
Generate and work with holidays in Python

MIT License



A fast, efficient Python library for generating country- and subdivision- (e.g. state or province) specific sets of government-designated holidays on the fly. It aims to make determining whether a specific date is a holiday as fast and flexible as possible.

.. |downloads| image:: :target: :alt: PyPI downloads

.. |version| image:: :target: :alt: PyPI version

.. |release date| image:: :target: :alt: PyPI release date

.. |status| image:: :target: :alt: CI/CD status

.. |documentation| image:: :target: :alt: Documentation status

.. |license| image:: :target: :alt: License

.. |python versions| image:: :target: :alt: Python supported versions

.. |style| image:: :target: :alt: Code style

.. |coverage| image:: :target: :alt: Code coverage

.. |stars| image:: :target: :alt: GitHub stars

.. |forks| image:: :target: :alt: GitHub forks

.. |contributors| image:: :target: :alt: GitHub contributors

.. |last commit| image:: :target: :alt: GitHub last commit

+--------+------------------------------------------------+ | PyPI | |downloads| |version| |release date| | +--------+------------------------------------------------+ | CI/CD | |status| |documentation| | +--------+------------------------------------------------+ | Code | |license| |python versions| |style| |coverage| | +--------+------------------------------------------------+ | GitHub | |stars| |forks| |contributors| |last commit| | +--------+------------------------------------------------+


The latest stable version can always be installed or updated via pip:

.. code-block:: shell

$ pip install --upgrade holidays

The latest development (dev) version can be installed directly from GitHub:

.. code-block:: shell

$ pip install --upgrade

All new features are always first pushed to dev branch, then released on main branch upon official version upgrades.


.. _Read the Docs:

The documentation is hosted on Read the Docs_.

Quick Start

.. code-block:: python

from datetime import date
import holidays

us_holidays = holidays.US()  # this is a dict-like object
# the below is the same, but takes a string:
us_holidays = holidays.country_holidays('US')  # this is a dict-like object

nyse_holidays = holidays.NYSE()  # this is a dict-like object
# the below is the same, but takes a string:
nyse_holidays = holidays.financial_holidays('NYSE')  # this is a dict-like object

date(2015, 1, 1) in us_holidays  # True
date(2015, 1, 2) in us_holidays  # False
us_holidays.get('2014-01-01')  # "New Year's Day"

The HolidayBase dict-like class will also recognize date strings and Unix timestamps:

.. code-block:: python

'2014-01-01' in us_holidays  # True
'1/1/2014' in us_holidays    # True
1388597445 in us_holidays    # True

Some holidays may be only present in parts of a country:

.. code-block:: python

us_pr_holidays = holidays.country_holidays('US', subdiv='PR')
'2018-01-06' in us_holidays     # False
'2018-01-06' in us_pr_holidays  # True

.. _holidays documentation:

Please see the holidays documentation_ for additional examples and detailed information.

Available Countries

.. _ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code: .. _ISO 3166-2 code: .. _ISO 639-1 code: .. _ISO 639-2 code:

We currently support 154 country codes. The standard way to refer to a country is by using its ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code, the same used for domain names, and for a subdivision its ISO 3166-2 code. Some countries have common or foreign names or abbreviations as aliases for their subdivisions. These are defined in the (optional) subdivisions_aliases attribute. Some of the countries support more than one language for holiday names output. A default language is defined by default_language (optional) attribute for each entity and is used as a fallback when neither user specified language nor user locale language available. The default language code is a ISO 639-1 code. A list of all languages supported by country is defined by supported_languages (optional) attribute. If there is no designated ISO 639-1 code then ISO 639-2 code_ can be used.

Many countries have other categories of holidays in addition to common (national-wide) holidays: bank holidays, school holidays, additional (paid or non-paid) holidays, holidays of state or public employees, religious holidays (valid only for these religions followers). A list of all categories supported by country is defined by supported_categories (optional) attribute.

