
Distributed File System written in Python

APACHE-2.0 License



Distributed File System written in Python.


pip install dfspy


PyDFS is Centralized Distributed File System, which means there is a master and slave nodes. The current implementation assumes that the system has only one master node and many slave nodes.

PyDFS supports command line interface (CLI) to interact with it. There are 2 groups of the commands (like Docker Management Commands):

  • pydfs init - to initialize, manage and sync nodes
  • pydfs dfs - to interact with DFS itself (put/get data to/from it)

Let's take a closer look at these commands.

init commands

With pydfs init command you can initialize master and slave nodes - it's pretty simple:

  • pydfs init master
  • pydfs init slave --master_ip [IP]

dfs commands

  • pydfs dfs put --path [PATH] --master_ip [IP]
  • pydfs dfs get --path [PATH] --master_ip [IP]

other commands

  • pydfs --version
  • pydfs --info


You can also use docker-compose to run multi-container application with:

  • 1 master node
  • 2 slave nodes
  • 2 user nodes
docker-compose up --build


Python >= 3.7


If you use PyDFS in a scientific publication, we would appreciate references to the following BibTex entry:

    author       = {Dani El-Ayyass and Artem Fomin},
    title        = {Distributed File System written in Python},
    howpublished = {\url{}},
    year         = {2022}