
Django Charts via amCharts, Apex, G.Charts - Free Sample | AppSeed

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Django Charts amCharts, G.Charts, Apex

Sample project crafted with Django, DRF and multiple Charts Libraries to showcase how to plot different charts Pie, Line, and Bar Charts, using Bootstrap5 for styling.

For a complete set of features and long-term support, check out Dynamic Django, a powerful starter that incorporates:

  • ✅ Dynamic DataTables: using a single line of configuration, the data saved in any table is automatically managed
  • ✅ Dynamic API: any model can become a secure API Endpoint using DRF
  • ✅ Dynamic Charts: extract relevant charts without coding all major types are supported
  • ✅ CSV Loader: translate CSV files into Django Models and (optional) load the information
  • ✅ Powerful CLI Tools for the GIT interface, configuration editing, updating the configuration and database (create models, migrate DB)

✨ How to use it

👉 Clone Sources (this repo)

$ git clone
$ cd sample-django-charts-multiple

👉 Install Modules using a Virtual Environment

$ virtualenv env
$ source env/bin/activate
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Or for Windows-based Systems

$ virtualenv env
$ .\env\Scripts\activate
$ # Install modules - SQLite Database
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt

👉 Migrate Database

$ python migrate
$ python runserver

👉 Create Superuser

$ python createsuperuser

👉 Start the APP

$ python runserver

The bootstrap flow

  • Access the admin section
    • Load data/users.csv in users table (using import/export feature)
    • Load data/products.csv in users table (using import/export feature)
  • Access the HOMEpage
    • Charts should be displayed with data

Django Charts amCharts, G.Charts, Apex - provided by AppSeed