The following is a list of supported countries, their subdivisions followed by their aliases (if any) in brackets, available languages and additional holiday categories. All countries support PUBLIC holidays category by default. All other default values are highlighted with bold:

.. list-table:: :widths: 20 4 46 20 10 :header-rows: 1 :class: tight-table

    • Country
    • Code
    • Subdivisions
    • Supported Languages
    • Supported Categories
    • Albania
    • AL
    • Algeria
    • DZ
    • ar, en_US, fr
    • American Samoa
    • AS
    • Can also be loaded as country US, subdivision AS
    • Andorra
    • AD
    • Parishes: 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08
    • Angola
    • AO
    • en_US, pt_AO, uk
    • Argentina
    • AR
    • en_US, es, uk
    • Armenia
    • AM
    • en_US, hy
    • Aruba
    • AW
    • en_US, nl, pap_AW, uk
    • Australia
    • AU
    • States and territories: ACT (Australian Capital Territory), NSW (New South Wales), NT (Northern Territory), QLD (Queensland), SA (South Australia), TAS (Tasmania), VIC (Victoria), WA (Western Australia)
    • en_AU, en_US, th
    • Austria
    • AT
    • States: 1 (Burgenland, Bgld, B), 2 (Krnten, Ktn, K), 3 (Niedersterreich, N, N), 4 (Obersterreich, O, O), 5 (Salzburg, Sbg, S), 6 (Steiermark, Stmk, St), 7 (Tirol, T), 8 (Vorarlberg, Vbg, V), 9 (Wien, W)
    • de, en_US, uk
    • BANK
    • Azerbaijan
    • AZ
    • az, en_US, uk
    • Bahamas
    • BS
    • Bahrain
    • BH
    • ar, en_US
    • Bangladesh
    • BD
    • Barbados
    • BB
    • Belarus
    • BY
    • be, en_US
    • Belgium
    • BE
    • de, en_US, fr, nl, uk
    • BANK
    • Belize
    • BZ
    • Bolivia
    • BO
    • Departments: B, C, H, L, N, O, P, S, T
    • en_US, es, uk
    • Bosnia and Herzegovina
    • BA
    • Entities and district: BIH (Federacija Bosne i Hercegovine, FBiH), BRC (Brko distrikt, BD), SRP (Republika Srpska, RS)
    • bs, en_US, sr, uk
    • Botswana
    • BW
    • Brazil
    • BR
    • States: AC, AL, AM, AP, BA, CE, DF, ES, GO, MA, MG, MS, MT, PA, PB, PE, PI, PR, RJ, RN, RO, RR, RS, SC, SE, SP, TO
    • Brunei
    • BN
    • en_US, ms, th
    • Bulgaria
    • BG
    • bg, en_US, uk
    • SCHOOL
    • Burkina Faso
    • BF
    • Burundi
    • BI
    • Cambodia
    • KH
    • en_US, km, th
    • Cameroon
    • CM
    • Canada
    • CA
    • Provinces and territories: AB, BC, MB, NB, NL, NS, NT, NU, ON, PE, QC, SK, YT
    • ar, en_CA, en_US, fr, th
    • Chad
    • TD
    • Chile
    • CL
    • Regions: AI, AN, AP, AR, AT, BI, CO, LI, LL, LR, MA, ML, NB, RM, TA, VS
    • en_US, es, uk
    • BANK
    • China
    • CN
    • en_US, th, zh_CN, zh_TW
    • HALF_DAY
    • Colombia
    • CO
    • en_US, es, uk
    • Congo
    • CG
    • en_US, fr
    • Costa Rica
    • CR
    • en_US, es, uk
    • Croatia
    • HR
    • en_US, hr, uk
    • Cuba
    • CU
    • en_US, es, uk
    • Curacao
    • CW
    • en_US, nl, pap_CW, uk
    • HALF_DAY
    • Cyprus
    • CY
    • el, en_CY, en_US, uk
    • Czechia
    • CZ
    • cs, en_US, sk, uk
    • Denmark
    • DK
    • da, en_US, uk
    • Djibouti
    • DJ
    • ar, en_US, fr
    • Dominica
    • DM
    • Dominican Republic
    • DO
    • en_US, es, uk
    • Ecuador
