
Command-line interface to calendars

GPL-3.0 License



Simple command-line CalDAV client, making it possible to add calendar events, browse an agenda and do task management.

This is the experimental new version of my old calendar-cli project.

Perhaps this work is moot ... or perhaps just 20 years too late. Considering the recent progress of chatbots, probably soon all calendar queries can be done in natural language.

Other tools

There is a "competing" project at - you may want to check it out - it's more mature but probably more complex. It's using a "vsyncdir" backend - if I've understood it correctly, that involves building a local copy of the calendar. The philosophy behind plann and calendar-cli is slightly different, it is supposed to be a simple cli-based caldav+ical client. No synchronization, no local storage, just client-side operations.

New vs old interface

Based on user feedback I decided to fork calendar-cli into plann. calendar-cli is the old, mature, production-ready, stable API interface, it will hang around and be supported for some time to come. plann is the new interface, but until version 1.0 is ready, there will still be functionality in calendar-cli that isn't mirrored to

Usage examples

The commands and options will be described further down, however examples often beat documentation. There is one example directory with some usage examples, and eventually I will also try to write up some test code that can serve as examples.


plann depends on several python libraries, e.g. icalendar, caldav, etc.

Virtual Environment Install

This installs plann and all its dependencies in the virtual environment you create. To run it, you have to activate this virtual environment in your current shell.

  1. Clone this repo, cd to plann
  2. python3 -m venv .venv
  3. source .venv/bin/activate (See venv documentation)
  4. python3 install

Systemwide Install

This installs plann and all its dependencies system-wide.

  1. Clone this repo, cd to plann
  2. sudo ./ install


#calendar-cli at (I'm not available 24/7 there), eventually [email protected], eventually the issue tracker at

Before reaching out, please make sure all the dependencies are installed, and that you've installed the latest version of the caldav python library. If you're using the master branch of plann, you should also be using the master branch of the caldav python library.


GUIs and Web-UIs are nice for some purposes, but I really find the command line unbeatable when it comes to:

  • Minor stuff that is repeated often. Writing something like "todo add make a calendar-cli system" or "calendar add 'tomorrow 15:40+2h' doctor appointment" is (for me) faster than navigating into some web calendar interface and add an item there.
  • Things that are outside the scope of the UI. Here is one of many tasks I'd like to do: "go through the work calendar, find all new calendar events that are outside office hours, check up with the personal calendar if there are potential conflicts, add some information at the personal calendar if appropriate", and vice versa - it has to be handled very manually if doing it through any normal calendar application as far as I know, but if having some simple CLI or python library I could easily make some interactive script that would help me doing the operation above.

When I started writing calendar-cli, the predecessor to plann, all I could find was cadaver and the CalDAVClientLibrary. Both of those seems to be a bit shortcoming; they seem to miss the iCalendar parsing/generation, and there are things that simply cannot be done through those tools.


plann [global options] [command] [command options] [subcommand] [subcommand options] [subcommand arguments] ...

I'm intending to make it easier by allowing plann to be symlinked to the various commands and also to allow the options to be placed wherever.

Global options

Only long options will be available in the early versions; I don't want to pollute the short option space before the CLI is reasonably well-defined.

Always consult --help for up-to-date and complete listings of options. The list below will only contain the most important options and may not be up-to-date and may contain features not implemented yet.

  • --caldav-url, --caldav-user, --caldav-pass: how to connect to the CalDAV server. Fits better into a configuration file. (CONFIGURATION FILE NOT YET IMPLEMENTED IN plann)
  • --calendar-url: url to the calendar one wants to use. A relative URL (path) or a calendar-id is also accepted.
  • --config-file: use a specific configuration file (default: $HOME/.config/calendar.conf)
  • --config-section: use a specific section from the config file (i.e. to select a different caldav-server to connect to) (CONFIGURATION FILE NOT YET IMPLEMENTED IN plann)
  • --icalendar: Write or read icalendar to/from stdout/stdin
  • --nocaldav: don't connect to a caldav server
  • --timezone: any "naive" timestamp should be considered to belong to the given time zone, timestamps outputted should be in this time zone, timestamps given through options should be considered to be in this time zone (Olson database identifiers, like UTC or Europe/Helsinki). (default: local timezone)

The caldav URL should be something like i.e. http://some.davical.server/caldav.php/ - it is only supposed to relay the server location, not the user or calendar. Things will most likely work if you give http://some.davical.server/caldav.php/tobixen/work-calendar/ - but it will ignore the calendar part of it, and use first calendar it can find - which perhaps may be tobixen/family-calendar/. Use http://some.davical.server/caldav.php/ as the caldav URL, and /tobixen/family-calendar as the calendar-url.


