
command line tool to provide an easy framework to submit computer simulations of arbitrary variety in parameter space to various cluster frameworks



Provides a general framework to submit array jobs on an SGE (Sun Grid Engine) or a PBS (Portable Batch System) queueing system with multiple parameters and multiple measurements. Includes easy collection, possible costumized preprocessing and download of the jobs' results.


In order for qsuite to function properly, you have to implement an automatic login to your compute cluster. Say your username there is quser and the cluster address is qclust. On your local machine, your username is localuser.

The following is adapted from linuxproblem.org. The first you have to do is to generate a pair of RSA authentication keys like it's done in the following. Note that in the current version of qsuite rsa files encrypted with a passphrase are not supported, so you shouldn't add one when you're using the commands below.

localuser$ ssh-keygen -t rsa
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/localuser/.ssh/id_rsa): 
Created directory '/home/localuser/.ssh'.
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): 
Enter same passphrase again: 
Your identification has been saved in /home/localuser/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /home/localuser/.ssh/id_rsa.pub.
The key fingerprint is:
ab:cd:1e:4e quser@qclust

Now create an .ssh directory on the remote machine

localuser$ ssh quser@qclust mkdir -p "~/.ssh"

and append your public key from your lcoal machine to the authorized key file on the cluster

localuser$ cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | ssh quser@qclust "cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"

Note the following: "Both the host and the client should have the following permissions and owners:

  • ~/.ssh permissions should be 700 (cd ~; chmod 700 .ssh)
  • ~/.ssh should be owned by your account
  • ~/.ssh/authorized_keys permissions should be 600 (cd ~/.ssh; chmod 600 authorized_keys)
  • ~/.ssh/authorized_keys should be owned by your account"

as per digitalocean.

Linux, Mac OSX

$ python setup.py install  #or
$ python3 setup.py install

Additional Mac OSX

If you're not running a virtualenv python, make sure you add

export PATH=/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/Current/bin:$PATH
export PATH=/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin:$PATH
export PATH=/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.5/bin:$PATH
export PATH=/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.5/bin:$PATH
export PATH=/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin:$PATH

to the file ~/.bash_profile and do $ source ~/.bash_profile

Also, you may encounter a problem with the python package cryptography. If this is the case, try to reinstall it using

LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib" CFLAGS="-I/usr/local/opt/openssl/include" pip install cryptography

Without root access

$ python setup.py install --user

Afterwards, add

export PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH

to the file ~/.bash_profile and do $ source ~/.bash_profile


The code is written for cross platform usage, so theoretically it should work on Windows, too. However, nothing has been tested on Windows yet.


Oftentimes different array jobs on clusters have the same framework. You have to do a simulation of a certain kind which depends on a lot of parameters. Some of those parameters change the computation time, while others do not affect the computation's duration at all. Sometimes you have to run a simulation multiple times with the same parameters but different seeds in order to get satisfying statistics. However, you don't want to write a new bashscript everytime you change your mind about the combination of parameters for your batch script. QSuite is a simple command line tool to generalize this work process while minimizing the researcher's work load.

How to


Say we want to simulate a Brownian motion of N particles in a one-dimensional box, interacting with a certain potential characterized by an interaction strength V and an interaction radius r. There are a bunch of parameters to consider:

  • the number of particles N
  • the length of the box L
  • the temperature T of the system
  • the interaction strength V
  • the interaction radius r
  • the maximal runtime t
  • the time spacing Δt
  • the initial conditons x(0)

Let's assume we don't know that some of the parameters can be rescaled and want to scan the whole parameter space. Luckily, a lot of the work for the project has already been done (yay!); at some point we wrote a python module brownian_motion which takes care of the simulation once it got the parameters passed. Consider it to look something like this

class BrownianMotion:
    def __init__(N, L, T, V, r, tmax, dt, x0, seed=-1):

    def simulate():

    def get_trajectories():

Initializing QSuite

So, now it's time to start the project. Do the following.

