
Pixiv API for Python



PixivPy3 Build Status PyPI version

Due to #158 reason, password login no longer exist. Please use api.auth(refresh_token=REFRESH_TOKEN) instead

To get refresh_token, see @ZipFile Pixiv OAuth Flow or OAuth with Selenium/ChromeDriver

Pixiv API for Python (with Auth supported)

  • [2024/03/03] v3.7.5 Fix novel_text() BUG, add webview_novel(), see
    #337 (thanks
  • [2023/09/18] v3.7.3 Add novel_follow(), fix ByPassSniApi() host BUG, see
    #279 (thanks
  • [2023/09/17] Move to new PEP 517 standard with poetry, and upgrade deps, see
    #270 (thanks
  • [2022/02/04] Remove Public-API support as it's deprecated by Pixiv, see
  • [2021/11/23] Add illust_new for get latest works, see
  • [2021/03/02] Add user follow/unfollow, add novel API, see
    #161 (thanks
  • [2020/10/17] Use cloudscraper to
    bypass Cloudflare, fixed issue #140 (thanks
  • [2020/07/19] Add date specification for search_illust() (thanks
  • [2020/06/06] Add AppPixivAPI().search_novel() for novel search
  • [2019/09/23] AppAPI , release v3.5 (See
    thanks @Notsfsssf)
  • [2019/09/03] Support new auth() check X-Client-Time/X-Client-Hash (thanks
  • [2019/04/27] Support hosts proxy for AppAPI, which can use behind the Great
    Wall (See
  • [2017/04/18] Fix encoder BUG for
    illust_bookmark_add()/illust_bookmark_delete() params (thanks
  • [2017/01/05] Add PixivAPI().works() liked API illust_detail() for App-API
    (thanks Mapaler), release v3.3
  • [2016/12/17] Fixed encoding BUG for Public-API, see #26 (thanks
  • [2016/07/27] Now AppPixivAPI() can call without auth (thanks
    zzycami), check
  • [2016/07/20] New App-API (Experimental) for PixivIOSApp/6.0.9
  • [2016/07/11] Add new
    iOS 6.x API reference to Wiki
  • [2015/12/02] Add write API for favorite an user / illust, release v3.1
  • [2015/08/11] Remove SPAI and release v3.0 (pixivpy3) (Public-API with Search
  • [2015/05/16] As Pixiv deprecated SAPI in recent days, push new Public-API
  • [2014/10/07] New framework, SAPI / Public-API supported (requests needed)

Use pip for installing:

# for Python3
pip install pixivpy3 --upgrade

# for Python2
pip install pixivpy --upgrade

Requirements: requests

Mikubill/PixivPy-Async: Async Pixiv API for Python 3

Warning: The rate limit was hit multiple times during the test, so the result may not be informative. Script: https://github.com/Mikubill/pixivpy-async/blob/master/Perf.py

sg -> Singapore, jp -> Japan, unit -> second

Method Sync(10,sg) Async(10,sg) Sync(200,sg) Async(200,sg)
illust_detail 1.1209 0.8641 31.7041 2.4580
illust_ranking 1.0697 0.7936 28.4539 2.0693
user_illusts 0.8824 0.7505 28.3981 1.8199
user_detail 0.9628 0.7550 28.3055 1.7738
ugoira_metadata 0.8509 0.7459 29.5566 2.2331
works 1.1204 0.8912 32.2068 2.8513
me_following_works 1.1253 0.7845 39.3142 2.2785
ranking 1.0946 0.7944 39.6509 2.6548
latest_works 1.0483 0.8667 36.1992 2.5066
Method Sync(500,jp) Async(500,jp)
illust_detail 6.2178 0.6400
illust_ranking 6.4046 0.6119
user_illusts 7.6093 1.5266
user_detail 6.6759 0.5952
ugoira_metadata 6.5155 0.7577
works 13.3074 0.8619
me_following_works 24.2693 2.0835
ranking 21.4119 3.2805
latest_works 17.3502 2.7029

Projects base on pixivpy

  1. Mikubill/PixivPy-Async: Async
    Pixiv API for Python 3


from pixivpy3 import *

api = AppPixivAPI()
# api.login("username", "password")   # Not required

# get origin url
json_result = api.illust_detail(59580629)
illust = json_result.illust
print(">>> origin url: %s" % illust.image_urls['large'])

