
Multi source CVE/exploit parser.

GPL-3.0 License



PyParser is a vulnerability parser that looks for CVE's from different sources. It employs the Shodan API, has the ability to retrieve and process data from CVE Mitre and comes with functionality to install and use Offensive Security's ExploitDB Searchsploit utility.


Start the program from the command line with python Once the program has been started it will prompt for your API key. Once provided it will prompt to install Searchsploit, which is optional. After these operations a menu will be displayed the options for which are as follows.

1. Query Shodan				4. Logging	
2. Query CVE Mitre			5. Quit
3. Invoke Searchsploit				

Select a number to select a data source to use when searching for a particular vulnerability. The 'logging' option will save results of your search queries in the current working directory as an application log from PyParser.


PyParser depends on the following Python 2.7 libraries.


Should you find you do not have any of these libraries installed you can use Python's built in package manager to resolve it like so:

pip install blessings
pip install shodan
pip install pycurl

Alternatively, feel free to use the requirements file i have made for this project like so pip install -r requirements.txt.


This is a BETA release, as such there might be some bugs. If you happen to encounter a bug please feel free to open a ticket or submit a pull request

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