
The Aim of the project is to detect and extract QR code from the images

MIT License


QR Code Detector

QR code Detector was developed for fun and to learn opencv and image processing and computer vision. Everyone is welcome to have a look into the code and use it for their purpose.The code is distributed under MIT License.


  • Python 2.7 +
  • OpenCV 3.2.0 +
  • Flask 0.10.1 +

I recommend to install Python Anaconda so that all useful libraries are available at one go.


  • All input images are placed under the Input folder
  • while the generated output images are placed in the Output folder
  • The input and output folder are fully configured using config.yml file

How To Use

Just run the call.py to get the output of the images placed in the Input Folder. If you want to change the Input folder, just write it in the config.yml file in the input section. You can change the location of the ouput folder by configuring it the ouput part. Run python simple_gui.py to read an image via a GUI having a QRCode or more, in the terminal and you will be automatically redirected to browser. In browser, upload the input image.


We welcome your contributions. Please feel free to fork the code, play with it, make some patches and send us pull requests . MAIL me for any discussion on the project or contribution


  • Input1 Input1
  • Output1
  • Input2
  • Output2

Results in Browser

  • Input1 Input3
  • Output1 Output3
  • Output2 Output4
  • Output3 Output5


Please open an issue on GitHub if you'd like to report a bug or request a feature.


The code is released under MIT license and free to use.


The project is not actively maintained. I am happy to accept PRs on the project.