
APACHE-2.0 License



Wraps the python responses library As A Service.

See the full documentation here (or more specifically converting from responses).


Automatic (with pytest)

Using pytest-mock-resources, we can use Docker to manage the lifecycle of the server.

pip install responsaas[pmr]

from responsaas.pytest import create_responsaas_fixture, create_responsaas_server_fixture

responsaas_server = create_responsaas_server_fixture()
responsaas = create_responsaas_fixture()

def test_foo(responsaas: Responsaas):
    responsaas.add("/foo", json={"bar": True})

    response = requests.get(responsaas.base_url + "/foo")
    assert response.json() == {"bar": True}


The manual examples assume you have some external way of standing up the server

pip install responsaas

import requests
from responsaas import ResponsaasServer, Responsaas

# With pytest
from responsaas.pytest import create_responsaas_fixture

responsaas = create_responsaas_fixture("http://localhost:7564")

def test_foo(responsaas: Responsaas):
    responsaas.add("/foo", json={"bar": True})

    response = requests.get(responsaas.base_url + "/foo")
    assert response.json() == {"bar": True}

# Or completely manually.
def test_foo():
    responsaas_server = ResponsaasServer("http://localhost:7564")
    with responsaas_server.activate() as responsaas:
        responsaas.add("/foo", json={"bar": True})

        response = requests.get(responsaas.base_url + "/foo")
        assert response.json() == {"bar": True}


Under the hood, repsonses is patching the network calls being made and replacing their result with the result you specify. It's very fast, convenient, and (by default) disallows you from making actual network calls.

However the same (patch) strategy that makes it useful has some issues.

  • This can run afoul of other libraries which perform patch operations. The issue history of responses has many instances (frequently with moto), where patches get clobbered in one way or another.

    • responsaas does not use patch at all. It is a real standalone service
      responding to real requests.
  • Either through patch issues, or through programmer error, responses can be so non-invasive that API calls accidentally get made through to the original destination URL.

    • responsaas forces you to change (or really, make configurable) the URL
      you're hitting for tests, which should make it impossible to hit the
      original destination url in tests on accident.
  • responses allows you to return arbitrary python objects (like exceptions) which wouldn't be possible for a request to actually return.

    • responsaas (once again), is a literal service responding to requests. The
      requesting client code is receiving bytes over the wire, and parsing it
  • responses is(?) limited to mocking the requests library. Which doesn't cover cases like httpx, aiohttp, etc.

    • responsaas is client agnostic, given that it's a real service.
  • responses needs an additional mechanism to allow "passthru" requests

    • responsaas (once again), is a literal service responding to requests, so
      it can only return.


What's going on internally is:

  • Each test registers a new "namespace" against the responsaas server
  • Each new namespace corresponds to one responses.RequestsMock.
  • As incoming requests are received by the server, they're mapped to the request
    shape expected by responses, and routed directly through its request
    matching and responds logic.