


Contextual bandit algorithm makes use of context and user information to make personalized recommendation from dynamically changings pool of candidates. It sequentially selects destinations for users and receives feedback to adjust its selection strategy, which both exploiting and exploring their preferences. We implemented the LinUCB algorithm proposed by Li(2010) to implement the restaurant recommendation algorithm.


1. Notice:

  1. Please keep of positive word array in "preprocessing/","preprocessing/","main/" consistent

2. Configuration File:

  1. Please create one python file under main folder main/ with Yelp API information(Yelp Fusion API)
api_key = <your api key>
client_id = <your client id>
app_name = <the name of your app>
  1. Remove all current data files under main/model/(they are user matrices and will be generated again according to your training input) / create such a folder if it does not exist

3. Database Setup:

  1. Create a database called UrbanConnector in MySQL

  2. Import file /database/database_setup.sql to create three tables:AllRecommendations,RecommendationsSevenDays,UserRating

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `AllRecommendations`(
    `user_id` VARCHAR(30), -- eg: "123124123213" any string given by front end
    `restaurant_id` VARCHAR(30), -- eg: "brLV35q22JnxSekUm1Wt8A", from yelp 
    `recommendation_time` TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, -- eg: "2019-08-08 00:45:00", local time generated by python 
    `context` JSON, -- eg: vector length of 54
    `local_time` VARCHAR(30), -- eg: "2019-08-08T00:44:58-04:00", utc time with ISO format
    PRIMARY KEY (`user_id`, `restaurant_id`, `recommendation_time`)

-- one for storing recommendations made only in the past 7 days
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `RecommendationsSevenDays`(
    `user_id` VARCHAR(30), -- eg: "123124123213" any string given by front end
    `restaurant_id` VARCHAR(30), -- eg: "brLV35q22JnxSekUm1Wt8A", from yelp 
    `recommendation_time` TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP , -- eg: "2019-08-08 00:45:00", local time generated by python 
    FOREIGN KEY (user_id, restaurant_id, recommendation_time) REFERENCES AllRecommendations(user_id, restaurant_id, recommendation_time) ON DELETE CASCADE

-- one for storing user rating 
    `user_id` VARCHAR(30), 
    `restaurant_id` VARCHAR(30), 
    `recommendation_time` TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP , -- eg: "2019-08-08 00:45:00", local time generated by python 
    `user_selection_time` TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, -- eg: CURRENT_TIMESTAMP 2019-08-08 00:45:00
    `reward` FLOAT, -- domain(1,0,-0.5)
    FOREIGN KEY (user_id, restaurant_id, recommendation_time) REFERENCES AllRecommendations(user_id, restaurant_id, recommendation_time) ON DELETE CASCADE

  1. Change database setting and connect to database:

    A. If you want to run this individual file and test the program with terminal, then modify the corresponding part in main/

    B. To change the database of the webservice, modify main/

  2. (Optional)Test if the database is set up correctly(all modifications to the database):

    1. Update the RecommendationsSevenDays table

      test: DELETE FROM RecommendationsSevenDays WHERE recommendation_time < (NOW() - INTERVAL 7 DAY)

    2. Query recommendations for this user in the past 7 days

    3. Make recommendations and update both AllRecommendations RecommendationsSevenDays query execution1 execution2

      #notice that context is in json format
      INSERT INTO `AllRecommendations`(`user_id`, `restaurant_id`, `recommendation_time`,`context`,`local_time`) VALUES (1231241412,brLV35q22JnxSekUm1Wt8A,2019-08-08 00:45:00,[1370.3069959094935, 3.5, 156, 1, 0.3678531037837738, 0.0245118791941913, 0.2884336991225436, -0.05679204451798186, 0.6186320352542078, 0.04952941385891926, 0.9322101108964919, -0.08197835826599327, 0.172544659806304, -0.2907603034548553, 0.052044121638843165, 0.36213477381726544, 0.02664460900300173, -0.12316523118316319, -0.04440593093193514, -0.12558986115695092, -0.026363099056166482, 0.06656524824647395, 0.0036090332773570824, -0.048723771666322656, -0.021830542997385245, -0.016607904142542648, 0.0175328386382096, 0.010678038991785925, 0.00031283715293467003, -0.015936172591742823, -0.007663354654449245, 0.006364743050601441, -0.018076355316729666, 0.013047002112322082, 0.0031238381114750296, 0.0012586542667849707, -0.004989686603965165, 0.019779303407707022, -0.004699269738667344, -0.012336437534250358, 0.008833647420428102, -0.001540721732683503, 0.003366412234424986, 0.019760043150998323, 0.006335963334146817, 0.00010389827537397681, -0.001825597229205127, 0.005353118672087066, 0.00468141683544218, 0.007346067350638506, 0.007177251878558236, -0.0013478173909830557, 0.00952805237548515, -0.0061604682930519765],2019-08-08T00:44:58-04:00);
      INSERT INTO `RecommendationsSevenDays`(user_id, restaurant_id, recommendation_time) VALUES (1231241412,brLV35q22JnxSekUm1Wt8A,2019-08-08 00:45:00)
    4. Update user profile according to the response

