
Programmatic interface to the Neotoma paleoecological database for python development



A programmatic interface to the neotoma database for the python programming language.

Author: Scott Farley

November, 2015


This package provides programmatic access to the neotoma paleoecological database using python to complete the REST API calls. The API call responses are dropped into python objects that mirror the response structure from the API. All endpoints except for getDBTables are active, allowing users to search for Taxa, Datasets, Sites, Contacts, SampleData, and Downloads. The package mirrors the existing R api interface at R Open Sci . A limited set of unit tests has been implemented to check valid inputs and return formats.

Two Brief Examples

import neotoma
from neotoma import API
# List all site names in the database between 1000 and 2000m altitude
sites = API.getSite(altmin=1000, altmax=2000) ##siteCollection
for site in sites.items: ##iterate over the siteCollection's items
  print site.siteName

# List all mammal taxa in the database
mammals = API.getTaxa(taxagroup="MAM")
for t in mammals.items:
  print t.taxonName

##Documentation Documentation is under construction.

##Issue Tracking Issues can be tracked using the GitHub issue tracking tool.

##Neotoma More information about the neotoma paleoecological database can be found at