
Putting a PyTorch ML model into production with Redpanda Connect

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Putting ML to Work with Redpanda Connect and PyTorch

Who's that little guy in the background? No idea!

This is an example of rapidly deploying a tuned classification model by using Redpanda Connect with Python. It leverages Python modules from Hugging Face and PyTorch with a pre-tuned sentiment classifier for financial news derived from Meta's RoBERTa base model.

Two examples are provided:

  • an API service that provides an HTTP API for scoring content while also caching and persisting classifier output in-memory and, optionally, to a Redpanda topic for others to consume

  • an stream analytics pipeline that takes data from one Redpanda topic, classifies it, and routes output to a destination topic while reusing the same pipeline from the API approach

The model used is originally from Hugging Face user mrm8448 and provides a fine-tuned financial news implementation of Meta's RoBERTa transformer-based language model:

It's included as a git submodule, but if you're viewing this README via Github's web UI and trying to click the submodule link, they sadly don't support links out to non-Github submodules!


You must have:

Optionally, you should have:

  • jq (optional)
  • Docker


Two methods are provided: local (recommended so you can follow all the examples) and Docker-based. If you don't have a local copy of Python 3.12, you should use the Docker approach.

Local Installation

On macOS or Linux distros, you can copy and paste these commands to get up and running quickly:

  1. Clone the project and its submodules:
git clone

cd redpanda-pytorch-demo

git submodule update --init --recursive
  1. Install a Python virtualenv and dependencies:
python3 -m venv venv

source venv/bin/activate

pip install -U pip

pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Build the Redpanda Connect w/ embedded Python fork:
CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -C rpcp


A provided Dockerfile makes it easy to package up the model, Redpanda Connect, and the Python environment. This is great if you don't have Python 3.12 locally (like on Debian 12 distros) or want to actually deploy this thing somewhere in the cloud.

Use docker to build our image and tag it as redpanda-torch:

docker build . -t redpanda-torch

The built image is pre-set to run the HTTP server, so you just need to expose the TCP port:

docker run --rm -it -p 8080:8080 redpanda-torch

In the walkthrough below, you'll use environment variables to configure runtime settings in Redpanda Connect. Just use the Docker conventions, setting them via --env or -e.

For running the streaming enrichment example, override the command line args:

docker run --rm -it -p 8080:8080 redpanda-torch \
  run -r python.yaml enrichment.yaml

Those yaml files are inside the Docker image, by the way.

Preparing Redpanda

We need a few topics created for our examples. Assuming you've installed rpk and have a profile that's authenticated to your Redpanda cluster, you can run the following commands:

rpk topic create \
  news positive-news negative-news neutral-news unknown-news -p 5

If using Redpanda Serverless, you should be able to use rpk auth login to create your profile.

If using a Redpanda instance that requires authentication, such as Redpanda Serverless, create a Kafka user and ACLs that allow the principal to both produce and consume from the above topics as well as create a consumer group:

rpk security user create demo --password demo

rpk security acl create \
  --allow-principal "User:demo" \
  --operation read,write,describe \
  --topic news,positive-news,negative-news,neutral-news,unknown-news \
  --group sentiment-analyzer

Feel free to use a different password!

The HTTP API Server

The HTTP API server example demonstrates some awesome features of Redpanda Connect:

  • Avoiding costly compute by caching results
  • Distributing data to multiple outputs via fan out
  • Providing synchronous responses to HTTP clients for an interactive API
  • Reusing Redpanda Components via composable resources to reduce code
  • Using runtime data inspection to route based on ML output

Running the HTTP Service

This example relies on environment variables for some runtime configuration. You'll need to set a few depending on where you're running Redpanda:

  • REDPANDA_BROKERS: list of seed brokers (defaults to "localhost:9092")
  • REDPANDA_TLS: boolean flag for enabling TLS (defaults to "false")
  • REDPANDA_SASL_USERNAME: Redpanda Kafka API principal name (no default)
  • REDPANDA_SASL_PASSWORD: Redpanda Kafka API principal name (no default)
  • REDPANDA_SASL_MECHANISM: SASL mechanism to use (defaults to "none")
  • REDPANDA_TOPIC: Base name of the topics (defaults to "news")

To run in a mode that accepts HTTP POSTs of content to classify, use the provided http-server.yaml and an HTTP client like curl.