    • EC
    • en_US, es, uk
    • Egypt
    • EG
    • ar, en_US
    • El Salvador
    • SV
    • Departments: AH, CA, CH, CU, LI, MO, PA, SA, SM, SO, SS, SV, UN, US
    • Estonia
    • EE
    • en_US, et, uk
    • Eswatini
    • SZ
    • Ethiopia
    • ET
    • am, ar, en_US
    • Finland
    • FI
    • en_US, fi, sv_FI, uk
    • France
    • FR
    • DOM/TOM: BL, GES, GP, GY, MF, MQ, NC, PF, RE, WF, YT
    • en_US, fr, uk
    • Gabon
    • GA
    • Georgia
    • GE
    • en_US, ka, uk
    • Germany
    • DE
    • States: BB (Brandenburg), BE (Berlin), BW (Baden-Wrttemberg), BY (Bayern), HB (Bremen), HE (Hessen), HH (Hamburg), MV (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern), NI (Niedersachsen), NW (Nordrhein-Westfalen), RP (Rheinland-Pfalz), SH (Schleswig-Holstein), SL (Saarland), SN (Sachsen), ST (Sachsen-Anhalt), TH (Thringen)
    • de, en_US, th, uk
    • Ghana
    • GH
    • Greece
    • GR
    • el, en_US, uk
    • HALF_DAY
    • Greenland
    • GL
    • da, en_US, kl
    • Guam
    • GU
    • Can also be loaded as country US, subdivision GU
    • Guatemala
    • GT
    • en_US, es
    • Haiti
    • HT
    • en_US, es, fr_HT, ht
    • Honduras
    • HN
    • en_US, es, uk
    • Hong Kong
    • HK
    • Hungary
    • HU
    • en_US, hu, uk
    • Iceland
    • IS
    • en_US, is, uk
    • India
    • IN
    • States: AN, AP, AR, AS, BR, CG, CH, DH, DL, GA, GJ, HP, HR, JH, JK, KA, KL, LA, LD, MH, ML, MN, MP, MZ, NL, OD, PB, PY, RJ, SK, TN, TR, TS, UK, UP, WB
    • Indonesia
    • ID
    • en_US, id, uk
    • Iran
    • IR
    • en_US, fa
    • Ireland
    • IE
    • Isle of Man
    • IM
    • Israel
    • IL
    • en_US, he, uk
    • Italy
    • IT
    • Provinces: AG (Agrigento), AL (Alessandria), AN (Ancona), AO (Aosta), AP (Ascoli Piceno), AQ (L'Aquila), AR (Arezzo), AT (Asti), AV (Avellino), BA (Bari), BG (Bergamo), BI (Biella), BL (Belluno), BN (Benevento), BO (Bologna), BR (Brindisi), BS (Brescia), BT (Barletta-Andria-Trani), BZ (Bolzano), CA (Cagliari), CB (Campobasso), CE (Caserta), CH (Chieti), CL (Caltanissetta), CN (Cuneo), CO (Como), CR (Cremona), CS (Cosenza), CT (Catania), CZ (Catanzaro), EN (Enna), FC (Forli-Cesena, Forl-Cesena), FE (Ferrara), FG (Foggia), FI (Firenze), FM (Fermo), FR (Frosinone), GE (Genova), GO (Gorizia), GR (Grosseto), IM (Imperia), IS (Isernia), KR (Crotone), LC (Lecco), LE (Lecce), LI (Livorno), LO (Lodi), LT (Latina), LU (Lucca), MB (Monza e Brianza), MC (Macerata), ME (Messina), MI (Milano), MN (Mantova), MO (Modena), MS (Massa-Carrara), MT (Matera), NA (Napoli), NO (Novara), NU (Nuoro), OR (Oristano), PA (Palermo), PC (Piacenza), PD (Padova), PE (Pescara), PG (Perugia), PI (Pisa), PN (Pordenone), PO (Prato), PR (Parma), PT (Pistoia), PU (Pesaro e Urbino), PV (Pavia), PZ (Potenza), RA (Ravenna), RC (Reggio Calabria), RE (Reggio Emilia), RG (Ragusa), RI (Rieti), RM (Roma), RN (Rimini), RO (Rovigo), SA (Salerno), SI (Siena), SO (Sondrio), SP (La Spezia), SR (Siracusa), SS (Sassari), SU (Sud Sardegna), SV (Savona), TA (Taranto), TE (Teramo), TN (Trento), TO (Torino), TP (Trapani), TR (Terni), TS (Trieste), TV (Treviso), UD (Udine), VA (Varese), VB (Verbano-Cusio-Ossola), VC (Vercelli), VE (Venezia), VI (Vicenza), VR (Verona), VT (Viterbo), VV (Vibo Valentia). Cities: Andria, Barletta, Cesena, Forli (Forl), Pesaro, Trani, Urbino
