
Implementation of Soft Actor Critic and some of its improvements in Pytorch

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SAC (Soft Actor Critic) - Pytorch (wip)

Implementation of Soft Actor Critic and some of its improvements in Pytorch. Interest comes from watching this lecture

import torch
from SAC_pytorch import (

critic1 = Critic(
  dim_state = 5,
  num_cont_actions = 2,
  num_discrete_actions = (5, 5),
  num_quantiles = 3

critic2 = Critic(
  dim_state = 5,
  num_cont_actions = 2,
  num_discrete_actions = (5, 5),
  num_quantiles = 3

actor = Actor(
  dim_state = 5,
  num_cont_actions = 2,
  num_discrete_actions = (5, 5)

agent = SAC(
  actor = actor,
  critics = [
    dict(dim_state = 5, num_cont_actions = 2, num_discrete_actions = (5, 5)),
    dict(dim_state = 5, num_cont_actions = 2, num_discrete_actions = (5, 5)),
  quantiled_critics = False

state = torch.randn(3, 5)
cont_actions, discrete, cont_logprob, discrete_logprob = actor(state, sample = True)

  states = state,
  cont_actions = cont_actions,
  discrete_actions = discrete,
  rewards = torch.randn(1),
  done = torch.zeros(1).bool(),
  next_states = state + 1


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