
A skeleton Python project, with example code that does a simple "checkout" system. Uses libraries and setup that I like for Python projects.

MIT License



This is a skeleton Python command-line project with documentation, tests (using py.test), distutils support and a few opinions on layout and styles (marked with # Opinion: comments in the code).

As example code, it also implements a simple "checkout" system. This takes a line-by-line list of purchases on stdin and outputs an itemized receipt on stdout.

Configuration (prices, specials, promotions, etc) is achieved in the code (see checkout/


After cloning the Git repository, you should install this in a virtualenv and set up for development::

virtualenv venv
./venv/bin/pip install --editable .[dev]

(Or simply make venv). Then, you can try one of the examples::

cat input_0 | ./venv/bin/checkout

Of course, you can also activate the virtualenv (. venv/bin/activate) giving you checkout in your PATH. On a Debian or Ubuntu machine, you'll need to have python, pip and virtualenv installed first::

apt-get install python-pip python-virtualenv

All Makefile targets:

  • make test: use py.test <>_ to run unit tests
  • make doc: build documentation using Sphinx <>_ (visit docs with sensible-browser ./doc/_build/html/index.html)
  • make pep8: run pep8 on all code
  • make venv: create a virtualenv called venv (if it's not already there)

Usage and Configuration

Simply cat files through the checkout tool; it reads all of stdin. To demonstrate usage of Click <>_ for command-line options, you may also pass a --json option to get JSON-formatted output or --catalog for a list of all products.

If you want to change the available items or prices, edit the file checkout/ near the top.

Libraries Used, and Why

Sphinx <>_: The de-facto standard Python documentation system. Uses rST for markup and has several high-quality themes. See doc/*.rst and README.rst for the documentation you're currently reading.

Alabaster <>_ theme for Sphinx: a very clean, simple and mobile-friendly theme. Can include Travis-CI, GitHub etcetera links. See doc/ for setup.

Click <>_: a great library for making command-line interfaces mostly by writing functions and adding decorators to them. Bash completion support, cross-platform. See checkout/

pytest <>_: I really like the functional style of this testing library and runner, and the nice support for fixtures and paramterizing tests. With extensive hooks for customization, using this is a pleasure. See test/*.py where I include some simple fixture and paramterization examples.

zope.interface <>_: not just for Twisted! Making your duck-typing a little more explicit with interfaces is nice. zope.interface also provides some other goodies. See checkout/ for a very simple example.

What Is This Good For

The idea here is that you clone this, delete the .git directory, rename all the "checkout" references to "your-project-name" and you should have a good starting-point for a new Python project.