    • Jamaica
    • JM
    • Japan
    • JP
    • en_US, ja, th
    • BANK
    • Jersey
    • JE
    • Jordan
    • JO
    • ar, en_US
    • Kazakhstan
    • KZ
    • en_US, kk, uk
    • Kenya
    • KE
    • Kuwait
    • KW
    • ar, en_US
    • Kyrgyzstan
    • KG
    • Laos
    • LA
    • en_US, lo, th
    • Latvia
    • LV
    • en_US, lv, uk
    • Lesotho
    • LS
    • Liechtenstein
    • LI
    • de, en_US, uk
    • BANK
    • Lithuania
    • LT
    • en_US, lt, uk
    • Luxembourg
    • LU
    • de, en_US, fr, lb, uk
    • Madagascar
    • MG
    • en_US, mg, uk
    • Malawi
    • MW
    • Malaysia
    • MY
    • States and federal territories: 01 (Johor, JHR), 02 (Kedah, KDH), 03 (Kelantan, KTN), 04 (Melaka, MLK), 05 (Negeri Sembilan, NSN), 06 (Pahang, PHG), 07 (Pulau Pinang, PNG), 08 (Perak, PRK), 09 (Perlis, PLS), 10 (Selangor, SGR), 11 (Terengganu, TRG), 12 (Sabah, SBH), 13 (Sarawak, SWK), 14 (WP Kuala Lumpur, KUL), 15 (WP Labuan, LBN), 16 (WP Putrajaya, PJY)
    • en_US, ms_MY, th
    • Maldives
    • MV
    • Malta
    • MT
    • en_US, mt
    • Marshall Islands (the)
    • MH
    • Mauritania
    • MR
    • Mexico
    • MX
    • en_US, es, uk
    • Moldova
    • MD
    • en_US, ro, uk
    • Monaco
    • MC
    • en_US, fr, uk
    • Montenegro
    • ME
    • Morocco
    • MA
    • ar, en_US, fr
    • Mozambique
    • MZ
    • en_US, pt_MZ, uk
    • Namibia
    • NA
    • Netherlands
    • NL
    • en_US, nl, uk
    • New Zealand
    • NZ
    • Regions and Special Island Authorities: AUK (Auckland, Tmaki-Makaurau, AU), BOP (Bay of Plenty, Toi Moana, BP), CAN (Canterbury, Waitaha, CA), CIT (Chatham Islands Territory, Chatham Islands, Wharekauri, CI), GIS (Gisborne, Te Tairwhiti, GI), HKB (Hawke's Bay, Te Matau-a-Mui, HB), MBH (Marlborough, MA), MWT (Manawat Whanganui, Manawat-Whanganui, MW), NSN (Nelson, Whakat, NE), NTL (Northland, Te Taitokerau, NO), OTA (Otago, Tkou, OT), STL (Southland, Te Taiao Tonga, SO), TAS (Tasman, Te tai o Aorere, TS), TKI (Taranaki, TK), WGN (Greater Wellington, Te Pane Matua Taiao, Wellington, Te Whanganui-a-Tara, WG), WKO (Waikato, WK), WTC (West Coast, Te Tai o Poutini, WC). Subregions: South Canterbury
    • Nicaragua
    • NI
    • Subdivisions: AN (Costa Caribe Norte), AS (Costa Caribe Sur), BO (Boaco), CA (Carazo), CI (Chinandega), CO (Chontales), ES (Estel), GR (Granada), JI (Jinotega), LE (Len), MD (Madriz), MN (Managua), MS (Masaya), MT (Matagalpa), NS (Nueva Segovia), RI (Rivas), SJ (Ro San Juan)
    • en_US, es, uk
    • Nigeria
    • NG
    • Northern Mariana Islands (the)
    • MP
    • Can also be loaded as country US, subdivision MP
    • North Macedonia
    • MK
    • Norway
    • NO
    • en_US, no, uk
    • Pakistan
    • PK
    • Palau
    • PW
    • Panama
    • PA
    • Papua New Guinea
    • PG
    • Paraguay
    • PY
    • en_US, es, uk
    • Peru
    • PE
    • en_US, es, uk
    • Philippines
    • PH
    • Poland
    • PL
    • en_US, pl, uk
    • Portugal
    • PT
    • Districts: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 30
    • en_US, pt_PT, uk
    • Puerto Rico
    • PR
