
Python Hive Hub

MIT License



PyAlertMe is a set of classes which, when used in conjunction with a Digi XBee (ZigBee) module, can be used to simulate an AlertMe (Lowes Iris, Hive, British Gas Safe and Secure) Hub, SmartPlug or Sensor.



# Setup Serial
XBEE_PORT = '/dev/tty.usbserial-DN018OI6'
XBEE_BAUD = 9600
ser = serial.Serial(XBEE_PORT, XBEE_BAUD)

# Define Callback (Optional)
def callback(type, node_id, field, value):
    if type == 'Attribute':
        print("Attribute Update\n\tNode ID: " + node_id + "  Field: " + field + "  Value: " + str(value))
    elif type == 'Node':
        print("Node Update\n\tNode ID: " + node_id + "  Field: " + field + "  Value: " + str(value))

# Create Hub Object
hub_obj = Hub(callback)

Example output:

2017-08-30 21:51:21,138 INFO zbhub 134 New Device 00:0d:6f:00:00:1b:6a:6a Fully Associated
Attribute Update [Node ID: 00:0d:6f:00:00:1b:6a:6a	Field: manu	Value:]
Attribute Update [Node ID: 00:0d:6f:00:00:1b:6a:6a	Field: type	Value: Door/Window sensor]
Attribute Update [Node ID: 00:0d:6f:00:00:1b:6a:6a	Field: version	Value: 55979]
Attribute Update [Node ID: 00:0d:6f:00:00:1b:6a:6a	Field: manu_date	Value: 2008-04-17]
{   '00:0d:6f:00:00:1b:6a:6a': {   'manu': '',
                                   'type': 'Door/Window sensor',
                                   'version': 55979},
    '00:0d:6f:00:00:1b:76:ea': {   'manu': '',
                                   'type': 'Lamp',
                                   'version': 1905},
    '00:0d:6f:00:00:78:61:c0': {   'manu': '',
                                   'type': 'Button Device',
                                   'version': 34667},
    '00:0d:6f:00:03:bb:b9:f8': {   'manu': '',
                                   'type': 'SmartPlug',
                                   'version': 9586}}
Select Device:Attribute Update [Node ID: 00:0d:6f:00:03:bb:b9:f8	Field: power_demand	Value: 0]
Attribute Update [Node ID: 00:0d:6f:00:03:bb:b9:f8	Field: trigger_state	Value: 0]
Attribute Update [Node ID: 00:0d:6f:00:03:bb:b9:f8	Field: temperature	Value: 99.05]
Attribute Update [Node ID: 00:0d:6f:00:03:bb:b9:f8	Field: tamper_state	Value: 1]
Attribute Update [Node ID: 00:0d:6f:00:00:1b:6a:6a	Field: manu	Value:]
Attribute Update [Node ID: 00:0d:6f:00:00:1b:6a:6a	Field: type	Value: Door/Window sensor]
Attribute Update [Node ID: 00:0d:6f:00:00:1b:6a:6a	Field: version	Value: 55979]
Attribute Update [Node ID: 00:0d:6f:00:00:1b:6a:6a	Field: manu_date	Value: 2008-04-17]
Attribute Update [Node ID: 00:0d:6f:00:03:bb:b9:f8	Field: power_demand	Value: 0]

The hub supports the following devices:

  • SmartPlug
  • Power Clamp
  • Button Device
  • PIR Device
  • Door/Window sensor
  • Alarm Detector
  • Keyfob Device
  • Beacon
  • Lamp


# Setup Serial
XBEE_PORT = '/dev/tty.usbserial-DN018OI6'
XBEE_BAUD = 9600
ser = serial.Serial(XBEE_PORT, XBEE_BAUD)

# Create SmartPlug Object
device_obj = SmartPlug()

XBee Setup

Configure XBee as follows: XBee Modem XB24-ZB, ZIGBEE Coordinator API, Version 21A7 (or better). Alternatively use you can use scripts/ to configure the Xbee.

Coordinator (Hub)

  • ZigBee Stack Profile (ZS): 2
  • Encryption Enable (EE): 1
  • Encryption Options (EO): 1
  • Encryption Key (KY): 5a6967426565416c6c69616e63653039
  • API Enable (AP): 2
  • API Output Mode (AO): 3

Router (Device)

  • ZigBee Stack Profile (ZS): 2
  • Encryption Enable (EE): 1
  • Encryption Options (EO): 0
  • Encryption Key (KY): None
  • API Enable (AP): 2
  • API Output Mode (AO): 3

Example Use

See examples/ for example Hub. See examples/ for example SmartPlug.


Huge thanks to Desert Home from which this project originates from.