  1. Set any of your environment variables to make things easier:
export REDPANDA_TLS=true

The above is a faux config for Redpanda Serverless and matches the details we created in Preparing Redpanda above.

  1. With your virtualenv active, start up the HTTP service:
./rpcp/rp-connect-python run -r python.yaml http-server.yaml
  1. From another terminal, fire off a request with curl (and pipe to jq
    if you have it):
curl -s -X POST \
    -d "The latest recall of Happy Fun Ball has sent ACME's stock plummeting." \
    'http://localhost:8080/sentiment' | jq

You should get something like this in response:

  "label": "negative",
  "metadata": {
    "cache_hit": false,
    "sha1": "d7452c7cc882d1c690635cac92945e815947708d"
  "score": 0.9984525442123413,
  "text": "The latest recall of Happy Fun Ball has sent ACME's stock plummeting."

On the Redpanda side, you'll notice we don't get anything written to the topics! The next section will go into more detail, but for now restart the service with a new environment variable:

REDPANDA_OUTPUT_MODE=both ./rpcp/rp-connect-python \
  run -r python.yaml http-server.yaml

Now, submit the same data as before:

curl -s -X POST \
    -d "The latest recall of Happy Fun Ball has sent ACME's stock plummeting." \
    'http://localhost:8080/sentiment' | jq

You should get the same JSON reply back. So what's different?

Use rpk and consume from our topics:

rpk topic consume positive-news neutral-news negative-news --offset :end

You should see a result from our negative-news topic:

  "topic": "negative-news",
  "key": "d7452c7cc882d1c690635cac92945e815947708d",
  "value": "{\"label\":\"negative\",\"metadata\":{\"cache_hit\":false,\"sha1\":\"d7452c7cc882d1c690635cac92945e815947708d\"},\"score\":0.9984525442123413,\"text\":\"The latest recall of Happy Fun Ball has sent ACME's stock plummeting.\"}",
  "timestamp": 1725628216383,
  "partition": 4,
  "offset": 0

Under the Covers

Now, for a guided walkthrough of how it works! This section breaks down how the configuration in http-server.yaml does what it does.

Receiving HTTP POSTs

The pipeline starts off with an http_server input, which provides the API surface area for interacting with clients:

    address: ${HOST:}:${PORT:8080}
    path: /sentiment

The http_server can do a lot more than this, including support TLS for secure communication as well as support websocket connections. In this case, we keep it simple: clients need to POST a body of text to the /sentiment path on our local web server.

You'l also notice the our first usage of environment variable interpolation. More will be said about it in coming sections, but for now just view using HOST and PORT environment variables as a way to deviate from our default listen address of and port 8080. (This is how the provided Dockerfile changes the default HOST to

Using Caching to Reduce Stress on the Model

Next, we have an memory_cache resource. In some situations, you may want other cache backends, like Redis/Valkey, but this simply uses local memory.

Caches are designed to be access from multiple components, so they start of defined in a cache_resources list:

  - label: memory_cache
      default_ttl: 5m
      compaction_interval: 60s

Here we're defining a single cache, called memory_cache. You can call it (almost) anything you want. We'll use the label to refer to the cache instance.

Cache Lookups

If we now look at the first stage in the pipeline, we'll see the first step is to utilize the cache for a lookup:

    - cache:
        resource: memory_cache
        operator: get
        key: '${!content().string().hash("sha1").encode("hex")}'

Here the cache processor uses our cache resource we defined, referenced by name/label.

It computes a key on the fly by decoding the content of the HTTP POST body into a string and hashing it with the SHA-1 algorithm, all done via bloblang interpolation. If we have a hit, the message is replaced with the value from the cache.

But what about if we don't have a cache hit?

Cache Misses

We use a conditional branch stage to handle cache misses. It checks if the error flag is set by the previous stage (in this case, a cache miss results in the error flag being set, so errored() evaluates to true). If we've errored, we create a temporary message from the content() of the incoming message. Otherwise, we use deleted() to emit nothing.

- branch:
    request_map: |
      # on error, we had a cache miss.
      root = if errored() { content() } else { deleted() }
      # these run only on the temporary messages from `request_map` evaluation
      # ...

This can be a tad confusing at first. Essentially, you're defining/creating a temporary message to pass to a totally different pipeline of processors. In practice, this message will be based on the actual incoming message... but it doesn't have to be!

This temporary message is then passed into the inner processors.

We'll talk about updated the cache momentarily.

Analyzing Sentiment with PyTorch / Hugging Face

The first inner processor is where our Python enrichment occurs. You'll notice it looks super boring!

          - resource: python

In this case, we're referencing a processor resource that's defined elsewhere. In this case, it's the python.yaml you passed with the -r argument to Redpanda Connect.

If you look in that file, you'll see a resource definition in a similar format to how our cache resource was defined. The important parts are repeated below:

  script: |
    from classifier import get_pipeline

    device = environ.get("DEMO_PYTORCH_DEVICE", "cpu")

    text = content().decode()
    pipeline = get_pipeline(device=device)
    root.text = text

    scores = pipeline(text)
    if scores:
      root.label = scores[0]["label"]
      root.score = scores[0]["score"]
      root.label = "unlabeled"
      root.score = 0.0

Using the Python integration, we can leverage PyTorch and Hugging Face tools in just a few lines of inline code.

There's a runtime import of a local helper module classifier that wires up the pre-trained model and tokenizer.

Q: What about GPUs? Does this work with GPUs? A: Yes. The code is defaulting right now to a "cpu" device, but you can change the argument to get_pipeline() in the Python code and pass an appropriate value that PyTorch can use. For instance, if you're on macOS with Apple Silicon, use "mps". See the torch.device docs for details on supported values. To do this in the demo, you can set the environment variable DEMO_PYTORCH_DEVICE to the type you want to use.

For more details on how Python integrates with Redpanda Connect, see the project on the nuances of the bloblang-like features embedded in Python. It's beyond the scope of this demonstration.

At this point, we've taken what was our boring message of just text and created a structured message with multiple fields that looks like:

{ "text": "The original text!", "label": "positive", "score": 0.999 }

Updating the Cache

Now that we've done the computationally heavy part of applying the ML model, we want to update the cache with the results so we don't have to repeat ourselves for the same input.

In this case, we do it in a two step process for reasons we'll see later:

          - mutation: |
              # compute a sha1 hash as a key
              root.metadata.sha1 = this.text.hash("sha1").encode("hex")
          - cache:
              resource: memory_cache
              operator: set
              key: '${!this.metadata.sha1}'
              value: '${!content()}'

The first step above is computing the sha-1 hash of the text we saved from the original message. We tuck this in a nested field.

Then, we have another instance of a cache processor that references the same cache resource as before. (See how handy resources are?) In this case, however, we're using a set operation and providing the new value to store. The key to use is a simple bloblang interpolation that points to our just-computed sha-1 hash.

The tricky thing is the value: we use content() to store the full payload of the message. It's not intuitive! The cache processor doesn't use the message need to interpolate the message content into a value to insert into the cache. Confusing!

Rejoining from our Branch

If we had a cache miss, we're now at the end of our branch operation and we need to convert that temporary message to something permanent. Did you forget we've been working with a temporary messsage? I bet you did.

The tail end of the branch config tells the processor how to convert that temporary message, if it exists, into a real message to pass onwards:

        result_map: |
          root = this
          root.metadata.cache_hit = false

In this case it's simple: we're copying this (the temporary message) to the new message (i.e. root) and also setting a new nested field at the same time. In this case, we mention we had a cache miss. This way we can see if we're actually hitting the cache or not so all your work won't be for naught.

Last Stop before Output

Lastly, there's a trivial mutation step to set the nested cache_hit field if it doesn't exist. Pretty simple. If it's non-existent, then we never went down the branch path...which means we must have had a cache hit:

    - mutation: |
        root.metadata.cache_hit = this.metadata.cache_hit | true

Getting Data to its Final Destination

Here we use more resource magic to make the outputs toggle-able via the environment variable DEMO_OUTPUT_MODE. We start off with a trivial output definition that just references our resource:

  resource: ${DEMO_OUTPUT_MODE:http}

Using interpolation, we pull the value from the environment. If it's not defined, we default to "http" as the value.

Now we can define our output_resources. You could put these in their own file, but that's an exercise left to the reader.

Let's take a look at them individually.

HTTP Response

Since this is an HTTP API, it's following what some call a request/reply protocol. The client sends some data (via a POST, in this case) and expects a response back. To do this, we use the sync_response component which will do this automatically:

  # Send the HTTP response back to the client.
  - label: http
    sync_response: {}
Sinking Data into Multiple Redpanda Topics

Other applications might benefit from our work enriching this data, so let's put the data in Redpanda. We can make everyone's lives easier by sorting the data based on the sentiment label: positive, negative, or (in the event of a failure) neutral. This is where our multiple topics comes into play!