      INSERT INTO UserRating(user_id,restaurant_id,recommendation_time,user_selection_time,reward) VALUES(1231241412,brLV35q22JnxSekUm1Wt8A,2019-08-08 00:45:00,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,1.0)

4. Install Dependency:

To install the dependencies, run: pip install -r requirements.txt

5. Start the Program:

To start the web services, run under main folder python


1. Preprocessing:

  1. get around 50K restaurant records from Yelp API to train PCA model and for offline evaluation.

    output: /data/restaurants_information/...(12 files)

  2. convert text data(restaurant info) to feature matrix and train PCA model to 54-dimension.

    output: /main/pca_model.sav

  3. generated synthetic data (food preference) to test the algorithm, but much of the part is similar to pca_model_training program.

    output: /data/simulated_arm_contexts.pyc

2. Main:

  1. make request to Yelp API and retrieve candidate restaurants information. (Using multithreading strategy to increase the speed): it will give you some restaurants that satisfy your setting

  2. convert the text data to feature matrix.

  3. main recommendation algorithm using contextual bandit algorithm you can run it directly to see results of an offline evaluation

  4. main functions to implement the recommendation algorithm, such as get and save matrices, make recommendations and update the result.

  5. web framework

3. Two main services:

  1. Get recommendations -> return three restaurants(sometimes less than 3 options because there are not enough restaurants)
@app.route('/getRecommendation:<user_profile>+<user_id>+<local_time>+<longitude>+<latitude>+<radius>+<price>', methods=['GET'])
def getRecommendation(user_profile, user_id, time, longitude, latitude, radius, price):
# user_profile: string, eg: 'senior'
# user_id: string, eg:'123124'
# local_time: string-UTC timezone and ISO format, eg: '2019-08-07T23:44:16-04:00' (strict format)
# longitude: string, eg: '-73.984345'
# latitude: string, eg: '40.693899'
# radius(meters): string, eg: '1000' -> later to int 
# price: string, eg: '1','2','3','4'   ->later to int

sample request:

"GET /getRecommendation:senior+1231241412+2019-08-07T23:44:16-04:00+-73.984345+40.693899+2000+1 HTTP/1.1" 200 -

sample response:

1. success: retrieve three restaurants(sometimes is there is not enough restaurants, maybe only 1 or 2)
Response {type: "cors", url: "http://localhost:8000/getRecommendation:senior+1231241412+12:06+-73.984345+40.693899+500+1", redirected: false, status: 200, ok: true, …}
bodyUsed: true
headers: Headers {}
ok: true
redirected: false
status: 200
statusText: "OK"
type: "cors"
url: "http://localhost:8000/getRecommendation:senior+1231241412+12:06+-73.984345+40.693899+500+1"
    "success": [
        "categories": [
            "alias": "sandwiches", 
            "title": "Sandwiches"
            "alias": "desserts", 
            "title": "Desserts"
        "coordinates": {
          "latitude": 40.7158, 
          "longitude": -73.99169
        "display_phone": "(646) 504-8132", 
        "distance": 2502.9117980819724, 
        "id": "gHdejB1Mx2P5UjAgZ6BT2w", 
        "location": "35 Orchard St", 
        "name": "Cheeky Sandwiches", 
        "phone": "+16465048132", 
        "price": "$", 
        "rating": 4.5, 
        "recommendation_time": "2019-08-07 12:08:15", 
        "review_count": 1118
        "categories": [
            "alias": "falafel", 
            "title": "Falafel"
            "alias": "egyptian", 
            "title": "Egyptian"
            "alias": "sandwiches", 
            "title": "Sandwiches"
        "coordinates": {
          "latitude": 40.670295715332, 
          "longitude": -73.9790954589844
        "display_phone": "(718) 768-4961", 
        "distance": 2661.7532896052808, 
        "id": "QZcRSVUltJ6YreTeDx52lQ", 
        "location": "226 7th Ave", 
        "name": "Mr Falafel", 
        "phone": "+17187684961", 
        "price": "$", 
        "rating": 4.0, 
        "recommendation_time": "2019-08-07 12:08:15", 
        "review_count": 184
        "categories": [
            "alias": "chinese", 
            "title": "Chinese"
            "alias": "hkcafe", 
            "title": "Hong Kong Style Cafe"
        "coordinates": {
          "latitude": 40.71725, 
          "longitude": -73.99254
        "display_phone": "(212) 966-8269", 
        "distance": 2687.6984035164082, 
        "id": "agCuWjaUJ8xBO_PDDQRiGw", 
        "location": "85 Eldridge St Lower E", 
        "name": "S Wan Cafe \u6d0b\u7d2b\u8346", 
        "phone": "+12129668269", 
        "price": "$", 
        "rating": 4.5, 
        "recommendation_time": "2019-08-07 12:08:15", 
        "review_count": 117
2.error: because the distance or price restriction is too tight, none of the restaurants satisfy the requirements in Yelp API
Response {type: "cors", url: "http://localhost:8000/getRecommendation:senior+1231241412+12:08+-73.984345+40.693899+1+1", redirected: false, status: 200, ok: true, …}
body: (...)
bodyUsed: true
headers: Headers {}
ok: true
redirected: false
status: 200
statusText: "OK"
type: "cors"
url: "http://localhost:8000/getRecommendation:senior+1231241412+12:08+-73.984345+40.693899+1+1"
"error": "please relax restrictions of radius or price prference"

3.error: because there are no qualified destinations after running the recommendation algorithm
Response {type: "cors", url: "http://localhost:8000/getRecommendation:senior+1231241412+12:08+-73.984345+40.693899+1+1", redirected: false, status: 200, ok: true, …}
body: (...)
bodyUsed: true
headers: Headers {}
ok: true
redirected: false
status: 200
statusText: "OK"
type: "cors"
url: "http://localhost:8000/getRecommendation:senior+1231241412+12:08+-73.984345+40.693899+1+1"
"error": "no qualified destinations"

4.otherwise error
  1. Send users' feedback about the recommended restaurants
def feedback(user_profile, user_id, local_time, restaurant_id, recommendation_time, reward):
# user_profile: string, eg: 'senior'
# user_id: string, eg:'123124'
# local_time: string-UTC timezone and ISO format, eg: '2019-08-07T23:44:16-04:00' (strict format)
# restaurant_id: string, eg: 'B0R-buSLWRbGFWpmqk_WZQ'
# recommendation_time: string, eg: '2019-08-07 2023:44:19', but in the request it replace empty space with %
# reward: string, eg: '-0.1','0','1' -> later to float

sample request:

"GET /feedback:senior+1231241412+2019-08-07T23:48:57-04:00+B0R-buSLWRbGFWpmqk_WZQ+2019-08-07%2023:44:19+1 HTTP/1.1" 200 -

"GET /feedback:senior+1231241412+2019-08-07T23:48:58-04:00+B0R-buSLWRbGFWpmqk_WZQ+2019-08-07%2023:44:19+-0.1 HTTP/1.1" 200 -

sample response:

1.success 200
Response {type: "cors", url: "http://localhost:8000/feedback:senior+1231241412+2…00+lQ7H-COT5duZQQ0XqGFPDg+2019-08-08%2000:06:16+1", redirected: false, status: 200, ok: true, …}
body: ReadableStream
locked: false
__proto__: ReadableStream
bodyUsed: false
headers: Headers {}
ok: true
redirected: false
status: 200
statusText: "OK"
type: "cors"
url: "http://localhost:8000/feedback:senior+1231241412+2019-08-08T00:07:31-04:00+lQ7H-COT5duZQQ0XqGFPDg+2019-08-08%2000:06:16+1"
__proto__: Response

2.error  500 
 printed line: "Try to insert a record, but doesn't conform to the foreign key policy"

Demo Website

  1. Under folder "/demo/", run npm install

  2. Change the database setting in the "/demo/demo.js" file

  3. Start the program by running nodemon demo.js unser the folder "/demo"

  4. Enter "localhost:3000" in you browser.