    • Can also be loaded as country US, subdivision PR
    • Romania
    • RO
    • en_US, ro, uk
    • Russia
    • RU
    • en_US, ru
    • Saint Kitts and Nevis
    • KN
    • Samoa
    • WS
    • San Marino
    • SM
    • Saudi Arabia
    • SA
    • ar, en_US
    • Serbia
    • RS
    • en_US, sr
    • Seychelles
    • SC
    • en_SC, en_US
    • Singapore
    • SG
    • en_SG, en_US, th
    • Slovakia
    • SK
    • en_US, sk, uk
    • Slovenia
    • SI
    • en_US, sl, uk
    • South Africa
    • ZA
    • South Korea
    • KR
    • en_US, ko, th
    • BANK
    • Spain
    • ES
    • Autonomous communities: AN, AR, AS, CB, CE, CL, CM, CN, CT, EX, GA, IB, MC, MD, ML, NC, PV, RI, VC
    • en_US, es, uk
    • Sweden
    • SE
    • en_US, sv, th, uk
    • Switzerland
    • CH
    • Cantons: AG, AI, AR, BL, BS, BE, FR, GE, GL, GR, JU, LU, NE, NW, OW, SG, SH, SZ, SO, TG, TI, UR, VD, VS, ZG, ZH
    • de, en_US, fr, it, uk
    • Taiwan
    • TW
    • en_US, th, zh_CN, zh_TW
    • Tanzania
    • TZ
    • en_US, sw
    • BANK
    • Thailand
    • TH
    • en_US, th
    • Timor Leste
    • TL
    • en_US, pt_TL, tet
    • Tonga
    • TO
    • en_US, to
    • Tunisia
    • TN
    • ar, en_US
    • Turkey
    • TR
    • en_US, tr, uk
    • HALF_DAY
    • Ukraine
    • UA
    • ar, en_US, uk
    • United Arab Emirates
    • AE
    • ar, en_US
    • United Kingdom
    • GB
    • Subdivisions: ENG (England), NIR (Northern Ireland), SCT (Scotland), WLS (Wales)
    • United States Minor Outlying Islands
    • UM
    • Can also be loaded as country US, subdivision UM
    • United States of America (the)
    • US
    • States and territories: AK, AL, AR, AS, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, GU, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MP, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, PR, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UM, UT, VA, VI, VT, WA, WI, WV, WY
    • United States Virgin Islands (the)
    • See Virgin Islands (U.S.)
    • Uruguay
    • UY
    • en_US, es, uk
    • BANK
    • Uzbekistan
    • UZ
    • en_US, uk, uz
    • Vanuatu
    • VU
    • Vatican City
    • VA
    • Venezuela
    • VE
    • en_US, es, uk
    • Vietnam
    • VN
    • en_US, vi
    • Virgin Islands (U.S.)
    • VI
    • Can also be loaded as country US, subdivision VI
    • Zambia
    • ZM
    • Zimbabwe
    • ZW

Available Financial Markets

.. _ISO 10383 MIC:

The standard way to refer to a financial market is to use its ISO 10383 MIC_ (Market Identifier Code) as a "country" code when available. The following financial markets are available:

.. list-table:: :widths: 23 4 83 :header-rows: 1 :class: tight-table

    • Entity
    • Code
    • Info
    • European Central Bank
    • ECB
    • Trans-European Automated Real-time Gross Settlement (TARGET2)
    • ICE Futures Europe
    • IFEU
    • A London-based Investment Exchange holidays
    • New York Stock Exchange
    • XNYS
    • NYSE market holidays (used by all other US-exchanges, including NASDAQ, etc.)


.. _Issues: .. _pull requests: .. _here:

Issues_ and pull requests_ are always welcome. Please see here_ for more information.


.. __:

Code and documentation are available according to the MIT License (see LICENSE__).