The list may not be complete. --help should give a more complete overview.

  • list-calendars: lists the calendars that plann can see
  • agenda: Convenience command, lists upcoming events and tasks
  • add: adds new events/items to todo lists/calendars
  • select: select/search/filter tasks/events to list/modify/mark complete and so forth
  • interactive: a collection of interactive convenience commands

Event time specification

Supported since calendar_cli (predecessor to plann) v0.12:

  • anything recognized by dateutil.parser.parse()
  • An iso time stamp, followed with the duration, using either + or space as separator. Duration is a number postfixed by s for seconds, m for minutes, h for hours, d for days, w for weeks and y for years (i.e. 2013-09-10T13:37+30d)
  • ISO dates. For full day events, make sure to specify the duration in days.

All of those would eventually be supported in future versions if it's not too difficult to achieve:

  • Two ISO timestamps separated by a dash (-)
  • "tomorrow" instead of an ISO date
  • weekday instead of an ISO date (this seems supported already by dateutil.parser.parse)
  • clock time without the date; event will be assumed to start within 24 hours.

Alternatively, endtime or duration can be given through options

Getting out customized information through --todo-template and --event-template

This is a string containing variables enclosed in curly braces, like "uid: {uid}". Full documentation of the available variables will be given in version 1.0.

Particularly the uid can be useful, as one may want to use the uid for things like deleting events and postponing tasks.

In the examples folder there is a task management script which will use the --todo-template to create a new shell script for postponing all overdue tasks. This shell script can then be edited interactively and run.

Task management

With the todo-command, there are quite some options available (i.e. --categories, --limit, --todo-uid, etc) to select or filter tasks. Those are used by the commands list, edit, postpone, complete and delete. A typical use-case scenario is to first use the "list" command, tweak the filtering options to get a list containing the tasks one wants to operate with, and then use either edit, postpone, complete or delete.

The file contains some thoughts on how to organize tasks.

Configuration file

Configuration file is by default located in $HOME/.config/calendar.conf. plann supports both json and yaml.

(I considered .ini, but I was told that it's actually not a standard. I'd like any calendar application to be able to access the file, hence calendar.conf and not plann.conf)

The file may look like this:

{ "default":
  { "caldav_url": "",
    "caldav_user": "luser",
    "caldav_pass": "insecure"

A configuration with multiple sections may look like this:

  { "caldav_url": "",
    "caldav_user": "luser",
    "caldav_pass": "insecure"
  { "caldav_url": "",
    "caldav_user": "luser2",
    "caldav_pass": "insecure2"

Sections may also include calendar urls or ids, and sections may inherit other sections:

  { "caldav_url": "",
    "caldav_user": "luser",
    "caldav_pass": "insecure"
  { "caldav_url": "",
    "caldav_user": "luser2",
    "caldav_pass": "insecure2"
  { "inherits": "baz",
    "calendar_url": "important"
  • plann will accept a parameter calendar_name, which should match with the display name of the calendar.

  • YAML seems to have more traction than JSON when it comes to configuration that is supposed to be read and edited by humans, hence plann will accept configuration files in yaml as well as json.

  • Since plann may operate at many calendars at one time, I decided to add the keyword "contains" to have one config section refer to multiple other config sections.


  caldav_url: ""
  caldav_user: drjekyll
  caldav_pass: pencilin
  calendar_url: mycalendar
  inherits: work-calendar
  calendar_url: mypatients
  caldav_url: ""
  caldav_user: mrhyde
  caldav_pass: hunter2
  calendar_name: goodgames
  inherits: private-calendar
  calendar_name: badgames
  contains: [ 'work-calendar', 'work-appointments' ]
  contains: [ 'private-calendar', 'brothel-appointments' ]

Usage example

Add a calendar item "testevent" at 2013-10-01:

./plann --calendar-url= --caldav-server= --caldav-user=myusername --caldav-pass=mypassphrase add event testevent 2013-10-01

Add a todo item "change oil":

./plann --calendar-url= --caldav-server= --caldav-user=myusername --caldav-pass=mypassphrase add todo "change oil"

See USAGE.MD for further instructions on how to use plann.


  • It should be really easy and quick to add a todo-list item from the command line.
  • It should be really easy and quick to add a calendar item from the command line.
  • It should be possible to get out lists ("agenda") of calendar items and todo-items.
  • Interface for copying calendar items between calendars, even between calendars on distinct caldav servers


See and for the direction the project is heading.