
PyArmadillo - linear algebra library for Python with MATLAB-like syntax -

APACHE-2.0 License


PyArmadillo: linear algebra library for Python

Copyright 2020-2021 Jason Rumengan ( Copyright 2020-2021 Terry Yue Zhuo ( Copyright 2020-2021 Conrad Sanderson ( Copyright 2020-2021 Data61 / CSIRO

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  1. Introduction

  2. Citation Details

  3. Documentation and Examples

  4. Installation via pip

  5. Installation from Source

  6. Distribution License

  7. Bug Reports and Frequently Asked Questions

1. Introduction

  • PyArmadillo is a streamlined linear algebra library (matrix maths) for the Python language, with emphasis on ease of use

  • Provides high-level syntax and functionality deliberately similar to Matlab

  • Provides classes for matrices and cubes; integer, floating point and complex elements are supported

  • Relies on Armadillo for the underlying C++ implementation of matrix objects

  • Authors:

  • Example program:

    from pyarma import *
    A = mat(4, 5, fill.ones)
    B = mat(4, 5, fill.randu)
    C = A*B.t()

2: Citation Details

Please cite the following paper if you use PyArmadillo in your research and/or software. Citations are useful for the continued development and maintenance of the library.

  • Jason Rumengan, Terry Yue Zhuo, Conrad Sanderson.
    PyArmadillo: a streamlined linear algebra library for Python.
    Journal of Open Source Software, Vol. 6(66), p. 3051, 2021.

3: Documentation and Examples

The documentation for PyArmadillo functions and classes is available at:

The documentation is also in the doc/docs.html file in the PyArmadillo archive, which can be viewed with a web browser.

A short example program named that uses PyArmadillo is included with the PyArmadillo archive.

4: Installation via pip

  • A precompiled version of PyArmadillo is available via the Python Package Index (PyPI)

  • Use the following command for installation: pip3 install --user pyarma or pip3 install pyarma

  • If pip3 cannot be found, try using the following alternatives:

    • python3 -m pip
    • py -m pip
  • To upgrade PyArmadillo via pip: pip3 install --upgrade --user pyarma or pip3 install --upgrade pyarma

    NOTE: It's possible that pip may erroneously not find the newest version. In that case, try the following command: pip3 install --no-cache-dir --upgrade --user pyarma or pip3 install --no-cache-dir --upgrade pyarma

  • More info on the pyarma package at PyPI:

5: Installation from Source

  • Preliminaries

    • Installing PyArmadillo from source requires:

      • at least Python 3.6; the minimum recommended version is Python 3.8
      • a C++ compiler that supports at least the C++11 standard
      • at least 8 GB of RAM
      • 64-bit CPU, preferably with 4+ cores
      • OpenBLAS and LAPACK (or compatible implementations)
    • Linux based operating systems (eg. Fedora, Ubuntu, CentOS, Red Hat, Debian, etc)

      • First install OpenBLAS, LAPACK, Python 3, and pip3, along with the corresponding development/header files
      • On CentOS 8 / RHEL 8, the CentOS PowerTools repository may need to be enabled:
        dnf config-manager --set-enabled powertools
      • Recommended packages to install before installing PyArmadillo:
        • Fedora, CentOS, RHEL: gcc-c++, libstdc++-devel, openblas-devel, lapack-devel, python3-devel, python3-pip
        • Ubuntu and Debian: g++, libopenblas-dev, liblapack-dev, python3-dev, python3-pip
      • pip3 needs to be updated:
        pip3 install --user --upgrade pip
    • macOS

      • First install Xcode (version 8 or later) and then type the following command in a terminal window:
        xcode-select --install
      • Xcode command-line tools include the Python 3 development files, but pip3 needs to be updated:
        pip3 install --user --upgrade pip
      • The "Accelerate" framework is used for accessing BLAS and LAPACK functions
    • Windows (x64)

  • Running the Installer

    • Open a terminal window and change into the directory containing PyArmadillo sources

      • if the source was obtained as a package downloaded from SourceForge:

        tar xf pyarmadillo-0.123.4.tar.xz
        cd pyarmadillo-0.123.4

        (change 0.123.4 to match the downloaded version)

      • if the source was obtained by cloning the GitLab repo:

        git clone
        cd pyarma
    • Execute the following command:

      pip3 install --user .

      NOTE: the full stop character at the end is important

    • To see the progress of installation, change the above command to pip3 install --verbose --user .

    • If pip3 cannot be found, try using the following alternatives:

      • python3 -m pip
      • py -m pip
    • Installation may take 5 to 20 minutes due to compiling C++ sources that extensively use template metaprogramming; the time taken depends on the number of CPU cores and the amount of available memory

    • Caveat: on systems with low memory (< 8 GB), parallel compilation may fail due to template metaprogramming requiring large amounts of memory. To avoid parallel compilation, first install scikit-build using pip3 install --user scikit-build and then install PyArmadillo using python install -- -- -j1

    • Link-time optimisation (LTO) is off by default. LTO reduces the size of PyArmadillo at the expense of considerably longer compilation time. To enable LTO, first install scikit-build and ninja, and then enable the PYARMA_LTO option during installation:

      pip3 install --user scikit-build ninja
      python3 install -DPYARMA_LTO=ON
  • Support for Intel MKL and Other BLAS/LAPACK Implementations

    • PyArmadillo can optionally use the Intel Math Kernel Library (MKL) as high-speed replacement for standard BLAS and LAPACK

    • Intel MKL should be automatically detected during installation from source

    • For other BLAS/LAPACK implementations, minor modifications to the built-in Armadillo sources may be required. Specifically ext/armadillo/include/armadillo_bits/config.hpp may need to be edited to ensure Armadillo uses the same integer sizes and style of function names as used by the replacement libraries. The following defines may need to be enabled or disabled:


      See the Armadillo site for more information:

    • On Linux-based systems, MKL might be installed in a non-standard location such as /opt which can cause problems during linking. Before installing PyArmadillo, the system should know where the MKL libraries are located. For example, /opt/intel/mkl/lib/intel64/. This can be achieved by setting the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable, or for a more permanent solution, adding the directory locations to /etc/ It may also be possible to store a text file with the locations in the /etc/ directory. For example, /etc/ If /etc/ is modified or /etc/ is created, /sbin/ldconfig must be run afterwards. Below is an example of /etc/ where Intel MKL is installed in /opt/intel

    • If MKL is installed and it is persistently giving problems during linking, support for MKL can be disabled by editing ext/armadillo/CMakeLists.txt and commenting out the line containing INCLUDE(ARMA_FindMKL), then deleting ext/armadillo/CMakeCache.txt, and finally re-running PyArmadillo installation.

6: Distribution License

PyArmadillo is open source software licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). A copy of the License is included in the "LICENSE" file.

Any software that incorporates or distributes PyArmadillo in source or binary form must include, in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the software, a readable copy of the attribution notices present in the "NOTICE" file. See the License for details. The contents of the "NOTICE" file are for informational purposes only and do not modify the License.

7: Bug Reports and Frequently Asked Questions

If you find a bug in the library or the documentation, we are interested in hearing about it. Please make a small and self-contained program which exposes the bug, and then send the program source and the bug description to the developers.

The contact details are at:

Further information about PyArmadillo is on the frequently asked questions page: