


Enter the coordinates for the location that you want to start from into a file like this:


Such that its contents contain a line like this (longitude, latitude, space-separated):

somewhere Italy 12.45805 41.8210608

Using those coordinates, we need to create a grid:

resolution=600; parallel -q --colsep ' ' python  scripts/ -r ${resolution} --center-x {3} --center-y {4} > grid_skeletons/grid_${city}_${resolution}.ssv :::: geocodes_all/${city};

And then we need to start a graphhopper instance wherever it's installed.

./ web /scr/fluidspace/pkerp/data/maps/americas.pbf

And then query the server for every grid point:

resolution=600; parallel -q --colsep ' ' node scripts/get_directions.js -c --output-dir directions_all/${city} \"{3}\" \"{4}\" \"{5}\" \"{6}\" :::: geocodes_all/${city} :::: grid_skeletons/grid_${city}_${resolution}.ssv; find directions_all/${city} -name "*.json" | xargs -n 1 gzip

All of these queries then need to be consolidated onto one large file:

parallel 'find directions_all/{}/ -type f  > file_lists/file_list_{}.txt; python scripts/ -l file_lists/file_list_{}.txt > all_connections/all_connections_{}.json' ::: $city

Create a grid and calculate the contours:

method=time; walkspeed=5; resolution=300; parallel /usr/bin/time python scripts/ all_connections/all_connections_{}.json -r ${resolution} --method ${method} --walking-speed ${walkspeed} {} '>' grids/grid_${method}_{}_${resolution}_${walkspeed}.json ::: $city; parallel python scripts/ grids/grid_time_{}_${resolution}_${walkspeed}.json  '>' contours/{}_${walkspeed}.json ::: $city;

Ignore everything below, it's just a reference

cat input/cities.txt | xargs -n 2 -I {} python scripts/ -d geocodes "{}" cat input/cities_us.txt | xargs -n 2 -I {} python scripts/ -d geocodes_us "{}" cat input/cities_sa.txt | xargs -n 2 -I {} python scripts/ -d geocodes_sa "{}" cat input/cities_africa.txt | xargs -n 2 -I {} python scripts/ -d geocodes_africa "{}" cat input/cities_asia.txt | xargs -n 2 -I {} python scripts/ -d geocodes_asia "{}"

mv geocodes_us/new\ york geocodes_us/new_york mv geocodes_us/los\ angeles geocodes_us/los_angeles mv geocodes_us/san\ diego geocodes_us/san_diego mv geocodes_us/san\ francisco geocodes_us/san_francisco

mv geocodes_sa/buenos\ aires geocodes_sa/buenos_aires mv geocodes_sa/rio\ de\ janeiro geocodes_sa/rio_de_janeiro mv geocodes_sa/sao\ paolo geocodes_sa/sao_paolo mv geocodes_sa/la\ paz geocodes_sa/la_paz

mv geocodes_africa/n'djamena geocodes_africa/n_djamena mv geocodes_africa/dar\ es\ salaam geocodes_africa/dar_es_salaam mv geocodes_africa/porto\ novo geocodes_africa/porto_novo mv geocodes_africa/cape\ town geocodes_africa/cape_town

mv geocodes_asia/phnom\ penh geocodes_asia/phnom_penh mv geocodes_asia/st\ petersburg geocodes_asia/st_petersburg mv geocodes_asia/tel\ aviv geocodes_asia/tel_aviv mv geocodes_asia/new\ delhi geocodes_asia/new_delhi mv geocodes_asia/abu\ dhabi geocodes_asia/abu_dhabi mv geocodes_asia/kuwait\ city geocodes_asia/kuwait_city

ls geocodes_sa/ > cities_sa.txt ls geocodes_africa/ > cities_africa.txt ls geocodes_asia/ > cities_asia.txt

