
Compare the version numbers of extra modules in Pythonista with PyPI



Compare the version numbers of extra modules in Pythonista with PyPI.


Pythonista version 3.1.1 (311016) running Python 3.6.1 on iOS 10.3.3 on an iPad3,4.
| module        | local       | PyPI        | 
| name          | version     | version     | 
| ------------- | ----------- | ----------- | 
| arrow         | 0.10.0      | 0.10.0      | 
| bottle        | 0.12.5      | 0.12.13     | Upgrade?
| bs4           | 4.4.1       | 4.6.0       | Upgrade?
| certifi       | 2016.02.28  | 2017.11.5   | Upgrade?
| Crypto        | 2.6         | 2.6.1       | Upgrade?
| cycler        | 0.9.0       | 0.10.0      | Upgrade?
| dateutil      | 2.2         | 2.2         | 
| dropbox       | 6.4.0       | 8.4.1       | Upgrade?
| ecdsa         | UNKNOWN     | 0.13        | Upgrade?
| et_xmlfile    | 1.0.1       | 1.0.1       | 
| evernote      | ?????       | 1.25.2      | ?????
| faker         | ?????       | 0.8.6       | ?????
| feedparser    | 5.2.1       | 5.2.1       | 
| flask         | 0.10.1      | 0.12.2      | Upgrade?
| google        | ?????       | 1.9.3       | ?????
| html2text     | 2014.4.5    | 2017.10.4   | Upgrade?
| html5lib      | 0.999       | 0.999999999 | Upgrade?
| httplib2      | 0.9.2       | 0.10.3      | Upgrade?
| images2gif    | ?????       | 1.0.1       | ?????
| itsdangerous  | ?????       | 0.24        | ?????
| jdcal         | 1.3         | 1.3         | 
| jedi          | 0.9.0       | 0.11.0      | Upgrade?
| jinja2        | 2.7         | 2.10        | Upgrade?
| libmodernize  | 0.5         | Found       | Upgrade?
### hasattr(markdown, 'version')
| markdown      | 2.6.2       | 2.6.9       | Upgrade?
| markdown2     | 2.2.1       | 2.3.5       | Upgrade?
| markupsafe    | ?????       | 1.0         | ?????
| matplotlib    | 1.4.0       | 2.1.0       | Upgrade?
| mccabe        | 0.4.0       | 0.6.1       | Upgrade?
| midiutil      | ?????       | 1.1.3       | ?????
| mpl_toolkits  | ?????       | Found       | ?????
| mpmath        | 0.18        | 1.0.0       | Upgrade?
| numpy         | 1.8.0       | 1.13.3      | Upgrade?
| oauth2        | 1.9.0.post1 | 1.9.0.post1 | 
| paramiko      | 1.16.0      | 2.3.1       | Upgrade?
| parsedatetime | 1.5         | 2.4         | Upgrade?
### hasattr(PIL, 'PILLOW_VERSION')
| PIL           | 2.9.0       | 4.3.0       | Upgrade?
| pycparser     | 2.10        | 2.18        | Upgrade?
| pyflakes      | 1.5.0       | 1.6.0       | Upgrade?
| pygments      | 2.1         | 2.2.0       | Upgrade?
| pylab         | ?????       | Found       | ?????
| pyparsing     | 2.0.1       | 2.2.0       | Upgrade?
| PyPDF2        | 1.22        | 1.26.0      | Upgrade?
| pytest        | 3.0.5       | 3.2.3       | Upgrade?
| pytz          | 2015.7      | 2017.3      | Upgrade?
| qrcode        | ?????       | 5.3         | ?????
### hasattr(reportlab, 'Version')
| reportlab     | 3.1.8       | 3.4.0       | Upgrade?
| requests      | 2.9.1       | 2.18.4      | Upgrade?
| sgmllib       | ?????       | Found       | ?????
| simpy         | 3.0.8       | 3.0.10      | Upgrade?
| six           | 1.6.1       | 1.11.0      | Upgrade?
| sqlalchemy    | 0.9.7       | 1.2.0b3     | Upgrade?
