
A Kubernetes operator written in Python. It's meant as an introduction for those just starting out their journey writing operators.

MIT License


A Python-Based k8s Operator

This project demonstrates how you can use plain Python to create a fully-functional k8s operator. To avoid re-inventing the wheel, Helm 3 is used internally by the operator to maintain the releases of the application it manages. However, if you want to customize this project to fit your needs and if your needs don't include Helm 3, you may safely remove that requirement from the code.

This operator can manage multiple instances of Prometheus. You can modify it to manage other types of applications if you wish. Prometheus was just chosen in this case because most engineers in the DevOps space are already familiar with it.

You instantiate Prometheus in a namespace by creating a PrometheusCluster custom resource in said namespace. A simple instance with defaults can be created via the following custom resource:

kind: PrometheusCluster
  name: simple-prometheus-instance
spec: {}


Watch it on YouTube.

Prior Art

Inspired by this Medium article


  1. Kubernetes 1.18 or higher
  2. Docker CE 17.06 or higher (For building the operator image)
  3. GNU Make

Optionally Use Microk8s

Use microk8s for testing this operator. It will make your life so much easier. Go on, I'll wait!

Once you have microk8s installed, run the following:

microk8s.enable dns rbac ingress registry storage
mkdir -p ~/.kube
microk8s.config > ~/.kube/config
kubectl cluster-info

Try It Out!

Build and Deploy the Operator

The following will build the image and deploy it in the python-based-operator namespace.

make image deploy tag=localhost:32000/python-based-operator

NOTE: The address localhost:32000 is the address of the microk8s registry addon that we enabled in the previous step. If you're not using microk8s, just replace that address with either another registry address that you have access to, or your Docker Hub username.

Create Your First Prometheus Cluster

There are sample PrometheusCluster files under the examples/ directory. After deploying the operator, create a sample Prometheus cluster via kubectl:

kubectl create ns simple-prometheus-cluster
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=simple-prometheus-cluster
kubectl apply -f examples/simple.yaml

Scale Up Your Prometheus Cluster

kubectl edit -f examples/simple.yaml

Go to the replicas: field and change its value. Quit, save, then see your number of prometheus pods scale accordingly.

Delete the Prometheus Cluster While Retaining its Data

Just run:

kubectl delete -f examples/simple.yaml

The volumes assocated with the pods will be retained and will be re-attached to the correct pod later on if you want to revive them.

Delete the Operator and Everything in the Example Namespace

kubectl delete -f examples/simple.yaml
make uninstall
kubectl delete ns simple-prometheus-cluster

Development Guide


  1. Python 3.8.x or higher

TIP: Make your life easier by using pyenv

Prepare Your Virtualenv (venv style)

python3 -m venv --prompt prometheus-operator .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

Prepare Your Virtualenv (pyenv-virtual style)

pyenv virtualenv 3.8.3 prometheus-operator-3.8.3

More on pyenv-virtualenv:

Install Development Dependencies

make dependencies

Add a Development Dependency

echo 'foo' >> src/
make dependencies

The src/requirements-dev.txt file should now be updated and the foo package installed in your local machine. Make sure to commit both files to the repo to let your teammates know of the new dependency.

git add src/requirements-dev.*
git commit -m "Add foo to src/requirements-dev.txt"
git push origin

Add a Runtime Dependency

Add it to the install_requires argument of the setup() call in src/ For example:






After having added the bar dependency above, run the following:

make dependencies

The src/requirements.txt file should now be updated and the bar package installed in your local machine. Make sure to commit both files to the repo to let your teammates know of the new dependency.

git add src/ src/requirements.txt
git commit -m "Add bar as a runtime dependency"
git push origin

Run the Operator in Development Mode (Experimental)

This mode speeds up your development workflow by skipping the image creation process, opting instead for to deploying it directly on your local machine. To achieve a near-production runtime environment, we will create all the resources in the k8s cluster except for the Deployment resource. Furthermore this mode auto-generates a kubeconfig file from the Service Account we create in the cluster so that the operator will still be constrained by the RBAC rules that we specify under templates/rbac.yml.

In order for Dev mode to work properly, we have to ensure that all runtime dependencies are installed locally. This includes Helm 3. Make sure to install that before proceeding. You do not need to manually install the requirements in src/requirements.txt since that will be done for you automatically.

When all requirements are satisfied, go ahead and run:

make deploy-dev

You should see something like the following in the terminal:

python_based_operator.operator DEBUG   Looking for credentials...
python_based_operator.operator DEBUG   Loading from dev kube config
python_based_operator.operator DEBUG   Loading CustomObjectsApi client
python_based_operator.operator INFO    Watching events

If you need to make changes to the code, just press Ctrl-C, edit the code, then run make deploy-dev again.

If you need something more streamlined than this, Okteto might be something of interest to you.

Force Re-Install Depedencies and Uninstall the Operator

Run the following

make reset
make dependencies

If you want something more thorough (and potentially destructive) than that, delete your virtual environment. Then start from the beginning of the Development Guide section.