
PyWii is a tool to help you control your PC from your Wiimote using Bluetooth.

OTHER License


===[ What is it ? ]===

pywii helps you to easily create interaction between your wiimote and your PC. For the moment, it only works on *nix with python 2.5+

===[ Authors ]===

Christophe Alladoum

===[ Description ]===

This simple tool was basically written because I'm lazy, and is purposed to make a bit of fun with your wiimote allowing to interact (simply) with your system. Some events (buttons pressing, wiimote moves) can be match to perform a specific action on your system.

Up to 4 Wiimotes can be used simultaneously (but I don't see the point in that, just think it's cool).

===[ Quick Start ]===

(Check your bluetoothd daemon is active)

$ cd /path/to/pywii/dir $ (emacs|vim) pywii.rc # <- edit your configuration to adapt it to your system (Press simultaneously buttons 1 and 2 on your Wiimote to search sync) $ python pywii -f ./pywii.rc


===[ Features ]===

Features provided :

  • full button handling (native since v0.1)
  • led handler
  • rumble handler
  • accelerometer handler

===[ Pre-requisite ]===

===[ Yet to come ]===

Working on :

  • speaker (I'm actually working on it right now)

Yet-to-come features :

  • camera support

Any suggestion welcomed at hugsy at pyc __ li

===[ Licence ]===

This tool is released under WTFPLv2. If ever we meet, I may accept a beer if you like the tool :)

Hope you will like the tool !