Create the grid

resolution=600; for city in $(cat cities_sa.txt); do parallel -q --colsep ' ' python scripts/ -r ${resolution} --center-x {3} --center-y {4} > grid_skeletons/grid_${city}${resolution}.ssv :::: geocodes_sa/${city}; done; resolution=600; for city in $(cat cities_africa.txt); do parallel -q --colsep ' ' python scripts/ -r ${resolution} --center-x {3} --center-y {4} > grid_skeletons/grid${city}${resolution}.ssv :::: geocodes_africa/${city}; done; resolution=600; for city in $(cat cities_asia.txt); do parallel -q --colsep ' ' python scripts/ -r ${resolution} --center-x {3} --center-y {4} > grid_skeletons/grid${city}${resolution}.ssv :::: geocodes_asia/${city}; done; resolution=600; for city in $(cat cities_nca.txt); do parallel -q --colsep ' ' python scripts/ -r ${resolution} --center-x {3} --center-y {4} > grid_skeletons/grid${city}_${resolution}.ssv :::: geocodes_nca/${city}; done;

Query the routing server

Start graphopper:

./ web /scr/fluidspace/pkerp/data/maps/americas.pbf

Run the queries:

resolution=600; for city in $(cat cities_sa.txt); do parallel -q --colsep ' ' node scripts/get_directions.js -c --output-dir directions_sa/${city} \"{3}\" \"{4}\" \"{5}\" \"{6}\" :::: geocodes_sa/${city} :::: grid_skeletons/grid_${city}_${resolution}.ssv; find directions_sa/${city} -name "*.json" | xargs -n 1 gzip; done;
resolution=600; for city in $(cat cities_africa.txt); do parallel -q --colsep ' ' node scripts/get_directions.js -c --output-dir directions_africa/${city} \"{3}\" \"{4}\" \"{5}\" \"{6}\" :::: geocodes_africa/${city} :::: grid_skeletons/grid_${city}_${resolution}.ssv; find directions_africa/${city} -name "*.json" | xargs -n 1 gzip; done;
resolution=600; for city in $(cat cities_asia.txt); do parallel -q --colsep ' ' node scripts/get_directions.js -c --output-dir directions_asia/${city} \"{3}\" \"{4}\" \"{5}\" \"{6}\" :::: geocodes_asia/${city} :::: grid_skeletons/grid_${city}_${resolution}.ssv; find directions_asia/${city} -name "*.json" | xargs -n 1 gzip; done;
resolution=600; for city in $(cat cities_nca.txt); do parallel -q --colsep ' ' node scripts/get_directions.js -c --output-dir directions_nca/${city} \"{3}\" \"{4}\" \"{5}\" \"{6}\" :::: geocodes_nca/${city} :::: grid_skeletons/grid_${city}_${resolution}.ssv; find directions_nca/${city} -name "*.json" | xargs -n 1 gzip; done;
resolution=600; for city in $(cat cities_europe.txt); do parallel -q --colsep ' ' node scripts/get_directions.js -c --output-dir directions_europe/${city} \"{3}\" \"{4}\" \"{5}\" \"{6}\" :::: geocodes_europe/${city} :::: grid_skeletons/grid_${city}_${resolution}.ssv; find directions_europe/${city} -name "*.json" | xargs -n 1 gzip; done;
resolution=600; for city in $(cat cities_australia_and_oceania.txt); do parallel -q --colsep ' ' node scripts/get_directions.js -c --output-dir directions_australia_and_oceania/${city} \"{3}\" \"{4}\" \"{5}\" \"{6}\" :::: geocodes_australia_and_oceania/${city} :::: grid_skeletons/grid_${city}_${resolution}.ssv; find directions_australia_and_oceania/${city} -name "*.json" | xargs -n 1 gzip; done;

resolution=600; for city in $(cat cities_africa.txt); do parallel -q --colsep ' ' node scripts/get_directions.js -c --output-dir directions_africa/${city} "{3}" "{4}" "{5}" "{6}" :::: geocodes_africa/${city} :::: grid_skeletons/grid_${city}_${resolution}.ssv; find directions_africa/${city} -name "*.json" | xargs -n 1 gzip; done;

city=vienna; node scripts/get_directions.js -c --output-dir directions/${city} "-0.686646" "45.752193" "-0.32959" "46.229253"

Check to make sure everything went OK

ls geocodes_africa/ | sort > geocodes_list.txt ls directions_africa/ | sort > directions_list.txt diff directions_list.txt geocodes_list.txt

