
FastAPI frontend for monitoring PQ queues

OTHER License



pq-dashboard is a general purpose, lightweight, FastAPI-based web front-end and CLI tool to monitor your PQ queues and tasks.

Sound familiar? Basically, pq-dashboard is to pq as rq-dashboard is to rq.



Installing from PyPI

python -m pip install pq-dashboard

Then run pq-dashboard with no arguments, which will start the server.

$ pq-dashboard

You may need to configure environment variables (see below) to connect to the PostGRES server where your pq queues are stored.

Using docker

pq-dashboard can run as a docker container. The image can be built with ./scripts/build-image.sh. This creates the pq-dashboard:v0 image.

The easiest way to run locally is to use the host network:

docker run --net=host pq-dashboard:v0

The app will then be available on host port 9182 by default. In production, you may want to configure networking differently.

An environment file can be passed to docker like this:

docker run --env-file=.pq-dash.env --net=host pq-dashboard:v0

CLI tool usage

The pq-dashboard command can also be used as a CLI tool for basic queue management.

$ pq-dashboard stats|cleanup|cancel-all <comma-separated list of queue names>

For more details, see the help messages on all the commands

Environment variables

pq-dashboard will read config from environment variables prefixed with PQ_DASH.

Variable Default value Explanation
PQ_DASH_PGHOST localhost Host the PostgreSQL server is running on.
PQ_DASH_PGPORT 5432 Port the PostgreSQL server is running on.
PQ_DASH_PGUSER postgres PostgreSQL user name to connect as.
PQ_DASH_PGPASSWORD postgres Password for the PostgreSQL user.
PQ_DASH_DATABASE postgres PostgreSQL database name containing queue table
PQ_DASH_QUEUE_TABLE queue Name of queue table containing items

Alternatively, these variables can be stored in a plaintext .pq-dash.env file. Enviroment variables will take precedence over the .env file.


To install dev dependencies, use:

poetry install

Then, install the pre-commit hook:

pre-commit install

This ensures all commits will be linted properly.

To run the dev frontend, from the pq_dashboard/frontend directory run:

npm run dev

then to start the backend:

uvicorn pq_dashboard.main:app --reload --port 9182

The backend statically serves the frontend, but you will need to refresh the page to see your changes in the frontend code.