exist, forcibly create that directory if force_mkdir is True.
  • additional_return_mode (bool) If true, also returns a List of images while also saving them at the specified directory.
  • separator (str) The separator between the save_name and the Image's index.

For example, if I have this code and generated, let's say, 4 images..

# create a SaveConfig object
save_config = SaveConfig(

The images would be saved like this:


Getting the JWT

Here's example code to fetch your JWT.

 jwt: str = get_jwt(
  email="<your pixai email here>",
  password="<your pixai password here>"

This will return a jwt of type string. Now you may actually use the function to gather the images

4. Fetching a batch of images

4.1 Compiling the parameters

To gather images, simply call the get_image_batch function after you've imported it.


  • prompt: str = The prompt to generate the images from
  • negative_prompt: str = The negative prompt to generate the image from
  • size: tuple[int, int]: Width x Height of the image. it is generally recommended to keep this at 512x512 For speed and a higher chance of getting a result.
  • __jwt: str = The JWT.
  • _n: int = Number of images to generate | defaults to one
  • _seed: int = The seed to generate the image with. Defaults to a None and lets PixAI decide.
  • _saveConfig: SaveConfig = Optional SaveConfig if you want to save the images quickly and easily


  • if a SaveConfig is provided, and _saveConfig.additional_return_mode is true, it saves the images and returns a List[Image] object. Image is inherited from PIL.
  • If _saveConfig.additional_return_mode is False, the API returns None
  • If no SaveConfig is provided, it return List[Image] object. Image is inherited from PIL.

4.2 Calling the function

Below is an example of how to generate images of a dog. The negative prompt is one I found and is useful to generate high quality results.

The images automatically saved under 'output/images' as 'image-0.png'. The API didn't return anything because additional_return_mode is False.

save_config = SaveConfig(

image_outputs = get_image_batch(
    prompt="1dog. White. Fluffly. Looking at the camera.",
    negative_prompt="nsfw, lowres, (bad), text, error, fewer, extra, missing, worst quality, jpeg artifacts, low quality, watermark, unfinished, displeasing, oldest, early, chromatic aberration, signature, extra digits, artistic error, username, scan, abstract",
    size=(512, 512),

(4.3) Handling returned images

The Images are basic Image objects of the Image module.


Example code:

from res.scripts.get_jwt            import get_jwt
from res.scripts.generate_images    import get_image_batch
from res.SaveConfig                 import SaveConfig

# create a SaveConfig object
save_config = SaveConfig(

if __name__ == '__main__':

    __jwt: str = get_jwt(
        email="xxxxxxxx", # input your actual email here
        password="xxxxxx" # input your actual password here

    image_outputs = get_image_batch(
        prompt="1cat. Yellow. Aggressive. Angry. Hissing at the camera. Best quality. Masterpiece. Best anatomy. Open mouth.",
        negative_prompt="nsfw, lowres, (bad), text, error, fewer, extra, missing, worst quality, jpeg artifacts, low quality, watermark, unfinished, displeasing, oldest, early, chromatic aberration, signature, extra digits, artistic error, username, scan, abstract",
        size=(512, 512),

    # we can run the for loop because the API class is set to additionally return the images again 
    for image in image_outputs:


Auto-claiming your daily credits

To auto-claim your daily credits, first import the code to claim credits

from res.scripts.claim_credits      import claim_daily_credits

Then, call the claim_daily_credits function

    jwt # you need your jwt from above

You will only get an error if something went wrong. It will tell you in the console if it was able to claim your daily credits or if you already claimed them.