
Desktop app for Serverless Python Environment for scientific computing with WebAssembly. Uses Pyodide and TF.js as runtime engines.


Pyodide Console: run your scientific python codes without installing python

Desktop app for Serverless Python Environment for scientific computing with WebAssembly. Uses Pyodide and TF.js as runtime engines.

  • Pyodide to run Python scientific stack with WASM technology.
  • TensorFlow.js to run TensorFlow.js machine learning stack.

For more information, refer these materials:


View changelog

Development Guide

Pyodide console is built with

  • lit-element as webcomponent framework
  • npm as package manager
  • rollup as bundler
  • electron as app shell


$ npm i

If this is not your first-time compilation, please clean the temporary directories with this command:

$ make clean

You must perform first-time compilation for testing, including downloading Pyodide release binary from the repository Some additional mandatory packages should be copied to proper location.

$ npm run init

Some necessary libraries will be copied to src/lib. Now you are ready to test.

Developing / testing without bundling

$ npm run server:d # To run dev. web server
$ npm run build:d # To watch source changes and TypeScript autocompilation

Electron (app mode) development / testing

$ make test_electron

App Building Guide

Building Electron App

Electron building is automated using Makefile.

$ make clean  # clean prebuilt codes
$ make mac # build macOS app
$ make win # build win64 app
$ make linux # build linux app