### hasattr(sqlite3, 'version')
| sqlite3       | 2.6.0       | 2.8.3       | Upgrade?
| sympy         |     | 1.1.1       | Upgrade?
| thrift        | ?????       | 0.10.0      | ?????
| turtle        | ?????       | 0.0.2       | ?????
| twitter       | ?????       | 1.18.0      | ?????
| wavebender    | 0.3         | Found       | Upgrade?
| werkzeug      | 0.9.4       | 0.12.2      | Upgrade?
| wsgiref       | ?????       | 0.1.2       | ?????
| xmltodict     | 0.8.7       | 0.11.0      | Upgrade?
| yaml          | 3.11        | 3.12        | Upgrade?
| yapf          | 0.16.1      | 0.19.0      | Upgrade?
| ------------- | ----------- | ----------- | 

Pythonista version 3.1.1 (311016) running Python 2.7.12 on iOS 10.3.3 on an iPad3,4.
| module        | local       | PyPI        | 
| name          | version     | version     | 
| ------------- | ----------- | ----------- | 
| arrow         | 0.10.0      | 0.10.0      | 
| bottle        | 0.12.5      | 0.12.13     | Upgrade?
| bs4           | 4.3.2       | 4.6.0       | Upgrade?
| Crypto        | 2.6         | 2.6.1       | Upgrade?
| dateutil      | 2.2         | 2.2         | 
| dropbox       | 6.4.0       | 8.4.1       | Upgrade?
| ecdsa         | 0.11        | 0.13        | Upgrade?
| et_xmlfile    | 1.0.1       | 1.0.1       | 
| evernote      | ?????       | 1.25.2      | ?????
| faker         | ?????       | 0.8.6       | ?????
| feedparser    | 5.1.3       | 5.2.1       | Upgrade?
| flask         | 0.10.1      | 0.12.2      | Upgrade?
| google        | ?????       | 1.9.3       | ?????
| html2text     | 2014.4.5    | 2017.10.4   | Upgrade?
| html5lib      | 0.999       | 0.999999999 | Upgrade?
| httplib2      | 0.8         | 0.10.3      | Upgrade?
| images2gif    | ?????       | 1.0.1       | ?????
| itsdangerous  | ?????       | 0.24        | ?????
| jdcal         | 1.3         | 1.3         | 
| jedi          | 0.9.0       | 0.11.0      | Upgrade?
| jinja2        | 2.7         | 2.10        | Upgrade?
### hasattr(markdown, 'version')
| markdown      | 2.2.0       | 2.6.9       | Upgrade?
| markdown2     | 2.2.1       | 2.3.5       | Upgrade?
| markupsafe    | ?????       | 1.0         | ?????
| matplotlib    | 1.4.0       | 2.1.0       | Upgrade?
| midiutil      | ?????       | 1.1.3       | ?????
| mpl_toolkits  | ?????       | Found       | ?????
| mpmath        | 0.18        | 1.0.0       | Upgrade?
| numpy         | 1.8.0       | 1.13.3      | Upgrade?
| oauth2        | 1.5.211     | 1.9.0.post1 | Upgrade?
| paramiko      | 1.16.0      | 2.3.1       | Upgrade?
| parsedatetime | 1.3         | 2.4         | Upgrade?
### hasattr(PIL, 'PILLOW_VERSION')
| PIL           | 2.9.0       | 4.3.0       | Upgrade?
| pycparser     | 2.10        | 2.18        | Upgrade?
| pyflakes      | 1.5.0       | 1.6.0       | Upgrade?
| pygments      | 1.6         | 2.2.0       | Upgrade?
| pylab         | ?????       | Found       | ?????
| pyparsing     | 2.0.1       | 2.2.0       | Upgrade?
| PyPDF2        | 1.22        | 1.26.0      | Upgrade?
| pytest        | 3.0.5       | 3.2.3       | Upgrade?
| pytz          | 2013b       | 2017.3      | Upgrade?
| qrcode        | ?????       | 5.3         | ?????
### hasattr(reportlab, 'Version')
| reportlab     | 3.1.8       | 3.4.0       | Upgrade?
| requests      | 2.5.1       | 2.18.4      | Upgrade?
| sgmllib       | ?????       | Found       | ?????
| simpy         | 3.0.2       | 3.0.10      | Upgrade?
| six           | 1.6.1       | 1.11.0      | Upgrade?
| sqlalchemy    | 0.9.7       | 1.2.0b3     | Upgrade?
### hasattr(sqlite3, 'version')
| sqlite3       | 2.6.0       | 2.8.3       | Upgrade?
| sympy         |     | 1.1.1       | Upgrade?
| thrift        | ?????       | 0.10.0      | ?????
| turtle        | ?????       | 0.0.2       | ?????
| twitter       | ?????       | 1.18.0      | ?????
| wavebender    | 0.3         | Found       | Upgrade?
| werkzeug      | 0.9.4       | 0.12.2      | Upgrade?
| wsgiref       | ?????       | 0.1.2       | ?????
| xmltodict     | 0.8.7       | 0.11.0      | Upgrade?
| yaml          | 3.09        | 3.12        | Upgrade?
| yapf          | 0.16.1      | 0.19.0      | Upgrade?
| ------------- | ----------- | ----------- | 

Starting GitHub Action for pyup Safety:safety command
Warning: unpinned requirement 'ecdsa' found in requirements.txt, unable to check.