$ mkdir brownian; cd brownian
$ qsuite init

Three files appeared in your directory.

  • simulation.py

    This file holds the function simulation_code that will get called to start a single simulation with a fixed combination of parameters and a seed. All of those are passed in a dictionary called kwargs. Ideally, the keys of kwargs are names of the parameters needed to initialize the simulation. In our case, simulation_code would load the class BrownianMotion from module brownian_motion, feed the parameters to it, run the simulation and retrieve the result. The parameters are passed in a kwargs dictionary and subsequently can be used to do whatever we want to do with it. In the end, our simulation has a result, e.g. the trajectories x(t) of the particles. This result can be wrapped in whatever container we prefer and returned. QSuite will store it in a pickle and wrap it up once all jobs on the cluster are computed.

    Our file will look like this

from brownian_motion import BrownianMotion

def simulation_code(kwargs):

   bm = BrownianMotion(**kwargs)
   result = bm.get_trajectories()

   return result
  • qsuite_config.py

    Within fhis file we will edit the configuration of our experiment and add information about our queueing system. First, we have to decide which parameters should be used as external parameters. Those are parameters which are scanned using the cluster meaning that for every combination of those parameters one job is created on the cluster. Second, we decide for internal parameters, which means that inside of each job, every combination of those parameters will be simulated. Finally, we may decide that we don't need to scan all parameters, but just set Δt=0.01, so this will be a standard parameter (i.e. constant).

    Our file will look like this

import os 

#=========== SIMULATION DETAILS ========
projectname = "brownian_motion"
seed = -1
N_measurements = 10 #we want 10 measurements for each parameter combination

measurements = range(N_measurements)
Ns = [ 1,10,100 ]
Ls = [ 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 ]
Ts = [ 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 ]
Vs = [ 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 ]
rs = [ 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 ]
runtimes = [ 10.0, 100.0, 1000.0 ]
x0s = [ 0., 0.5, 1.0 ] #in units of L
dts = [ 0.001, 0.01]

#this will have BrownianMotions()'s function parameter names
external_parameters = [
                       ( 'L', Ls   ),
                       ( 'r', rs   ),
                       ( None   , measurements ),
internal_parameters = [
                       ('N', Ns),
                       ('V', Vs[1:]),
                       ('T', Ts),
standard_parameters = [
                       ( 'dt', dts[1] ),
                       ( 'x0', x0s[0] ),
                       ( 'tmax', runtimes[-1] ),
#if this is true, only the simulation time will be saved and wrapped
only_save_times = False

#============== QUEUE ==================
queue = "SGE"
memory = "1G"
priority = 0

#============ CLUSTER SETTINGS ============
username = "user"
server = "server"
useratserver = username + u'@' + server

shell = "/bin/bash"
pythonpath = "/usr/bin/python"
basename = "bm_const_dt"
name = basename + "_NMEAS_" + str(N_measurements) + "_ONLYSAVETIME_" + str(only_save_times)
serverpath = "/home/"+username +"/"+ projectname + "/" + name 
resultpath = serverpath + "/results"

localpath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),"results_"+name)

#since we need the updated source code of the brownian_motion module on the server,
#we add the git repo to get updated and installed.
git_repos = [
               ( "/home/"+username+"/brownian-motion", pythonpath + " setup.py install --user" )
  • .qsuite

    This is a local QSuite configuration file which keeps track of the files relevant to your project. Don't mess around with it! Or do, what do I care.

Submitting the job

$ qsuite submit

Alternatively $ qsuite start. This will create a local directory results_${name} where all your relevant files will be copied to. It then copies all relevant files to the queueing system and submits the job.

In case something went wrong in a job and it crashed or you deleted it, you can resubmit that job using

$ qsuite submit $ARRAY_ID

where $ARRAY_ID is the job number for which you want to restart the calculation. Note that the job must have been submitted before. You can also submit ranges of array IDs and multiple array IDs, e.g.

