
reinforcement learning configuration interaction

MIT License


Reinforcement Learning Configuration Interaction

Here are some routines to do reinforcement learning on the FCI Hamiltonian in order to obtain near-optimal k-sparse approximations to symmetric matrices.

Basically, we are looking for the k by k submatrix that, when diagonalized, yields the best approximation to the lowest eigenvalue of the full matrix. This k-sparse approximation is obtained from the k rows and columns of the original matrix. Since the original matrix should be Hermitian, the "best" approximate solution will be the submatrix with the lowest eigenvalue (e.g., variational theorem). The lower the minimum eigenvalue, the better the approximation.

This work is based on the pre-prints

Goings, Joshua, Hang Hu, Chao Yang, and Xiaosong Li. "Reinforcement Learning Configuration Interaction." ChemRxiv, 2021. doi:10.26434/chemrxiv.14342234.v2. 


Li Zhou, Lihao Yan, Mark A. Caprio, Weiguo Gao, Chao Yang. "Solving the k-sparse Eigenvalue Problem with Reinforcement Learning" arXiv, 2020. https://arxiv.org/abs/2009.04414.

as always, this is research code, so use at your own risk :)


Once you've cloned the directory, you can just

python setup.py install


You'll need numpy and tqdm (for the nice progess bar in RLCI). Easiest way is just with pip

pip install numpy tqdm


You can test the install with nosetests. In the head directory, just do

nosetests tests

The tests are on the Hamiltonians in the full_hamiltonians directory. These correspond to six-atom hydrogen chains (equidistant rings and 1D chains with a STO-6G basis). Because RLCI has stochastic components, it may not converge to exactly the same value on all machines so the test criteria is fairly loose (e.g., just test that eigenvalue is lower than the "greedy" initialization).


Once you've installed, you can try running the input script sample_input.py:

python sample_input.py

which looks like:

import numpy as np
from rlci.solvers import RL


# generate random symmetric matrix
NDIM = 100
A = np.random.rand(NDIM, NDIM)
A = A + A.T

# Or, load a sample Hamiltonian
#A = np.loadtxt('full_hamiltonians/h6_1p00_ring.txt')

k = 40  # sparsity
print("k:    ", k)
print("NDet: ", len(A))

E_exact, s = RL(A, k, mode='full')
print("exact:  ", E_exact)

E_apsci, s = RL(A, k, mode='apsci')
print("ap-sCI: ", E_apsci)

E_greedy, s = RL(A, k, mode='greedy')
print("greedy: ", E_greedy)

E_rl, s = RL(A, k, mode='rl', max_pick=50)
print("RLCI:   ", E_rl)

This does a few methods, including RLCI, on a "fake" symmetric matrix. You can also try loading in the sample full CI Hamiltonians from the full_hamiltonians directory. You should see something like:

k:     40
NDet:  100
exact:   -8.077612478401324
ap-sCI:  -7.140567021103666
greedy:  -7.012956319532492
RLCI:    -7.17615434373654

The exact numbers will vary depending on your input matrix, obviously.

k is the number of rows/columns you wish to retain to form the submatrix. NDet is the dimension of the full, original matrix (number of determinants, in configuration interaction lingo).

The "exact" value should be the lowest, followed by ap-sCI or greedy values (depending on the problem, greedy or ap-sCI will be lower). RLCI is initialized by the "greedy" algorithm, so the RL value should be lower than the greedy value.

Since ap-sCI is obtained by taking the exact solution and taking the k largest magnitude components of its corresponding eigenvector, it serves as a measure of "how good" we are doing. If we obtain a lower value than ap-sCI, the RLCI and/or greedy algorithm are performing well.