Warning: unpinned requirement 'evernote' found in requirements.txt, unable to check.
Warning: unpinned requirement 'faker' found in requirements.txt, unable to check.
Warning: unpinned requirement 'google' found in requirements.txt, unable to check.
Warning: unpinned requirement 'images2gif' found in requirements.txt, unable to check.
Warning: unpinned requirement 'itsdangerous' found in requirements.txt, unable to check.
Warning: unpinned requirement 'markupsafe' found in requirements.txt, unable to check.
Warning: unpinned requirement 'midiutil' found in requirements.txt, unable to check.
Warning: unpinned requirement 'mpl_toolkits' found in requirements.txt, unable to check.
Warning: unpinned requirement 'pylab' found in requirements.txt, unable to check.
Warning: unpinned requirement 'qrcode' found in requirements.txt, unable to check.
Warning: unpinned requirement 'sgmllib' found in requirements.txt, unable to check.
Warning: unpinned requirement 'thrift' found in requirements.txt, unable to check.
Warning: unpinned requirement 'turtle' found in requirements.txt, unable to check.
Warning: unpinned requirement 'twitter' found in requirements.txt, unable to check.
Warning: unpinned requirement 'wsgiref' found in requirements.txt, unable to check.
│                                                                              │
│                               /$$$$$$            /$$                         │
│                              /$$__  $$          | $$                         │
│           /$$$$$$$  /$$$$$$ | $$  \__//$$$$$$  /$$$$$$   /$$   /$$           │
│          /$$_____/ |____  $$| $$$$   /$$__  $$|_  $$_/  | $$  | $$           │
│         |  $$$$$$   /$$$$$$$| $$_/  | $$$$$$$$  | $$    | $$  | $$           │
│          \____  $$ /$$__  $$| $$    | $$_____/  | $$ /$$| $$  | $$           │
│          /$$$$$$$/|  $$$$$$$| $$    |  $$$$$$$  |  $$$$/|  $$$$$$$           │
│         |_______/  \_______/|__/     \_______/   \___/   \____  $$           │
│                                                          /$$  | $$           │
│                                                         |  $$$$$$/           │
│  by                                              \______/            │
│                                                                              │
│ REPORT                                                                       │
│ checked 46 packages, using default DB                                        │
│ package                    │ installed │ affected                 │ ID       │
│ bottle                     │ 0.12.5    │ <0.12.10                 │ 25642    │
│ redirect() in in bottle 0.12.10 doesn't filter a "\r\n" sequence,  │
│ which leads to a CRLF attack, as demonstrated by a redirect("233\r\nSet-     │
│ Cookie: name=salt") call.                                                    │
│ bottle                     │ 0.12.5    │ >=0.12,<0.12.6           │ 35548    │
│ Bottle 0.10.x before 0.10.12, 0.11.x before 0.11.7, and 0.12.x before 0.12.6 │
│ does not properly limit content types, which allows remote attackers to      │
│ bypass intended access restrictions via an accepted Content-Type followed by │
│ a ; (semi-colon) and a Content-Type that would not be accepted, as           │
│ demonstrated in YouCompleteMe to execute arbitrary code.                     │
│ flask                      │ 0.10.1    │ <0.12.3                  │ 36388    │
│ flask version Before 0.12.3 contains a CWE-20: Improper Input Validation     │
│ vulnerability in flask that can result in Large amount of memory usage       │
│ possibly leading to denial of service. This attack appear to be exploitable  │
│ via Attacker provides JSON data in incorrect encoding. This vulnerability    │
│ appears to have been fixed in 0.12.3.                                        │
│ html5lib                   │ 0.999     │ <0.99999999              │ 35693    │
│ The serializer in html5lib before 0.99999999 might allow remote attackers to │
│ conduct cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks by leveraging mishandling of the  │
│ < (less than) character in attribute values.                                 │
│ html5lib                   │ 0.999     │ <0.99999999              │ 35694    │
│ The serializer in html5lib before 0.99999999 might allow remote attackers to │
│ conduct cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks by leveraging mishandling of      │
│ special characters in attribute values, a different vulnerability than       │
│ CVE-2016-9909.                                                               │
│ html5lib                   │ 0.999     │ <0.99999999              │ 25846    │
│ html5lib before 0.99999999 is vulnerable to a XSS attack. Upgrading avoids   │
│ the XSS bug potentially caused by serializer allowing attribute values to be │
│ escaped out of in old browser versions, changing the quote_attr_values       │