  # Send the data to Redpanda.
  - label: redpanda
        - ${REDPANDA_BROKERS:localhost}
      topic: "${!this.label | unknown}-${REDPANDA_TOPIC:news}"
      key: ${!this.metadata.sha1}
        count: 1000
        period: 5s
        enabled: ${REDPANDA_TLS:false}
        - mechanism: ${REDPANDA_SASL_MECHANISM:none}
          username: ${REDPANDA_SASL_USERNAME:}
          password: ${REDPANDA_SASL_PASSWORD:}

You can read the details on configuring the kafka_franz connector in the docs so I won't go into detail here. The important part is the topic configuration.

You should notice this is a combination of bloblang and environment variable interpolation. This lets the output component programmatically define the target topic and lets us route messages.

Lastly, we're reusing that sha-1 hash as the key to demonstrate how that, too, can be programmatic via interpolation.

Why Not Both? Using Fan Out.

Let's say we want to both reply to the client (to be helpful and polite) as well as save the data in Redpanda for others. We can use a broker output that lets us define the pattern of routing messages across multiple outputs.

In this case, we use fan_out to duplicate messages to all defined outputs.

Since we already defined our two outputs above as part of our output_resources, this is super simple! We can just use resource outputs that take a named resource by label so we don't have to repeat ourselves.

  # Do both: send to Redpanda and reply to the client.
  - label: both
      pattern: fan_out
        - resource: http
        - resource: redpanda

In this current configuration, using both will cause an initial cold-start latency spike as the connection to the Redpanda cluster is made while processing the first request. This will appear as a delay to the http client calling the service, but subsequent requests won't have this penalty.

The Data Enrichment Approach

Using what you learned above, we can easily build a data enrichment pipeline sourcing data from an input Redpanda topic, performing the same sentiment analysis we configured in python.yaml, and route the output to different topics just like before.

In this case, we use both kafka_franz input and output. Most importantly, we can reuse the same Python pipeline component as it's already defined in a separate resource file.

Running this example is similar to the previous. Just change the pipeline file:

./rpcp/rp-connect-python run -r python.yaml enrichment.yaml

For testing, you can produce data to your input topic using rpk:

echo 'The Dow closed at a record high today on news that aliens are real' \
  | rpk topic produce news

And consume the output:

rpk topic consume \
  positive-news negative-news neutral-news unknown-news \
  --offset :end

Sourcing Data

This is pretty simple using a kafka_franz input. You'll notice that the real difference here is the consumer_group setting. This will let us properly scale up if needed and help with tracking committed offsets in the stream.

      - ${REDPANDA_BROKERS:localhost:9092}
      - ${REDPANDA_TOPIC:news}
    consumer_group: ${REDPANDA_CONSUMER_GROUP:sentiment-analyzer}
      count: 1000
      period: 5s
      enabled: ${REDPANDA_TLS:false}
      - mechanism: ${REDPANDA_SASL_MECHANISM:none}
        username: ${REDPANDA_SASL_USERNAME:}
        password: ${REDPANDA_SASL_PASSWORD:}

It's worth pointing out the batching section. The python component can process batches more efficiently than single messages, so it's recommended to batch when you can.

The Enrichment Pipeline

Our pipeline logic becomes trivial thanks to resources:

    - resource: python

That's it! It's that easy.

Sinking Data

We use the same interpolation approaches as before with one exception. See if you can spot it:

      - ${REDPANDA_BROKERS:localhost}
    topic: "${!this.label | unknown}-${REDPANDA_TOPIC:news}"
    key: ${!meta("kafka_key")}
      count: 1000
      period: 5s
      enabled: ${REDPANDA_TLS:false}
      - mechanism: ${REDPANDA_SASL_MECHANISM:none}
        username: ${REDPANDA_SASL_USERNAME:}
        password: ${REDPANDA_SASL_PASSWORD:}

Instead of a sha-1 hash, which we don't really need or care about, we re-use the original key (if any) from the incoming message. If data is produced to our input topic with a key, we'll re-use that key.

Wrapping Up

Hopefully this is helpful in both explaining the intricacies of Redpanda Connect end-to-end as well as illustrating a useful example of using a low-code approach to building enrichment services and pipelines!

About the Banner Image

The cute Redpanda and Python exploring a cave was created by Bing Image Creator.