# get ranking: 1-30
# mode: [day, week, month, day_male, day_female, week_original, week_rookie, day_manga]
json_result = api.illust_ranking('day')
for illust in json_result.illusts:
    print(" p1 [%s] %s" % (illust.title, illust.image_urls.medium))

# next page: 31-60
next_qs = api.parse_qs(json_result.next_url)
json_result = api.illust_ranking(**next_qs)
for illust in json_result.illusts:
    print(" p2 [%s] %s" % (illust.title, illust.image_urls.medium))

# get all page:
next_qs = {"mode": "day"}
while next_qs:
    json_result = api.illust_ranking(**next_qs)
    for illust in json_result.illusts:
        print("[%s] %s" % (illust.title, illust.image_urls.medium))
    next_qs = api.parse_qs(json_result.next_url)

Sniffer - App API

Sniffer - Public API (deprecated)

Using API proxy behind the Great Wall See detail in Issue#73

  1. Upgrade pixivpy >= v3.2.0: pip install pixivpy --upgrade
  2. Call api.download() like the below:
aapi = AppPixivAPI()
json_result = aapi.illust_ranking()
for illust in json_result.illusts[:3]:

Migrate pixivpy2 to pixivpy3

  1. Replace api.papi.* to api.*
  2. Change deprecated SPAI call to Public-API call
print(">>> new ranking_all(mode='daily', page=1, per_page=50)")
#rank_list = api.sapi.ranking("all", 'day', 1)
rank_list = api.ranking_all('daily', 1, 50)

# more fields about response: https://github.com/upbit/pixivpy/wiki/sniffer
ranking = rank_list.response[0]
for img in ranking.works:
	# print(img.work)
	print("[%s/%s(id=%s)] %s" % (img.work.user.name, img.work.title, img.work.id, img.work.image_urls.px_480mw))


  1. Blog:
    Pixiv Public-API (OAuth)

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me: [email protected]

Find Pixiv API in Objective-C? You might also like PixivAPI_iOS

API functions

App-API (6.0 - app-api.pixiv.net)

class AppPixivAPI(BasePixivAPI):

    def parse_qs(next_url):

    def user_detail(user_id):

    ## type: [illust, manga]
    def user_illusts(user_id, type="illust"):

    # tag:  user_bookmark_tags_illust 
    def user_bookmarks_illust(user_id, restrict="public"):

    def user_bookmarks_novel(user_id, restrict="public"):

    def user_related(seed_user_id):

    # restrict: [public, private]
    def illust_follow(restrict="public"):

    #  (PAPI.works()iOS)
    def illust_detail(illust_id):

    def illust_comments(illust_id, include_total_comments=None):

    def illust_related(illust_id):

    #  (Home - Main)
    # content_type: [illust, manga]
    def illust_recommended(content_type="illust"):

    def novel_recommended():

    # mode: [day, week, month, day_male, day_female, week_original, week_rookie, day_manga]
    # date: '2016-08-01'
    # mode (Past): [day, week, month, day_male, day_female, week_original, week_rookie,
    #               day_r18, day_male_r18, day_female_r18, week_r18, week_r18g]
    def illust_ranking(mode="day", date=None):

    #  (Search - tags)
    def trending_tags_illust():

    #  (Search)
    # search_target - 
    #   partial_match_for_tags  - 
    #   exact_match_for_tags    - 
    #   title_and_caption       - 
    # sort: [date_desc, date_asc, popular_desc] - popular_desc
    # duration: [within_last_day, within_last_week, within_last_month]
    # start_date, end_date: '2020-07-01'
    def search_illust(word, search_target="partial_match_for_tags", sort="date_desc", duration=None, start_date=None, end_date=None):

    #  (Search Novel)
    # search_target - 
    #   partial_match_for_tags  - 
    #   exact_match_for_tags    - 
    #   text                    - 
    #   keyword                 - 
    # sort: [date_desc, date_asc]
    # start_date/end_date: 2020-06-01
    def search_novel(word, search_target="partial_match_for_tags", sort="date_desc", start_date=None, end_date=None):

    def search_user(word, sort='date_desc', duration=None):

    def illust_bookmark_detail(illust_id):

    def illust_bookmark_add(illust_id, restrict="public", tags=None):

    def illust_bookmark_delete(illust_id):

    def user_follow_add(user_id, restrict="public"):

    def user_follow_delete(user_id):

    def user_bookmark_tags_illust(restrict="public"):

