
Simple HTTP server to invoke a Lambda function locally

MIT License


Lambda Gateway

Test AWS Lambda functions invoked as API Gateway proxy integrations locally.

This tool extends the native Python SimpleHTTPRequestHandler to proxy requests to a local Lambda function using the ThreadingHTTPServer.

This tool is was specifically implemented to use the standard Python library only. No additional pip installation is required.

After installing, navigate to the directory where your Lambda function is defined and invoke it with the CLI tool using the configured handler, eg:

lambda-gateway [-p PORT] [-t SECONDS] lambda_function.lambda_handler
# => Serving HTTP on :: port 8000 (http://[::]:8000/) ...


Install with pip.

pip install lambda-gateway


Create a Lambda function handler in Python 3

# ./
import json

def lambda_handler(event, context=None):
    # Get name from qs
    params = event.get('queryStringParameters') or {}
    name = params.get('name') or 'Pythonista'
    # Return response
    return {
        'body': json.dumps({'text': f'Hello, {name}! ~ Lambda Gateway'}),
        'statusCode': 200,
        'headers': {
            'Content-Type': 'application/json',

Start a local server with the signature of your Lambda handler as the argument.

Note — the handler must be importable from the current working directory

lambda-gateway [-B PATH] [-b ADDR] [-p PORT] [-t SECONDS] lambda_function.lambda_handler
# => Starting LambdaRequestHandler at http://localhost:8000/

Test the function with cURL.

curl http://localhost:8000/?name=Pythonista
# => {"text": "Hello, Pythonista! ~ Lambda Gateway"}


API Gateway imposes a 30 second timeout on Lambda responses. This constraint is implemented in this project using Python's async/await syntax.

The timeout length can be adjusted using the -t / --timeout CLI option.

lambda-gateway -t 3 lambda_function.lambda_handler

API Gateway Payloads

API Gateway supports two versions of proxied JSON payloads to Lambda integrations, 1.0 and 2.0.

Versions 0.8+ of Lambda Gateway use 2.0 by default, but this can be changed at startup time using the -V / --payload-version option:

lambda-gateway -V1.0 lambda_function.lambda_handler