
Produce a PDF for a set of publications



Produce a PDF for a set of publications.

pubpdf currently only handles publication metadata in mods or bib format, and mods records can be fetched via OAI-PMH.

Conversion of records is performed using bibutils, which must be installed separately.


Installing bibutils

On Unix platforms, it is often found in the package management system.

If you need to compile it from source, such as on Windows:

  1. Fetch the latest tarball from

  2. Unpack it using tar and, in the new directory, run:

    ./configure --install-dir /usr/local/bin --install-lib /usr/local/bin
    make install

Installing pubpdf

$ pip install "git+"


pubpdf [options] pid [pid]

pubpdf produces a publications list. Args that start with '--' (eg. --oai-api)
can also be set in a config file (~/.pubpdfrc or .pubpdfrc or ~/.pubrc or
.pubrc or specified via -c). Config file syntax allows: key=value, flag=true,
stuff=[a,b,c] (for details, see syntax at If an arg is
specified in more than one place, then commandline values override config file
values which override defaults.

positional arguments:
  pids                  pids (identifiers)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        config file path
  --oai-api OAI_API     OAI API URL
  --oai-format OAI_FORMAT
                        OAI format
  --oai-identifier-prefix OAI_IDENTIFIER_PREFIX
                        OAI identifier prefix
  --check-oai-repo      Iterate over all publications in repository
  --csl-style CSL_STYLE
                        CSL style name
  --csl-style-dir CSL_STYLE_DIR
                        Directory containing CSL style files
  --group-by-type       Group types of publicatons together
  --html-preamble HTML_PREAMBLE
  --output-file OUTPUT_FILE
                        Output filename


The publications to be included in the PDF may be specified as:

  1. A list of OAI PIDs, such as une:1 une:5 une:6.

  2. A list of filenames to mods files.

  3. A single filename ending with .bib, which should be a complete set of publications .

While processing the specified target MODS records, a file pubs.pdf.bib will be written into the current directory.

If there is a problem parsing a BibTeX records, manually modify the generated .bib file to simplify the LaTeX as appropriate. A list of potential parsing problems can be seen at .

The option --check-oai-repo is primarily intended to be used as a way to verify that all publications in the repository are sucessfully parsed by bibutils and citeproc.

When using the --check-oai-repo mode, one or two pids may be provided as command arguments to indicate the start and end range that should be checked.