
Asyncio frontend for pulsectl, a Python bindings library for PulseAudio (libpulse)

MIT License



This library provides an Python 3 asyncio interface on top of the pulsectl library for monitoring and controlling the PulseAudio sound server.

pulsectl is a Python ctypes wrapper of the PulseAudio client C library libpulse, providing a high-level interface to PulseAudio's source/sink/stream handling and volume mixing. It has originally been forked from the internal code of the pulsemixer command line application.

Although libpulse provides a callback-based asynchronous C API for the communication with the PulseAudio server, pulsectl only exposes a blocking Python interface, letting libpulse's internal event loop spin until a response is received for each request. In the README file and Issue #11 of pulsectl, different ways of integrating the library into asynchronous Python applications are discussed. However, none of these ways provides seamless integration into Python's asyncio event loop framework.

pulsectl-asyncio uses a ctypes-based Python implementation of the main_loop_api of libpulse to use a Python asyncio event loop for libpulse's asynchronous event handling. With this event handling in place, no blocking calls into libpulse are required, so an asynchronous version for the high-level API of pulsectl can be provided: The PulseAsync class, provided by pulsectl-asyncio, exactly mimics the Pulse class from pulsectl, except that all methods are declared async and asynchronously await the actions' results. Additionally, the API for subscribing to PulseAudio server events has been changed from a callback-based interface (event_callback_set() etc.) to a more asnycio-nic interface using an async generator.

pulsectl-asyncio depends on pulsectl to reuse its ctype wrappers of libpulse as well as the PulseObject classes, which are used for modelling the PulseAudio action result structures as Python objects. The high-level API class PulseAsync has been copied from pulsectl and modified for asynchronous control flow. Thus, its architecture and major parts of its code are still similar to pulsectl's code.

For more info about the API, the returned PulseObject objects and other value types, volume specification, etc., please refer to pulsectl's README file.

Usage Examples

(heavily inspired by pulsectl's README file)

Simple example:

import asyncio
import pulsectl_asyncio

async def main():
    async with pulsectl_asyncio.PulseAsync('volume-increaser') as pulse:
        for sink in await pulse.sink_list():
            await pulse.volume_change_all_chans(sink, 0.1)

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

Listening for server state change events:

import asyncio
import signal
from contextlib import suppress
import pulsectl_asyncio

# import pulsectl
# print('Event types:', pulsectl.PulseEventTypeEnum)
# print('Event facilities:', pulsectl.PulseEventFacilityEnum)
# print('Event masks:', pulsectl.PulseEventMaskEnum)

async def listen():
    async with pulsectl_asyncio.PulseAsync('event-printer') as pulse:
        async for event in pulse.subscribe_events('all'):
            print('Pulse event:', event)

async def main():
    # Run listen() coroutine in task to allow cancelling it
    listen_task = asyncio.create_task(listen())

    # register signal handlers to cancel listener when program is asked to terminate
    for sig in (signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIGHUP, signal.SIGINT):
        loop.add_signal_handler(sig, listen_task.cancel)
    # Alternatively, the PulseAudio event subscription can be ended by breaking/returning from the `async for` loop

    with suppress(asyncio.CancelledError):
        await listen_task

# Run event loop until main_task finishes
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

Misc other tinkering:

import asyncio
import pulsectl_asyncio

async def main():
    pulse = pulsectl_asyncio.PulseAsync('my-client-name')
    await pulse.connect()

    print(await pulse.sink_list())
    # [<PulseSinkInfo at 7f85cfd053d0 - desc='Built-in Audio', index=0L, mute=0, name='alsa-speakers', channels=2, volumes='44.0%, 44.0%'>]
    print(await pulse.sink_input_list())
    # [<PulseSinkInputInfo at 7fa06562d3d0 - index=181L, mute=0, name='mpv Media Player', channels=2, volumes='25.0%, 25.0%'>]

    print((await pulse.sink_input_list())[0].proplist)  # Note the parentheses around `await` and the method call
    # {'application.icon_name': 'mpv',
    #  'application.language': 'C',
    #  'application.name': 'mpv Media Player',
    #  ...
    #  'native-protocol.version': '30',
    #  'window.x11.display': ':1.0'}

    print(await pulse.source_list())
    # [<PulseSourceInfo at 7fcb0615d8d0 - desc='Monitor of Built-in Audio', index=0L, mute=0, name='alsa-speakers.monitor', channels=2, volumes='100.0%, 100.0%'>,
    #  <PulseSourceInfo at 7fcb0615da10 - desc='Built-in Audio', index=1L, mute=0, name='alsa-mic', channels=2, volumes='100.0%, 100.0%'>]

    sink = (await pulse.sink_list())[0]
    await pulse.volume_change_all_chans(sink, -0.1)
    await pulse.volume_set_all_chans(sink, 0.5)

    print((await pulse.server_info()).default_sink_name)
    # 'alsa_output.pci-0000_00_14.2.analog-stereo'
    await pulse.default_set(sink)

    card = (await pulse.card_list())[0]
    # [<PulseCardProfileInfo at 7f02e7e88ac8 - description='Analog Stereo Input', n_sinks=0, n_sources=1, name='input:analog-stereo', priority=60>,
    #  <PulseCardProfileInfo at 7f02e7e88b70 - description='Analog Stereo Output', n_sinks=1, n_sources=0, name='output:analog-stereo', priority=6000>,
    #  ...
    #  <PulseCardProfileInfo at 7f02e7e9a4e0 - description='Off', n_sinks=0, n_sources=0, name='off', priority=0>]

    await pulse.card_profile_set(card, 'output:hdmi-stereo')

    pulse.close()  # No await here!

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

Monitor output level of default sink on the command line:

import asyncio
import signal
from contextlib import suppress

import pulsectl_asyncio

async def listen(pulse: pulsectl_asyncio.PulseAsync, source_name: str):
    async for level in pulse.subscribe_peak_sample(source_name, rate=5):
        print('\x1b[2K\x1b[0E', end='')  # return to beginning of line
        num_o = round(level * 80)
        print('O' * num_o + '-' * (80-num_o), end='', flush=True)

async def main():
    async with pulsectl_asyncio.PulseAsync('peak-listener') as pulse:
        # Get name of monitor_source of default sink
        server_info = await pulse.server_info()
        default_sink_info = await pulse.get_sink_by_name(server_info.default_sink_name)
        source_name = default_sink_info.monitor_source_name

        # Start listening/monitoring task
        listen_task = loop.create_task(listen(pulse, source_name))

        # register signal handlers to cancel listener when program is asked to terminate
        # Alternatively, the PulseAudio event subscription can be ended by breaking/returning from the `async for` loop
        for sig in (signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIGHUP, signal.SIGINT):
            loop.add_signal_handler(sig, listen_task.cancel)

        with suppress(asyncio.CancelledError):
            await listen_task

# Run event loop until main_task finishes
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()