│ option on serializer to take one of three values, "always" (the old True     │
│ value), "legacy" (the new option,  and the new default), and "spec" (the old │
│ False value, and the old default).                                           │
│ httplib2                   │ 0.9.2     │ <=0.9.2                  │ 25848    │
│ httplib2 before and including 0.9.2 on "SSL certificate hostname mismatch"   │
│ it is checked only once:       │
│ jinja2                     │ 2.7       │ <2.7.2                   │ 25865    │
│ jinja2 2.7.2 fixes a security issue: Changed the default folder for the      │
│ filesystem cache to be user specific and read and write protected on UNIX    │
│ systems.  See for    │
│ more information.                                                            │
│ jinja2                     │ 2.7       │ <2.7.3                   │ 25866    │
│ The default configuration for bccache.FileSystemBytecodeCache in Jinja2      │
│ before 2.7.2 does not properly create temporary files, which allows local    │
│ users to gain privileges via a crafted .cache file with a name starting with │
│ __jinja2_ in /tmp.                                                           │
│ markdown2                  │ 2.2.1     │ <2.3.5                   │ 35760    │
│ An issue was discovered in markdown2 (aka python-markdown2) through 2.3.5.   │
│ The safe_mode feature, which is supposed to sanitize user input against XSS, │
│ is flawed and does not escape the input properly. With a crafted payload,    │
│ XSS can be triggered, as demonstrated by omitting the final '>' character    │
│ from an IMG tag.                                                             │
│ pillow                     │ 2.9.0     │ <3.1.1                   │ 33134    │
│ Buffer overflow in the ImagingLibTiffDecode function in                      │
│ libImaging/TiffDecode.c in Pillow before 3.1.1 allows remote attackers to    │
│ overwrite memory via a crafted TIFF file.                                    │
│ pillow                     │ 2.9.0     │ <3.1.1                   │ 33135    │
│ Buffer overflow in the ImagingFliDecode function in libImaging/FliDecode.c   │
│ in Pillow before 3.1.1 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service  │
│ (crash) via a crafted FLI file.                                              │
│ pillow                     │ 2.9.0     │ <3.1.1                   │ 33136    │
│ Buffer overflow in the ImagingPcdDecode function in PcdDecode.c in Pillow    │
│ before 3.1.1 and Python Imaging Library (PIL) 1.1.7 and earlier allows       │
│ remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) via a crafted PhotoCD  │
│ file.                                                                        │
│ pillow                     │ 2.9.0     │ <3.1.1                   │ 33137    │
│ Integer overflow in the ImagingResampleHorizontal function in                │
│ libImaging/Resample.c in Pillow before 3.1.1 allows remote attackers to have │
│ unspecified impact via negative values of the new size, which triggers a     │
│ heap-based buffer overflow.                                                  │
│ pillow                     │ 2.9.0     │ <3.1.2                   │ 25943    │
│ pillow before 3.1.2 is vulnerable to an integer overflow in Jpeg2KEncode.c   │
│ causing a buffer overflow. CVE-2016-3076.                                    │
│ pillow                     │ 2.9.0     │ <3.3.2                   │ 33138    │
│ Pillow before 3.3.2 allows context-dependent attackers to execute arbitrary  │
│ code by using the "crafted image file" approach, related to an "Insecure     │
│ Sign Extension" issue affecting the ImagingNew in Storage.c component.       │
│ pillow                     │ 2.9.0     │ <3.3.2                   │ 33139    │
│ Pillow before 3.3.2 allows context-dependent attackers to obtain sensitive   │
│ information by using the "crafted image file" approach, related to an        │
│ "Integer Overflow" issue affecting the Image.core.map_buffer in map.c        │
│ component.                                                                   │
│ requests                   │ 2.9.1     │ <=2.19.1                 │ 36546    │
│ The Requests package before 2.19.1 sends an HTTP Authorization header to an  │
│ http URI upon receiving a same-hostname https-to-http redirect, which makes  │
│ it easier for remote attackers to discover credentials by sniffing the       │
│ network.                                                                     │
│ werkzeug                   │ 0.9.4     │ <0.11.11                 │ 35661    │
│ Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the render_full function in      │
│ debug/ in the debugger in Pallets Werkzeug before 0.11.11 (as used │
│ in Pallets Flask and other products) allows remote attackers to inject       │
│ arbitrary web script or HTML via a field that contains an exception message. │