Consolidate the connections

parallel 'find directions_sa/{}/ -type f > file_lists/file_list_{}.txt; python scripts/ -l file_lists/file_list_{}.txt > all_connections/all_connections_{}.json' ::: $(cat cities_sa.txt) parallel 'find directions_africa/{}/ -type f > file_lists/file_list_{}.txt; python scripts/ -l file_lists/file_list_{}.txt > all_connections/all_connections_{}.json' ::: $(cat cities_africa.txt)

Create the grid

ln -s ~/projects/oebb/scripts/ scripts/

method=time; walkspeed=5; resolution=300; parallel /usr/bin/time python scripts/ all_connections/all_connections_{}.json -r ${resolution} --method ${method} --walking-speed ${walkspeed} {} '>' grids/grid_${method}{}${resolution}${walkspeed}.json ::: vienna; parallel python scripts/ grids/grid_time{}${resolution}${walkspeed}.json '>' contours/{}${walkspeed}.json ::: vienna; cp contours/vienna${walkspeed}.json ~/projects/emptypipes/jsons/isochrone_driving_contours/

#method=time; walkspeed=5; resolution=300; parallel /usr/bin/time python scripts/ all_connections/all_connections_{}.json --min-x -12.4 --max-x 46.3 --min-y 33.1 --max-y 74.5 -r ${resolution} --method ${method} --walking-speed ${walkspeed} {} '>' grids/grid_${method}{}${resolution}_${walkspeed}.json ::: birmingham london

method=time; walkspeed=5; resolution=300; parallel /usr/bin/time python scripts/ all_connections/all_connections_{}.json -r ${resolution} --method ${method} --walking-speed ${walkspeed} {} '>' grids/grid_${method}{}${resolution}_${walkspeed}.json ::: $(cat cities_africa.txt)

method=time; walkspeed=5; resolution=300; parallel /usr/bin/time python scripts/ all_connections/all_connections_{}.json -r ${resolution} --min-x -12.4 --max-x 46.3 --min-y 33.1 --max-y 74.5 --method ${method} --walking-speed ${walkspeed} {} '>' grids/grid_${method}{}${resolution}${walkspeed}.json ::: $(cat ~/projects/oebb/cities.txt) method=time; walkspeed=5; resolution=300; parallel /usr/bin/time python scripts/ all_connections/all_connections{}.json -r ${resolution} --min-x -135.14 --max-x -63.9 --min-y 21.9 --max-y 62.2 --method ${method} --walking-speed ${walkspeed} {} '>' grids/grid_${method}{}${resolution}_${walkspeed}.json ::: $(cat ~/projects/oebb/cities_us.txt)

Create the contours

ln -s ~/projects/oebb/python_contours/scripts/ scripts/ resolution=300; parallel python scripts/ grids/grid_time_{}${resolution}5.json '>' contours/{}.json ::: $(cat ~/projects/oebb/cities.txt) resolution=300; parallel python scripts/ grids/grid_time{}${resolution}_5.json '>' contours/{}.json ::: $(cat ~/projects/oebb/cities_us.txt)

resolution=300; parallel python scripts/ grids/grid_time_{}_${resolution}_5.json '>' contours/{}.json ::: $(cat ~/projects/roadway_routing/cities_africa.txt)

Copy the contours to the emptypipes web site

cp contours/* ~/projects/emptypipes/jsons/isochrone_driving_contours/

Create page template

parallel python scripts/ geocodes_africa/{} '>' page_templates/{}.html ::: $(cat cities_africa.txt)

Copy Page Template

cp page_templates/* ~/projects/emptypipes/supp/isochrone_driving/

Create the cities list

python scripts/ $(cat cities_africa.txt) > ~/projects/emptypipes/_includes/africa_isochrone_driving_cities_list.html python scripts/ $(cat cities_sa.txt) > ~/projects/emptypipes/_includes/south_america_isochrone_driving_cities_list.html


Filter the connection data to reduce its size

cat all_connections/all_connections_vienna.json | python scripts/ "$.data[<50.55]" - | python scripts/ "$.data[>46.11]" - | python scripts/ "$.data[>8.38]" - | python scripts/ "$.data[<23.38]" - > all_connections/all_connections_vienna1.json

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