$ qsuite submit 1 65 578-1000 3

Sometimes you want to resubmit all jobs which had an error or all jobs which are still in "waiting..." mode (because there was an uncaught error). You can do

$ qsuite submit err        # submits all jobs which had a caught error
$ qsuite submit wait       # submits all jobs which are in waiting status
$ qsuite submit err wait   # submits all jobs which are in either of above

where $ARRAY_ID is the job number for which you want to restart the calculation. Note that the job must have been submitted before.

Basic functions

Seed behavior

QSuite checks for the variable seed in the file qsuite_config.py. If it is set, if it is not None and if it is >= 0, each parameter configuration gets an own seed, which is seed + ip where ip is the integer id of the parameter configuration. It will be passed as kwargs['seed'] to the simulation function. If seed, however, is a keyword already set by the user, the parameter seed will be passed as kwargs['randomseed'].

Error handling

Putting errors in code is each scientist's favorite hobby. Hence, qsuite catches occuring errors and writes them into progress files, s.t. you can see the job is not running anymore by typing qsuite stat. However, often you want to explicitly see the errors. Hence, you can use

$ qsuite err $ARRAY_ID

where $ARRAY_ID is the job number for which you want to see the error (starts counting at 1). This is the number which is left from the progress bar when you call qsuite stat. If everything failed, you can just do

$ qsuite err

and qsuite automatically assumes that you mean the job with array ID 1.

Wrap the results

Once the job is finished, do

$ qsuite wrap

The results are now stored in ${serverpath}/results/results.p.gz and ${serverpath}/results/times.p and can be downloaded via $ qsuite get all. Beware! The result file will be compressed with the gzip format.

Copy files from the server directory to your local working directory

$ qsuite get <filename without path> #get file from server directory
$ qsuite get         #get customly wrapped files from server/result directory
$ qsuite get results #get customly wrapped files from server/result directory (yes, same as $ qsuite get)
$ qsuite get all     #get all wrapped files from server/result directory

Beware! Pickled files will be compressed with the gzip module. Load them with import pickle; import gzip; pickle.load(gzip.open('filename','rb')) or unzip them using gzip -d results.p.gz

Preprocess data locally

Often enough results.p.gz contains a g-zipped array of floats which you need as a numpy array or as mean and error. After downloading (and without necessary unzipping), change to the result directory

$ cd results_$NAME/      # contains result.p or results.p.gz
$ qsuite convert numpy   # unzips results.p.gz, loads, converts to numpy array, saves as `./results.npy`
$ qsuite convert meanerr # does everything as `convert numpy` does, then looks builds mean and error over all measurements. Saves as `./results.mean_err.npz`

You can load ./results.mean_err.npz as

import numpy as np
data = np.load('./results_mean_err.npz')
mean = data['mean']
err = data['err']

Customized wrapping

Often you don't want all of the results, but a prepared version so you don't have to download everything. To this end, there's a template file for customized wrapping. You can get this template by typing

$ qsuite init customwrap

This copies the template to your working directory and will scp it to the server directory when you submit the job. In case you already have a customwrap-file, you can add it as

$ qsuite set customwrap <filename>

When the job is done and the results are wrapped with $ qsuite wrap, you can call

$ qsuite customwrap
$ qsuite get

and the customly wrapped results will be copied to your local results directory. Beware! The pickled result files will be compressed with the gzip module. Load them with import pickle; import gzip; pickle.load(gzip.open('filename','rb')).

Update git repositories on the server

In the configuration file you can add git repositories which should be updated on the server. Add them to the list git_repos as a tuple. The first entry of the tuple should be the absolute path to the repository on the server and the second entry should be code which has to be executed after pulling (e.g. python setup.py install --user). Optionally, you can add a third tuple entry with the remote address of the repository (in case the repository is not yet present on the server).

So the section in the configuration file could look like:

git_repos = [
              ( "/home/"+username+"/qsuite",
                "python setup.py install --user",

If everything's configured, you can do

$ qsuite gitupdate  #or shorter:
$ qsuite git

to update everything necessary on the server. You don't have to, because $ qsuite submit will do that anyway.

