
Fast percent encoding and decoding for Python

OTHER License


percentcoding - fast url encoding and decoding

Percent encoding is a generalization of the text escaping method defined for URIs in RFC 3986. Unlike C backslash escaping, which requires that every reserved character be explicitly named (eg. 0x0a corresponds to \n), percent encoding can easily accommodate an arbitrary set of reserved characters.

For the specific case of URI escaping, the percentcoding library also provides a 10x faster drop-in replacement for the urllib.quote, urllib.unquote, urllib.quote_plus, and urllib.unquote_plus functions. A unit test suite is included.


As a faster replacement for urllib.quote and urllib.unquote:

#!/usr/bin/env python
from percentcoding import quote, unquote
str = "This is a test!"
escaped = quote(str)
print escaped
assert(str == unquote(escaped))

Escaping whitespace in whitespace-delimited records:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import percentcoding
import string

ascii = set([chr(c) for c in xrange(255)])
whitespace = set([c for c in string.whitespace])
safe = ''.join( ascii - whitespace )
codec = percentcoding.Codec(safe)

record = [ "a\nleaf\nfalls", " X\tY\tZ " ]
print " ".join([ codec.encode(v) for v in record])


The percentcoding library is about 10x faster than the standard urllib.quote and urllib.unquote implementations. This is not surprising; the standard implementations are pure Python.

$ ./

percentcodec.encode x 10000

percentcodec.decode x 10000

urllib.quote x 10000

urllib.unquote x 10000


(TODO: move into pydoc)

All ASCII characters not occurring in the safe set are considered unsafe and will be escaped by encode.

With quote and unquote, the '+' character does not map to a space, as is necessary for processing application/x-www-form-urlencoded. Like urllib, percentcoding exports quote_plus and unquote_plus for that.

The "%%" character sequence decodes to '%', but is not the canonical encoding.

When decoding, if an invalid hex sequence is encountered (eg "%az"), it is copied as-is.

Per the spec, Unicode and UTF-8 strings are encoded byte-wise, resulting in an ASCII string. When decoding, the result is also an ASCII string, which if originally Unicode can be recovered using the Python string method decode:



Ubuntu / Debian users:

fakeroot ./debian/rules binary
dpkg -i ../python-percentcoding*.deb

If there's no "real" packaging for your system yet:

./ build_ext --inplace
./ build
./ install