
Minimal HLS streaming demo with dynamic marker support in Python

MIT License



A minimal proof-of-concept to demonstrate real-time (seekable) HLS streaming from Python with dynamic timeline marker support.

The video linked above shows a real-time HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) generated in Python using ffmpeg. Ocassionally, an event (mint squares) is emitted that leads to markers being added to the HTML5 client table and the timeline. Depending on the HLS configuration you can leave the live edge and seek backwards in time.


The system combines multiple processes to generated the desired result

  • hlsstream.sync (Python) key/value cache for inter-process communication based on multiprocessing.SyncManager.
  • (Python) generates the checkerboard images and encodes them as HLS stream using ffmpeg. Additionally, events (mint squares) are randomly emitted and stored in the cache as time/text dict.
  • hlsstream.api (Python) a web-API that exposes the HLS stream plus a marker query API using fastAPI. Additionally it serves index.html that contains an embedded video-player along with business logic for handling markers.
  • frontend (HTML5) client frontend using video-js.


Keep in mind, this is a proof-of-concept and thus expect glitches and other issues.

  • hlsstream.sync For production you should switch this for redis or memcached.
  • The event detections (mint-square) is not based on computer-vision but based on checkerboard generator knowledge. In reality, you will have separate detection services that read images and emit marker events.
  • HLS stream encoder expects rawvideo (images) input. Except for setting a target FPS, I did not find a way to provide a PTS per frame. Hence, ffmpeg assumes 1/FPS between two frames, even if reality the FPS varies. To resolve, you should keep track of generator timestamps vs target timestamps and if an event needs to be generated, convert from generator timestamp to target timestamp. The demo currently employs a busy-waiting strategy to keep timestamps closest to target fps. This leads to high CPU usage.
  • hlsstream.api currently configures CORS very carelessly. In production you will need to restrict it accordingly.
  • frontend attempts to determine the endpoints of the timeline of the video-js player. The current method seems to work when live or when not tracking the live stream, but might fail when is terminated. A refresh should fix things.


The system involves several clocks that need to be synchronized.

  • GEN: Generator clock in [sec]. This clock is usually built into capturing devices such as cameras.

  • HLS: HLS stream clock in [sec]. Frames from GEN are encoded for HLS. When HLS assumes a fixed encoding frame-rate, you need to keep track of GEN and HLS timestamps. While your system internal process will use GEN timestamps, the API should report HLS timestamps.

  • CLIENT: HMTL video-js clock in [sec]. When the client connects to the HLS stream, the client clock is reset. To seek the video correctly, we need to convert markers from HLS <-> CLIENT. If we assume this transformation takes only an offset and if we assume that the segment duration is constant, we can compute the offset as

     offset = HLS-sequence * HLS-duration


Python 3.9 is required. This should work on linux/windows.

$ pip -m venv --upgrade-deps .venv
$ source .venv/bin/activate
(.venv) $ pip install pip-tools
(.venv) $ pip-sync requirements.txt dev-requirements.txt
(.venv) $ python -m hlsstream

Point your browser to Same commands, except for how to activate the venv, apply to Windows.