
Scan from eSCL-compatible scanners

BSD-3-CLAUSE License



Scan from eSCL-enabled printers.


usage: [-h] [-o OUTFILE] [-p PORT] [-c COLOR_MODE] scanner_ip

positional arguments:
  scanner_ip            IP address of the scanner

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o OUTFILE, --outfile OUTFILE
                        output file name [scan.jpg]
  -p PORT, --port PORT  http port [80]
  -c COLOR_MODE, --color-mode COLOR_MODE
                        Grayscale8 or RGB24 [RGB24]


I wanted to scan from my Canon Pixma TS5050. I found these two resources:

However, I found the Python script too complicated for my needs; I know the IP address of my printer and I don't need zeroconf and all the automagic. Furthermore, I wanted a tidier, more up-to-date Python 3 script.

Protocol description

It's cool you can have a RESTful interface to a scanner.

  1. POST a text/xml to /eSCL/ScanJobs to create a scan job.
  2. Receive HTTP 201, where the Location header gives you the job URL.
  3. You can DELETE that job URL to cancel it.
  4. You can GET $job_url/NextDocument to obtain a JPEG file.
    This automatically closes the job.


3-clause BSD.