
code for the ICLR'22 paper: On Robust Prefix-Tuning for Text Classification


On Robust Prefix-Tuning for Text Classification

Prefix-tuning has drawn much attention as it is a parameter-efficient and modular alternative to adapting pretrained language models to downstream tasks. However, we find that prefix-tuning suffers from adversarial attacks. While, unfortunately, current robust NLP methods are unsuitable for prefix-tuning as they will inevitably hamper the modularity of prefix-tuning. In our ICLR'22 paper, we propose robust prefix-tuning for text classification. Our method leverages the idea of test-time tuning, which preserves the strengths of prefix-tuning and improves its robustness at the same time. This repository contains the code for the proposed robust prefix-tuning method.


PyTorch>=1.2.0, pytorch-transformers==1.2.0, OpenAttack==2.0.1, and GPUtil==1.4.0.

Train the original prefix P_

For the training phase of standard prefix-tuning, the command is:

  source --preseqlen [A] --learning_rate [B] --tasks [C] --n_train_epochs [D] --device [E]


  • [A]: The length of the prefix P_.
  • [B]: The (initial) learning rate.
  • [C]: The benchmark. Default: sst.
  • [D]: The total epochs during training.
  • [E]: The id of the GPU to be used.

We can also use adversarial training to improve the robustness of the prefix. For the training phase of adversarial prefix-tuning, the command is:

  source --preseqlen [A] --learning_rate [B] --tasks [C] --n_train_epochs [D] --device [E] --pgd_ball [F]


  • [A]~[E] have the same meanings with above.
  • [F]: where norm ball is word-wise or sentence-wise.

Note that the DATA_DIR and MODEL_DIR in are different from those in When experimenting with the adversarially trained prefix P_'s in the following steps, remember to switch the DATA_DIR and MODEL_DIR in the corresponding scripts as well.

Generate Adversarial Examples

We use the OpenAttack package to generate in-sentence adversaries. The command is:

  source --preseqlen [A] --learning_rate [B] --tasks [C] --device [E] --test_ep [G] --attack [H]


  • [A],[B],[C],[E] have the same meanings with above.
  • [G]: Load the prefix P_ parameters trained for [G] epochs for testing. We set G=D.
  • [H]: Generate adversarial examples based on clean test set with the in-sentence attack [H].

We also implement the Universal Adversarial Trigger attack. The command is:

  source --preseqlen [A] --learning_rate [B] --tasks [C] --device [E] --test_ep [G] --attack clean-[H2] --uat_len [I] --uat_epoch [J]


  • [A],[B],[C],[E],[G] have the same meanings with above.
  • [H2]: We should search for UATs for each class in the benchmark, and H2 indicates the class id. H2=0/1 for SST, 0/1/2/3 for AG News, and 0/1/2 for SNLI.
  • [I]: The length of the UAT.
  • [J]: The epochs for exploiting UAT.

Test the performance of P_

The command for performance testing of P_ under clean data and in-sentence attacks is:

  source --preseqlen [A] --learning_rate [B] --tasks [C] --device [E] --test_ep [G] --attack [H] --test_batch_size [K]

Under UAT attack, the test command is:

  source --preseqlen [A] --learning_rate [B] --tasks [C] --device [E] --test_ep [G] --attack clean --uat_len [I] --test_batch_size [K]


  • [A]~[I] have the same meanings with above.
  • [K]: The test batch size. when K=0, the batch size is adaptive (determined by GPU memory); when K>0, the batch size is fixed.

Robust Prefix P'_: Constructing the canonical manifolds

By constructing the canonical manifolds with PCA, we get the projection matrices. The command is:

  source --preseqlen [A] --learning_rate [B] --tasks [C] --device [E] --test_ep [G]

where [A]~[G] have the same meanings with above.

Robust Prefix P'_: Test its performance

Under clean data and in-sentence attacks, the command is:

  source --preseqlen [A] --learning_rate [B] --tasks [C] --device [E] --test_ep [G] --attack [H] --test_batch_size [K] --PMP_lr [L] --PMP_iter [M]

Under UAT attack, the test command is:

  source --preseqlen [A] --learning_rate [B] --tasks [C] --device [E] --test_ep [G] --attack clean --uat_len [I] --test_batch_size [K] --PMP_lr [L] --PMP_iter [M]


  • [A]~[K] have the same meanings with above.
  • [L]: The learning rate for test-time P'_ tuning.
  • [M]: The iterations for test-time P'_ tuning.

Running Example

# Train the original prefix P_
source --tasks sst --n_train_epochs 100 --device 0
source --tasks sst --n_train_epochs 100 --device 1 --pgd_ball word

# Generate Adversarial Examples
source --tasks sst --device 0 --test_ep 100 --attack bug
source --tasks sst --device 0 --test_ep 100 --attack clean-0 --uat_len 3 --uat_epoch 10
source --tasks sst --device 0 --test_ep 100 --attack clean-1 --uat_len 3 --uat_epoch 10

# Test the performance of P_
source --tasks sst --device 0 --test_ep 100 --attack bug --test_batch_size 0
source --tasks sst --device 0 --test_ep 100 --attack clean --uat_len 3 --test_batch_size 0

# Robust Prefix P'_: Constructing the canonical manifolds
source --tasks sst --device 0 --test_ep 100

# Robust Prefix P'_: Test its performance
source --tasks sst --device 0 --test_ep 100 --attack bug --test_batch_size 0 --PMP_lr 0.15 --PMP_iter 10
source --tasks sst --device 0 --test_ep 100 --attack clean --uat_len 3 --test_batch_size 0 --PMP_lr 0.05 --PMP_iter 10

Released Data & Models

The training the original prefix P_ and the process of generating adversarial examples can be time-consuming. As shown in our paper, the adversarial prefix-tuning is particularly slow. Efforts need to be paid on generating adversaries as well, since different attacks are to be performed on the test set based on each trained prefix. We also found that OpenAttack is now upgraded to v2.1.1, which causes compatibility issues in our codes (

In order to facilitate research on the robustness of prefix-tuning, we release the prefix checkpoints P_ (with both std. and adv. training), the processed test sets that are perturbed by in-sentence attacks (including PWWS and TextBugger), as well as the generated projection matrices of the canonical manifolds in our runs for reproducibility and further enhancement. We have also hard-coded the exploited UAT tokens in and All the materials can be found here.


The implementation of robust prefix tuning is based on the LAMOL repo, which is the code of LAMOL: LAnguage MOdeling for Lifelong Language Learning that studies NLP lifelong learning with GPT-style pretrained language models.


If you find this repository useful for your research, please consider citing our work:

  title={On Robust Prefix-Tuning for Text Classification},
  author={Zonghan Yang and Yang Liu},
  booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations},
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