
A simple Python console program to get Weather Forecast from DarkSky API using any address as parameter.

MIT License


Python Weather Forecast

version 1.0.0

Weather Forecast is a simple Python 3 console program to get Weather Forecast from service API using any address as parameter.

  • It uses Google Maps Geocoding API to transform any string address into numeric coordinates.
  • It obtains weekly forecast and related weather information for any coordinates in the World.
  • Output language and metric system are configurables parameters.

Note: This program has been developed using Python 3.5.2. It's NOT compatible with Python 2.7 versions.


In order to get the weather forecast information from external services,you'll need to sign up and obtain your own API Key:

Installation (for Linux OS)

You must have to declare DS_API_KEY (DarkSky) and GM_API_KEY as environment variables. Note that GM_API_KEY is optional for development purposes, you don't need to declare.

$ export DS_API_KEY=your_api_key_obtained_from_darksky
$ export GM_API_KEY=your_api_key_obtained_from_google

Download the project from this repository:

$ git clone my-project


You can change the main language for output information using ISO codes. By default, language variable (LANG) is "en".

You can change the default code for UNITS variable that is "si" (International System). Available codes are:

  • auto: automatically select units based on geographic location
  • ca: same as si, except that windSpeed is in kilometers per hour
  • uk2: same as si, except that nearestStormDistance and visibility are in miles and windSpeed is in miles per hour
  • us: Imperial units
  • si: SI units (default)

You can find a list of available languages and unit codes here:


Once you have declared environment variables, you can execute the console program:

$ cd my-project
$ python3 "Gran Via Street 28,Madrid"

And you'll get forecast information as output!: Output Example

Note: Forecast API is free until 1000 requests per day. For more information, check their FAQ:


Feel free to contribute to this project, pull requests and other improvements are welcome. If you have any ideas, just open an issue and tell me what you think, or send me an email to hello (at)


The code in this project is licensed under MIT LICENSE. Read file for more information.