
🔥 Dynamically Self Updating Portfolio GitHub Action

MIT License


Developers create hundreds of repositories, and hardly a few of them are presentable and showcased on social media/LinkedIn. This GitHub action allows you to generate your self-updating portfolio consisting of Projects, Hackathons, or maybe the latest Blogs.

An index file is pushed by this action which with the help of GitHub pages can be deployed as soon as it is committed to the repository. If you write blogs, then you can add Blog Post Workflow to the main workflow for updating your portfolio. !

Getting Your Profile Ready ⚡

  • The repositories need to have a project topic to add to the project section and a hackathon topic to add them in the hackathon section. If you add both the topics to the same repository then it will be reflected in both sections!

  • A GitHub personal access token will be needed which can be obtained by going to Settings > Developer Settings > Personal Access Tokens.

Note: If you give private repositories access then they will be added to the sections but their links will not work

Repository Setup 😉

GitHub actions can be integrated into any repository. Create a new folder called .github/workflows/<any-name>.yml. Paste the following starter code:

name: Latest portfolio
    - cron: '0 0 * * *'
    # This makes the action run at the end of every day. Customize this accordingly or you can also trigger this action for GitHub events (Pull, Push). Check the GitHub actions page for that.

    name: update-index-with-project
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - uses: kaustubhgupta/PortfolioFy@main 
          gh_token: ${{ secrets.TOKEN }} # Create a secret to store the access token 

Available Options 🤔

(To know more about each parameter, jump to this page in the documentation)

Option Default Value Description Required Example
gh_token NA GitHub Personal Access token Yes NA
theme 1 Level of the webpage you want to render: 1 or 2 No 1
blogs False Include blogs in your Portfolio No True
hackathons False Include repositories that are tagged as hackathon topic No True
stats_choice 1 Type/Style of GitHub stats you want to include. A total of 8 types of GitHub stats are available. See the sections below for more information No 6
stats_customization Comming Soon Customize the GitHub stats chosen by passing additional parameters supported Comming Soon Comming Soon
social_links False Links for Linkedin, Twitter, Dev. to, Medium, or Stackoverflow can be included. All handles are not necessary, you can provide them as comma-separated list as per need in any order No 'https://www.linkedin.com/in/kaustubh-gupta/, https://twitter.com/Kaustubh1828, https://medium.com/@kaustubhgupta1828, https://dev.to/kaustubhgupta, https://stackoverflow.com/users/14681298/kaustubh'
resume_link False Link for resume uploaded online No 'https://drive.google.com/fnskaml...'
allow_footer True Whether you want to display the credits of the creator at the end of the webpage No False
project_sort_by 'stars' Control the sorting of projects by 'stars' or 'forks' No 'forks'

Documentation 📜

The detailed documentation for this project is available here

Regarding Blog Updates

There is an action called Blog Post Workflow. You can easily integrate this in your workflow via this template: (Highly recommended!)

name: Latest blog post workflow
  push: # Every time index.html is pushed, this action runs and updates the blogs section!

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - uses: gautamkrishnar/blog-post-workflow@master
          feed_list: <Your feedlist>
          max_post_count: <Your Choice>
          readme_path: index.html
          template: "<h2 class='h2-blog'><a class='a-lightblue' href=$url>$title</a></h2>" # It is suggested not to modify this
          gh_token: ${{ secrets.TOKEN }}

Make sure to enable the blogs parameter in the main workflow:

- uses: actions/checkout@v2
        - uses: kaustubhgupta/PortfolioFy@main
            gh_token: ${{ secrets.TOKEN }}
            blogs: True


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License 📝

Package Rankings
Top 6.26% on Github actions
Extracted from project README
MIT Licence