


RealSenseCLI is a command-line utility for interacting with RealSense cameras built on top of pyrealsense2.

With this package, you can easily access and control the functionalities of your RealSense cameras directly from the terminal


  • List connected devices info and supported streams
  • Configure camera sensor controls
  • Stream selected streaming profiles and check for FPS



Install RealSense-CLI using pipx

pipx install realsense-cli


Install as a regular Python package

python -m pip install realsense-cli


Build the package using Poetry

poetry build


You can call rs --help to read the help for every command.

All commands, except rs list operate on a single connected device.

In case multiple devices are connected use the -s/--serial option to select a device.


List connected devices

> rs list
          Name              Serial       Firmware    USB Connection      Sensors     
  Intel RealSense D435   801312071342         2.1         Stereo Module  
                                                                       RGB Camera    
  Intel RealSense D415   732612060537         3.2         Stereo Module  
                                                                      RGB Camera   


List sensor supported controls

> rs config list depth

  Name                     Description                                                                                                        Min Value   Max Value   Step    Default Value  
  exposure                 Depth Exposure (usec)                                                                                              1.0         200000.0    1.0     8500.0         
  gain                     UVC image gain                                                                                                     16.0        248.0       1.0     16.0           
  enable_auto_exposure     Enable Auto Exposure                                                                                               0.0         1.0         1.0     1.0            
  visual_preset            Advanced-Mode Preset                                                                                               0.0         5.0         1.0     0.0            
  laser_power              Manual laser power in mw. applicable only when laser power mode is set to Manual                                   0.0         360.0       30.0    150.0          
  emitter_enabled          Emitter select, 0-disable all emitters, 1-enable laser, 2-enable laser auto (opt), 3-enable LED (opt)              0.0         2.0         1.0     1.0            
  frames_queue_size        Max number of frames you can hold at a given time. Increasing this number will reduce frame drops but increase     0.0         32.0        1.0     16.0           
                           latency, and vice versa                                                                                                                                           
  error_polling_enabled    Enable / disable polling of camera internal errors                                                                 0.0         1.0         1.0     0.0            
  output_trigger_enabled   Generate trigger from the camera to external device once per frame                                                 0.0         1.0         1.0     0.0            
  depth_units              Number of meters represented by a single depth unit                                                                1e-06       0.01        1e-06   0.001          
  inter_cam_sync_mode      Inter-camera synchronization mode: 0:Default, 1:Master, 2:Slave, 3:Full Salve, 4-258:Genlock with burst count of   0.0         260.0       1.0     0.0            
                           1-255 frames for each trigger, 259 and 260 for two frames per trigger with laser ON-OFF and OFF-ON.                                                               
  emitter_on_off           Alternating emitter pattern, toggled on/off on per-frame basis                                                     0.0         1.0         1.0     0.0            
  global_time_enabled      Enable/Disable global timestamp                                                                                    0.0         1.0         1.0     1.0            
  emitter_always_on        Emitter always on mode: 0:disabled(default), 1:enabled                                                             0.0         1.0         1.0     0.0            
  hdr_enabled              HDR Option                                                                                                         0.0         1.0         1.0     0.0            
  sequence_name            HDR Option                                                                                                         0.0         3.0         1.0     1.0            
  sequence_size            HDR Option                                                                                                         2.0         2.0         1.0     2.0            
  sequence_id              HDR Option                                                                                                         0.0         2.0         1.0     0.0            

Query sensor controls

> rs config depth get exposure laser_power
  Name          Value   
  exposure      8500.0  
  laser_power   150.0   

Set sensor controls

> rs config set depth exposure=15000 laser_power=120

  Name          Value    
  exposure      15000.0  
  laser_power   120.0   


List supported profiles

can be called with a sensor name (rs stream list depth) or without sensor to list profiles for all sensors

> rs stream list

  Stream       Resolution   FPS          Format  
  Depth        256x144      90           Z16     
  Depth        480x270      6/15/30/60   Z16     
  Depth        640x360      30           Z16     
  Depth        640x480      6/15/30      Z16     
  Depth        848x480      6/8/10       Z16     
  Depth        1280x720     6            Z16     
  Infrared 1   480x270      6/15/30/60   Y8      
  Infrared 1   640x360      30           Y8      
  Infrared 1   640x480      6/15/30      Y8      
  Infrared 1   848x480      6/8/10       Y8      
  Infrared 1   1280x720     6            Y8      
  Infrared 2   480x270      6/15/30/60   Y8      
  Infrared 2   640x360      30           Y8      
  Infrared 2   640x480      6/15/30      Y8      
  Infrared 2   848x480      6/8/10       Y8      
  Infrared 2   1280x720     6            Y8    
  Color        1280x720     6/10/15      RGB8    
  Color        1280x720     6/10/15      RGBA8   
  Color        1280x720     6/10/15      Y16     
  Color        1280x720     6/10/15      Y8      
  Color        1280x720     6/10/15      YUYV    
  Color        1920x1080    8            BGR8    
  Color        1920x1080    8            BGRA8   
  Color        1920x1080    8            RGB8    
  Color        1920x1080    8            RGBA8   
  Color        1920x1080    8            Y16     
  Color        1920x1080    8            Y8      
  Color        1920x1080    8            YUYV


Stream profiles and show a live view for incoming frames

  • rs stream play - Start all streams with default profiles
  • rs stream play depth color infrared2 - Start only given streams with default settings
  • rs stream play depth color --fps 30 --res 1280x720 - Start given streams with 1280x720 resolution at 30 fps

Example for live view (Ctrl-C to exit)

> rs stream play
  ╭─────── Depth (0) 640x480 15fps z16 ───────╮                                                                                                                                              
  │ Frame #69       FPS: 15.01                │                                                                                                                                              
  ╭───── Infrared 1 (1) 640x480 15fps y8 ─────╮                                                                                                                                              
  │ Frame #66       FPS: 15.01                │                                                                                                                                              
  ╭───── Infrared 2 (2) 640x480 15fps y8 ─────╮                                                                                                                                              
  │ Frame #66       FPS: 15.01                │                                                                                                                                              
  ╭────── Color (0) 640x480 15fps rgb8 ───────╮                                                                                                                                              
  │ Frame #68       FPS: 15.01                │                                                                                                                                              