
APACHE-2.0 License


Role Name

The role's purpose is to provide an helper for configuring EDA Controller via API



Role Variables

Configure Projects

Name Description Mandatory Defaults
eda_controller_url The URL of the EDA Controller API. ✔️
eda_controller_username The username for authenticating with the EDA Controller API. ✔️
eda_controller_password The password for authenticating with the EDA Controller API. ✔️
eda_project Configuration for the EDA Project. ✔️

Structure of eda_project:

Name Description
name The name of the EDA Project.
git_url The Git URL of the EDA Project repository.
description A description of the EDA Project.

Configure Decision environments

Name Description Mandatory Defaults
eda_controller_url The URL of the EDA Controller API. ✔️
eda_controller_username The username for authenticating with the EDA Controller API. ✔️
eda_controller_password The password for authenticating with the EDA Controller API. ✔️
eda_decision_env Configuration for the Decision Environment. ✔️

Structure of eda_decision_env:

Name Description
name The name of the Decision Environment.
image_url The URL of the image for the Decision Environment container.

Configure activations

Name Description Mandatory Defaults
eda_controller_url The URL of the EDA Controller API. ✔️
eda_controller_username The username for authenticating with the EDA Controller API. ✔️
eda_controller_password The password for authenticating with the EDA Controller API. ✔️
eda_activations List of activations to create for the given project. ✔️

Structure of eda_activations:

Name Description
name The name of the activation.
project name Project name for the activation
rulebook The YAML file of the associated rulebook.
decision_env Decision environment name
controller_token Token name for the user
extra_vars Extra variables to add to the rulebook.
restart_policy (optional) The restart policy for the activations (default: always).
enabled (optional) Flag to enable/disable the activations (default: true).



Example Playbook

Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:

- name: Sample EDA Controller Setup
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: false

    - role: role_eda_controller_setup
        eda_controller_url: ""
        eda_controller_username: "your_eda_user"
        eda_controller_password: "your_eda_password"
          - name: "EDA Demo Project"
            git_url: ""
            description: "Demo project to show EDA in action"
          - name: "kubealex-eda"
            image_url: ""
          - name: "eda-alertmanager"
            rulebook: "eda-rulebook-alertmanager.yml"
            project_name: EDA Demo Project
            decision_env: Automation Hub Default Decision Environment
            controller_token: "Automation Controller Token"


Apache 2.0

Author Information

An optional section for the role authors to include contact information, or a website (HTML is not allowed).