Global Optimization for Bayesian Networks

MIT License



It is currently going through some changes as I add support for actually installing pyGOBN into a user's local python distribution so that it can be used from any other module or script.

All credit for the real code behind this project goes to Dr. James Cussens and Dr. Mark Bartlett for the creation of GOBNILP, and to the creators of SCIP. Please contact me - Nick Cullen - at [email protected] with any comments or issues.

Here is the link to GOBNILP:

Here is the link to SCIP:

The pyGOBN project comes pre-packed with the tar file of the GOBNILP source code. There is no need to download anything except this package and the SCIP tar file. However, unless you are using your own already-built GOBNILP source code, you do have to actually unpack, link, and make GOBNILP & SCIP when using pyGOBN for the first time. Luckily, all this can be done directly from Python with the single 'make()' command:

>>> from pyGOBN import *
>>> gobn = GOBN()
>>> gobn.make()

If any errors happen, they will be printed to the IPython console exactly as if you were on the real terminal. However, if you want to get a more detailed view of every step of the installation process, simply pass in the argument 'verbose=True' to the 'make()' function. Additionally, you can choose to perform each installation command seperately, although there is no real benefit to doing so:

>>> from pyGOBN import *
>>> gobn = GOBN()
>>> gobn.unpack_SCIP() # unpack SCIP tar file
>>> gobn.unpack_GOBN() # unpack GOBNILP tar file
>>> gobn.make_SCIP(verbose=True) # make SCIP with verbose output
>>> gobn.make_GOBN(verbose=True) # make GOBNILP with verbose output

Note that once you successfully 'make' the GOBNILP source code in the local pyGOBN directory system for the first time, you do NOT have to call the 'make()' command ever again. If you want to use pyGOBN again, simply import the library and create a GOBN object:

>>> from pyGOBN import *
>>> gobn = GOBN()

If you already have GOBNILP set up on your local machine, but in a different directory than the pre-packaged version, all you have to do is pass in the path to the GOBNILP directory when creating a GOBN object. The path should be of the form '.../gobnilp-1.6.1' - or whichever version you're using. Here is an example:

>>> from pyGOBN import *
>>> gobn = GOBN(GOBN_DIR='/users/nick/desktop/random_folder/gobnilp1.6.1')

Setting and altering global parameter settings for the GOBNILP solver is made simple in pyGOBN - create a settings dictionary and call the 'set_settings()' function on your GOBN object. Any unrecognized command will be passed over, but you can always directly alter the 'mysettings.txt' file in the main pyGOBN directory without calling any Python commands.

>>> gobn = GOBN()
>>> settings = {'delimiter':'whitespace', 'time':120, alpha:1000}
>>> gobn.set_settings(settings)

For more refined structure learning, you may want to add network constraints for the GOBNILP solver. Through the 'set_constraints()' method, pyGOBN supports constraints for 1) required edges, 2) disallowed edges, and 3) (conditional) independencies between random variables - all of which will be satisfied in the learned network. As with the settings file, manually changing of the 'myconstraints.txt' file is completely acceptable. See the following example:

>>> gobn = GOBN()
>>> edge_reqs = {'A':['B','C'],'B':['D']} # require that A->B, A->C, and B->D
>>> ind_reqs = [('A','D'),(('A','B'),'D','C')] # require that A _|_ D and A,B _|_ D | C
>>> nonedge_reqs = {'B':['C']} # disallow that B->C
>>> gobn.set_constraints(edge_reqs, ind_reqs, nonedge_reqs)

Finally, the purpose of GOBNILP is of course to actually learn Bayesian network structures from data. For that, pyGOBN implements the 'learn()' method, which supports learning from 1) a file path to the data, 2) a numpy array, and 3) a pandas dataframe. Here is what a short-but-complete pyGOBN session might look like:

>>> from pyGOBN import *
>>> gobn = GOBN() # Create a GOBN object
>>> settings = {'delimiter':'whitespace', 'time':120, alpha:1000}
>>> gobn.set_settings(settings) # Parameter Settings
>>> edge_reqs = {'A':['B','C'],'B':['D']} # require that A->B, A->C, and B->D
>>> gobn.set_constraints(edge_reqs=edge_reqs) # Constraints
>>> data = np.loadtxt('testdata.txt')
>>> gobn.learn(data) # Call the GOBNILP solver

Here is a real example of running pyGOBN from the IPython shell. In this example, the GOBNILP source code has already been installed on my local machine, so I can simply set the parameter settings - walltime equal to 10 seconds - and then learn the Bayesian network from the data file. This shows the type of output you can expect, although the level of output verbosity can easily be altered.

[2] Mark Bartlett and James Cussens. Advances in Bayesian network learning using integer programming. In Proceedings of the 29th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI 2013). AUAI Press, 2013. To appear.

[3] James Cussens. Bayesian network learning with cutting planes. In Fabio G. Cozman and Avi Pfeffer, editors, Proceedings of the 27th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI 2011), pages 153-160. AUAI Press, 2011.

[4] James Cussens, Mark Bartlett, Elinor M. Jones, and Nuala A. Sheehan. Maximum likelihood pedigree reconstruction using

[5] Milan Studeny. How matroids occur in the context of learning Bayesian network structure. Proceedings of the 31st Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI-15) July 2015.

[6] James Cussens, David Haws and Milan Studeny. Polyhedral aspects of score equivalence in Bayesian network structure learning. Arkiv 1503.00829, March 2015.

[7] Tommi Jaakkola, David Sontag, Amir Globerson, and Marina Meila. Learning Bayesian network structure using LP relaxations. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS 2010), volume 9 of Journal of Machine Learning Research: Workshop and Conference Proceedings, pages 358-365. Society for Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 2010.