Add other files that qsuite should copy to the server

(or remove, s.t. those won't be copied anymore).

$ qsuite add <filename(s)>
$ qsuite rm <filename(s)>

This does not remove the file from the local directory. It just won't be copied anymore.

Add a shell script to be executed before submission

$ qsuite set exec <filename>

Change the filenames of the configuration and simulation files to other files

$ qsuite set cfg <filename>
$ qsuite set sim <filename>

Copy files to the server directory from your local working directory

$ qsuite scp <filename without path>

Alternatively: $ qsuite sftp <filename> or $ qsuite ftp <filename> (internally, copying is done via the sftp protocol).

Execute a command on the server

Careful! It's not interactive yet, so you won't be able to enter passwords or answer questions or anything of that matter.

$ qsuite ssh "command series"

If you want to do something in the server directory of the project, you can use the keyword DIR, e.g.

$ qsuite ssh "ls DIR/results/"

and qsuite will replace it with the right path given in qsuite_config.py.

Change the default files for configuration and simulation

This will copy the file to the .qsuite directory in the user's home directory.

$ qsuite set defaultcfg <filename>
$ qsuite set defaultsim <filename>
$ qsuite set defaultcustomwrap <filename>

You can reset this to the initial template files via

$ qsuite reset defaultcfg 
$ qsuite reset defaultsim 
$ qsuite reset defaultcustomwrap 

Checking the job status

The following gives you a fancy output with a progress bar and an estimated time remaining.

$ qsuite stat

Sometimes, it's helpful to see which parameters a certain job has in order to figure out why it's running so slowly. Do

$ qsuite stat p

The following gives you the standard queue output.

$ qsuite qstat      #shows all jobs of the user 
$ qsuite qstat all  #shows the whole queue
$ qsuite qstat job  #shows the status of the current job

Alternatives to qstat are stat and status.

Estimate the size of the produced data


Give an estimation of the size of the produced data. An example is the following. Your function simulation_code returns a list of 2 numpy-arrays, each containing 100 numpy-floats. Each of those floats has a size of 8 bytes. Now you can estimate the size of the produced data as

$ qsuite estimate "2*100*8"

and qsuite automatically evaluates the multiplication.

Testing the simulation locally

$ qsuite test                    # tests job with external job id 0 and saves in ./.test
$ qsuite test $EXTERNALJOBID     # tests job with given external job id and saves in ./.test
$ qsuite test $EXTERNALJOBID <directory>    # tests job with given external job id and saves in <directory>

Computing everything locally

In your qsuite_config.py add the line

n_local_cpus = X

where X is the number of free CPUs that you can use for local computations. If this line is not given, qsuite assumes n_local_cpus = 1.


$ qsuite local

The results will be subsequently wrapped locally and moved to the simulation directory. However, if there occurs an error you can wrap manually with

$ qsuite wrap local

Changing the order of the result array

Sometimes, you wrote an anlysis script that expects the indices of the result array/list to be ordered in a certain way. However, you might have changed the order of the parameters in the qsuite_config-file for various reasons. Instead of changing the indexing in the analysis file, you can simply load the results and define a new parameter order. For instance, your config was set up as follows:

external_parameters = [
                        ( 'r0', r0s),
                        ( 'w0', w0s),
                        ( None   , measurements ),
internal_parameters = [
                        ('p5', p5s),

However, in your analysis file you want to access the results as data[iw0,ir0,meas,ip5]. What you can do is to set up the following in your analysis file

import numpy as np
from qsuite.tools import change_result_parameter_order, change_meanerr_parameter_order

with open('results.npy','rb') as f:
    data = np.load(f)
    data_new = change_result_parameter_order(data,['w0','r0',None,'p5'])

with open('results_mean_err.npz','rb') as f:
    data = np.load(f)
    mean = data['mean']
    mean_new = change_meanerr_parameter_order(mean,['w0','r0','p5'])

Then, the new arrays carry the data in the desired order. Also works on the original pickled list.

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