
An android app for creating reminders



An android app for creating reminders made using the kivy and kivyMD framework for python.


This reminder app organizes your reminders into lists. You can create multiple lists that contains reminders inside them. Each reminder can be set to notify you through notifications on a particular day or date at a specific time.

  • Create and delete named lists that can store reminders inside them.
  • Create reminderes that have a title and description. A reminder can be set to not notify you, to notify you on particular days(such as Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday etc.) or upto 5 specific dates. You can also set a time at which you want the reminder to ring.
  • Reminders appear as notifications. Clicking on the notification takes you directly to the reminder.
  • Snooze reminders for a certain amount of time directly from the notification
  • Mark reminders as complete direclty from the notification.
  • Internal themeing support.


This App currently stands as an abandoned project

This project was initially started for commercial purposes and to prove a point that commercial scale apps could be made using python and still be performant. It was originally named as Remindy, but unfortunately other apps already exist under that name so as to prevent copyright violations, the name of this repository has been changed.

The app went through numerous iterations before it reached the stage it is at now and still needs much more to become a full fledged reminder app. Unfortunetly none of those updates or changes will be coming anytime soon.

Why was it abandoned?

The app's fundamental concept was based on sorting reminders into lists and displaying them as if they are a stack of cards. The App's entire UI was based on this fundamental concept. This presented a really interesting UX interaction with the user but deliverd a lack luster UI experience. Unfortunately I realized this too far into the development of the project that I was forced to scrap the entire idea and hence why the project is now considered as abandoned.

Did the fact that it was coded in Python affect my Idea to abandon it?

Not at all. In fact it was python that encouraged me to continue the project even after I knew that the UI was not good. The Kivy library really allows for rapid development of user interfaces. The performance impact that python had on the app where signifcant and the app incorporates numerous optimization techniques in order to reduce the performance impacts. You are welcome to use the logic I implemented in your own apps to reduce performance issues.

Will the project ever continue again?

Probably not. The concept of the reminder app may live on in another form but as of now I am focusing on learning more langaiges rather than sticking with just python.