    # Following
    def user_following(user_id, restrict="public"):

    # Followers
    def user_follower(user_id):

    # P
    def user_mypixiv(user_id):

    def user_list(user_id):

    # ugoira
    def ugoira_metadata(illust_id):

    def user_novels(user_id):

    def novel_series(series_id, last_order=None):

    def novel_detail(novel_id):

    #  ()
    def webview_novel(novel_id):

    def novel_comments(novel_id):

    # content_type: [illust, manga]
    def illust_new(content_type="illust", max_illust_id=None):

    def novel_new(max_novel_id=None):

    #  (Web API)
    def showcase_article(showcase_id):


aapi = AppPixivAPI()

json_result = aapi.illust_recommended()
illust = json_result.illusts[0]
print(">>> %s, origin url: %s" % (illust.title, illust.image_urls['large']))

json_result = aapi.illust_related(57065990)
illust = json_result.illusts[0]
print(">>> %s, origin url: %s" % (illust.title, illust.image_urls['large']))

# - (.parse_qs(next_url) )
next_qs = aapi.parse_qs(json_result.next_url)
json_result = aapi.illust_related(**next_qs)
illust = json_result.illusts[0]
print(">>> %s, origin url: %s" % (illust.title, illust.image_urls['large']))

json_result = aapi.user_detail(660788)
user = json_result.user
print("%s(@%s) region=%s" % (user.name, user.account, json_result.profile.region))

json_result = aapi.user_illusts(660788)
illust = json_result.illusts[0]
print(">>> %s, origin url: %s" % (illust.title, illust.image_urls['large']))

json_result = aapi.user_bookmarks_illust(2088434)
illust = json_result.illusts[0]
print(">>> %s, origin url: %s" % (illust.title, illust.image_urls['large']))

json_result = aapi.user_bookmarks_novel(42862448)
novel = json_result.novels[0]
print(">>> {}, text_length: {}, series: {}".format(novel.title, novel.text_length, novel.series))

# 2016-07-15 
json_result = aapi.illust_ranking('week', date='2016-07-15')
illust = json_result.illusts[0]
print(">>> %s, origin url: %s" % (illust.title, illust.image_urls['large']))

#  (login)
json_result = aapi.illust_follow(req_auth=True)
illust = json_result.illusts[0]
print(">>> %s, origin url: %s" % (illust.title, illust.image_urls['large']))

#  "" 
json_result = aapi.search_illust('', search_target='partial_match_for_tags')
illust = json_result.illusts[0]
print(">>> %s, origin url: %s" % (illust.title, illust.image_urls['large']))

#  "gomzi" 
json_result = aapi.search_user("gomzi")
illust = json_result.user_previews[0].illusts[0]
print(">>> %s, origin url: %s" % (illust.title, illust.image_urls['large']))

json_result = aapi.novel_comments(16509454, include_total_comments=True)
print("Total comments = {}".format(json_result["total_comments"]))
for comment in json_result["comments"]:
    if comment["parent_comment"] != dict():
        print("{user} replied to {target} at {time} : {content}".format(user = comment["user"]["name"], time = comment["date"], content = comment["comment"], target = comment["parent_comment"]["user"]["name"]))
        print("{user} at {time} : {content}".format(user=comment["user"]["name"], time=comment["date"], content=comment["comment"]))

Package Publishing Instructions

Follow these simple steps to publish your Poetry package. We recommend publishing to the test.pypi.org instance first, to verify everything is working as expected.

This step only has to be done once:

# Configure test.pypi.org
poetry config repositories.testpypi https://test.pypi.org/legacy/
# Configure API Keys for both PyPI and TestPyPY
poetry config pypi-token.testpypi <testpypi_api_key>
poetry config pypi-token.pypi <pypi_api_key>

Now publish the new version:

# Adjust the package version at the top of the "pyproject.toml" file
vim pyproject.toml
# Build python packages to dist/ folder
poetry build
# Publish package to TestPyPi
poetry publish -r testpypi
# Checkout published package in a different environment
pip install --index-url https://test.pypi.org/simple/ <your_package_name>
# Once confirmed that everything works, publish to the real PyPi
poetry publish


Feel free to use, reuse and abuse the code in this project.

Package Rankings
Top 6.68% on Proxy.golang.org
Top 3.6% on Pypi.org
Extracted from project README's
PyPI version
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