
Download images from reddit

MIT License

PrawWallpaperDownloader - New features and QoL Latest Release

Published by nikolajlauridsen over 6 years ago

Ratio clean has arrived!

Again a lot has happened, but the major addition in this release is the ratio cleaning functionality.
After all, images have been downloaded prawpapers will go through all the downloaded images and delete any images whose ratio doesn't match the minsize within a 5% margin, this margin can be changed by changing the rlock value.
If you wish to disable ratio clean simple set rlock to a value of 0.

Downloading by search term has also added, so if you want to download a lot of pictures of Nissan Silvia's you can simply launch prawpapers like this

py prawpapers -s Nissan -q Silvia

Prawpapers will then search the Nissan subreddit for 'Silvia' and download any images in the search result.


  • Added ratio cleaning.
  • Added search functionality.
  • Added option to reset config in the config menu.
  • Added option to list current settings in the config menu.
  • Minor config tweaks.
  • Verbose mode has been made truly verbose.
  • Logging has been improved (No more Unicode errors).
  • Various tweaks and fixes.
PrawWallpaperDownloader - Python 3.6 support, and much more

Published by nikolajlauridsen over 6 years ago

It's been way to long since a "release" and quite a bit has happened.

  • The configuration menu has been completely reworked, and is now based off qprompt, for safer inputs, and a higher degree of automation.
  • You can now specify which section of the given subreddit to search (e.g hot, new, top)
  • Updated format checking to use response headers if possiple
  • Database has been restructured (you might have to delete the old one)
  • Updated database querying to add an optional maximum link age, to keep queries from getting too long.
PrawWallpaperDownloader - Final version not using client secret

Published by nikolajlauridsen about 7 years ago

PRAW has been updated and the old version is incompatible with python 3.6, the downside to upgrading PRAW is that it's no longer possible to use it without registering an app on Reddit and adding a client_id and client_secret to the script.

This will be the final version not working on 3.6, but will also be the last version without client secret. If you don't want to go through the hassle, download this release and run it in python 3.6


  • Prawpapers will now download direct PNG links
  • PyCLIBar has been added and prawpapers will now show a pretty progress bar when downloading images.
PrawWallpaperDownloader - Threading!

Published by nikolajlauridsen over 7 years ago

The download progress has been multi-threaded which has reduced the running time of the script significantly 🎉.

Sadly however the script cannot be stopped once the downloading has begun anymore 😢, but I find it to be a fair trade off as of now considering the gained speed (I am however working towards making this work)

The script also tries to read the content type from the request headers now, and will display "No new images to download" instead of trying to download nothing.

You can customize how many threads the script runs with through config or with the -t keyword argument.

PrawWallpaperDownloader - Prawpers

Published by nikolajlauridsen over 7 years ago

With the database being somewhat sensible it's time to make the first release

Do note that this release changes the database, which means a new database needs to be created, which prawpers does on its own.

Just follow install instructions in and have fun

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